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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13257 A confession of fayth made by common consent of diuers reformed churches beyonde the seas: with an exhortation to the reformation of the Churche. Perused and allowed accordinge to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions.; Confessio Helvetica Posterior. English. Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1568 (1568) STC 23554; ESTC S118060 120,110 316

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hath broughte in newe commaundementes and a newe maner of seruing God we thinke it moste reasonable to preferre the cōmaundmentes of God whiche is the truthe it self to the cōmaundementes of men who naturally are enclined to lesyng and vanitie And what soeuer our aduersaries pretēde against vs yet dare we saie bothe before God and manne that we suffer for none other cause but for maintainyng our Lorde Iesus Christe to bee the onely Sauiour and redemer and his doctrine to be the onely doctrine of life and saluacion And this is the onely cause why the handes of hangmen haue been so ofte embrued with the bloodde of your poore subiectes Who sparyng neither life nor gooddes for maintainaunce of this Confession of faithe haue manifestly declared to all the worlde that thei wer moued therto by a farre mightier spirit then any spirit of manne whiche is more carefull of quietnes and commoditie then of the honour and glorie of God And therefore accordyng to the goodnesse and clemencie whiche your Maiestie promiseth to shewe to vs your poore subiectes wee moste humblie beseche you to bee so gracious as to take in hande the knowledge of the cause by whiche beyng daily pursued to death or banishemente wee lose the power and meane to shewe to you that most humble seruice whiche of duetie wee owe. Maie it therfore please your Maiestie in stede of fire and sweard heretofore vsed to examine our Confession by the worde of God and to graunt vs sufferaunce and sauetie in the meane while And then wee hope that your self shall iudge of our innocēcie well perceiue that there is neither heresie nor rebellion in vs but that we onely tende to this ende to liue in quietnesse of conscience serue God as he hath cōmaunded and to obeye your Maiestie in all humble obedience and seruice And bicause the preaching of the word of God is necessarie to putte vs in remembraunce as wel of our duetie towardes hym as towardes you wee moste humbly beseche your Maiestie that we maie sometymes gather together to be exhorted to the feare of God by his woorde and confirmed by the administracion of the Sacramentes whiche our Sauiour Christe hath appoincted to his church And if it would please you to graunte vs some open place where all the worlde might see our assemblies that onely sight should discharge vs of those hainous crimes that heretofore our said assēblies haue been charged withall For there is nought to been but modestie and chastitie nought to be heard but praise to God exhortacion to his seruice and praier for the conseruaciō of your Maiestie and kyngdome And if it please not your grace to shew vs this fauor yet maie it please you at the leaste to graunte that wee maie particularly vse that quiet order whiche is established Moste humblie besechyng your Maiestie in readyng this present supplicacion to cōsider that it is the cries and groaries of an infinite nomber of your poore subiectes whiche craue suche mercie at your handes that it maie quenche the fires that your cruel Iudges haue kindled in your realme And so that hūblie seruyng your maiestie wee maie lawfully serue hym that hath exalted your highnes to this dignitie and state And if ye refuse to beare vs yet maie please you to heare the voice of the sonne of God who geuyng you power ouer oure bodies goodes liues requireth of you that the power and gouernment ouer our soules and consciences whiche he so dearely bought by the price of his hart bloud should be reserued to hym onely The same God we beseche to guide you with his holy spirit and with pour yeres to encrease your might and power to geue you victorie ouer all your enemies and establishe for euer in all equitie and iustice the throne of your Maiestie Before whom it maie please hym to graunte vs to finde suche fauour that we maie obtain some frute of our presente supplicacion That so chaunging our grieffes and afflictiōs into quietnesse and libertie wee maie also chaunge our sighes and teares into perpetuall thankyng GOD for your Maiestie for grauntyng a thing so agreable to hym so worthie of your goodnesse and Iustice and so necessarie for the conseruacion of your most humble and obedient subiectes and seruauntes ¶ A confession of faithe made by common agrement of suche Frenchemen as desire to liue accordyng to the puritie of the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christ The firste article WE beleue and confesse that there is a Deut. 4. 35 39. 1. Cor. 8. 4. 6. one onely GOD which is one onely and simple substaunce b Gene 1. 3. Iohn 4. 24 2. Cor. 3. 17. spirituall c Exod 3. 15 16. 18. euerlastyng d Rom 1. 20 1. Tim. 1. 17 inuisible e Mala. 3. 6. vnchaungeable f Rom. 11. 33 Act. 17. 24. 7. 48. endlesse incomprehensible vnspeakable g Ier. 10. 7. 10. Luc. 1. 37. that can doe all thynges who is h Ro. 16. 27 whollie wise i Mat. 19. 17 whollie good k Iere. 12. 1. whollie iuste and whollie mercifull 2. This God declareth himself to men l Exod. 34. 6. 7. so to be Rom. 1. 19. and first by his woorkes as well in creatyng conseruyng as guidyng of the same n Heb. 1. 1. But secondlie and more plainlie by his worde whiche in the beginnyng was o Gene. 15. 1 reuealed by Oracle and afterwardes p Exod. 24. 3. 4. written in bookes whiche we call q Rom. 1. 12 holy scripture 3. All this holie scripture is comprised in the Canonicall bokes of the old and newe Testament whereof the names hereafter followe Firste the fiue bookes of Moises that is to saie Genesis Exodus Leuiticus Nombers Deuteronomie Further Iosue the Iudges Ruth the firste and seconde bookes of Samuel the firste and seconde bookes of the Kynges The firste and seconde bokes of the Chronicles otherwise called Pari●●pomenon and the firste booke of Esoras Also Nehemias the bookes of Hester Iob Psalmes of Dauid Prouerbes of Salomon the booke of Ecclesiastes otherwise called the Preacher The Canticles of Salomon Likewise the bookes of Esaie Ieremie the Lamentacions of Ieremie Ezechiell Daniell Osee Ioell Amos Abdias Ionas Miche Nahum Abacucke Sophonie Agge Zacharie Malachie Also the holy Gospell of S. Matthew sainct Marke S. Luke S. Ihon Furthermore the seconde booke of saincte Luke otherwise called the Actes of the Apostles and one Epistle of sainct Paule to the Romaines twoo the Corinthians one to the Galathians one to the Ephesians one to the Philippians one to the Collossians twoo to the Thessalonians twoo to Timothe one to Tite and one to Philemon Also the Epistle to the Hebrewes the Epistle of sainct Iames the firste and seconde Epistles of saincte Peter The firste seconde and third Epistles of sainct Ihon The Epistle of saincte Iude and the Apocalipse or Reuelacion of sainct Ihon. 4. We knowe these bookes