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B07663 Articles to be enquired of by the churchwardens and swornmen within the diocesse of Worcester. In the visitation of the Right Reuerend Father in God, Iohn, lord bishop of Worcester, holden in the yeare of our Lord God, 1626.. Church of England. Diocese of Worcester. Bishop (1617-1641 : Thornborough); Thornborough, John, 1551-1641. 1626 (1626) STC 10368; ESTC S92463 7,434 18

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ARTICLES To be enquired of by the Churchwardens and Swornmen within the Diocesse of WORCESTER In the Visitation of the Right Reuerend Father in God IOHN Lord Bishop of Worcester Holden in the yeare of our Lord God 1626. LONDON Printed for IOHN GRISMAND 1626. The tenour of the Oath to be ministred to all and euery the Church-wardens and Side-men or Assistants in the said Visitation YOu and euery of you shall sweare by Almighty God that all favour feare and affection and all other sinister corruption whatsoeuer set aside vpon due consideration of these Articles giuen you in charge you will make a true plaine perfect and particular answer and presentment in writing to the same Articles and to euery branch and part thereof presenting all and euery offenders and offences therein mentioned so as may stand with the glory of God the discharge of your consciences and the Iurisdiction of the Ecclesiasticall Court wherin you shall deale sincerely faithfully and vprightly as before God So help you God in Christ Iesus ARTICLES Concerning Church and Church-yard WHether is your Church and Chancell in all respects well and sufficiently repayred and kept swéet and cleane haue you therein the ten Commandements the Articles of the Beléefe other godly sentences fairly written the Bible of the largest volume the bookes of common Prayer the two volumes of Homilies the booke entituled God and the King and all other bookes requisite a seemly Pulpit a conuenient seat for the Minister at prayers a large and comely Surplesse whole and vntorne These things you must make enquiry of and present the wants and especially the want of the Bible of the largest volume commanded by our late Soueraigne King Iames to be had and vsed in euery Church within the Kingdome 2 Haue you in your said Church a strong chest for Almes with a hole in the top and thrée lockes and keyes thereto Is the mony therein put imployed to the vse of the poore 3 Haue you a Register of Christnings Weddings and Burialls in a booke of parchment duly kept in a chest with thrée locks and keyes 4 Hath any man pulled downe or vncouered or suffered to decay any parsonage or vicarage houses or any Church Chancell Chappell Vestery or Church-house in part or in all or imployed them or any of them to any prophane vses 5 Whether are the pales fences enclosures and markes of the ancient bounds and limits of your parsonage vicarage or ministers house or of the courts entries gardens backsides or other appurtenances belonging to the same or any part thereof remoued or altered or taken away from their ancient places bounds and limits thereof so that in time it may grow out of knowledge and by some prescription become preiudiciall to the Church or succéeding Incumbent thereof 6 Are your Bells Bell-ropes and Clocke in good repayre and well ordered Is your Churchyard well fenced and decently kept Is it not prophaned with fighting brawling chiding gaming dancing playing or with vnlawfull cattell or otherwise and how and by whom and by whose default Ministers and Curates 7 Doth he reade or say the whole diuine Seruice euery Sunday and Holiday and administer the holy Sacraments according to the booke of common Prayer Is your Minister a licensed preacher doth he diligently preach sound doctrine and for matters of gouernment seriously teach and maintaine the Kings Supremacie vnder God within his Maiesties dominions ouer all persons and in causes as well Ecclesiasticall as Ciuill and the abolishing of all foraigne power 8 Hath your Minister more Benefices then one if two or more doth he reside vpon one of them himselfe and maintaine a licenced Preacher on the other If he haue but one is he resident and dwelling thereupon is he painfull in his vocation of sober and good conuersation and giuen to hospitalitie 9 Doth your Minister vse decencie of apparel as well in the Church as elsewhere and in time of diuine prayers and administration of the Sacraments doth he vse to weare the Surplesse and if he be a Graduate such a hood as is agréeable to his calling 10 Is your Minister a peace-maker and no sower of discord or is hée suspected famed or noted of any notorious crime or giueth he any ill example or doth any Minister with you forsake his calling 11 Doth any preach in your parish that refuseth to conforme himself to the lawes ordinances and rites of the Church of England 12 Hath your Minister a Curate how is he licenced doth he serue two Cures and doth he bid the Fasting dayes and Holidayes commanded and allowed 13 If your Minister be not a Preacher allowed doth he procure monethly Sermons and when there is no Sermon doth he reade an Homily doth he take vpon him to expound any text of Scripture 14 What Preachers haue come from any other place and preached in your parish haue you their names written in a booke kept for that purpose hath such a preacher subscribed his name thereto and set downe the day when he preached and by whom licenced 15 Hath your Minister obtained his Benefice by any Symonicall compact eyther directly or indirectly 16 Hath any of your parish or of any other Parish vnreuerently vsed your Minister laid violent hands on him or disgraced his office and function by word or déed Diuine Service 17 Is diuine seruice in due time on Sundaies Holydaies and at other times appointed reuerently said or sung in your Church or Chappel with the Letany on Wednesdaies and Fridaies and all other rites and ceremonies according to the prescript forme of common prayer in the Communion Booke 18 Whether doth any not being licensed or any not ordered at least for a Deacon say Common prayer openly in your Church or Chappell 19 Doe any men young or old vse to weare their Hattes in the Church or Chappel in the time of diuine Service or are there any that behaue themselues disorderly in the Church Chappell or Churchyard or any disturbers of Diuine seruice or sermons 20 Whether doe any victualers or others in your parish suffer any drinking or gaming in their houses on Sundaies or Holidaies especially in time of Diuine seruice or sermons 21 Whether any in your parish vpon the sabbath daies or holidaies doe vse their Trade or doe any other worke or labour as Brewing Baking Washing Barbing or such like or doe any Mercers Drapers Shomakers Butchers or others whatsoeuer open their shops for sale of wares vpon those dayes or doe hedge ditch digge carry or drawe burdens by themselues their seruants horses or other cattle whatsoeuer on such daies The holy Communion 22 Haue you a decent Communion Table on a frame with a seemly carpet and a cloth of Linnen a communion cup and couer of siluer a faire Flagon of pewter or purer mettle for the Wine a plate for the Bread a Towell to lay ouer it 23 Whether is there any in your parish which being full sixteene yeares of age and vpward hath not
receaued the holy communion thrée seuerall times in the yéere past at least in his or her parish church whereof Easter to be one of the thrée times 24 Doth your Minister instruct and examine his Parishioners concerning the Sacraments at conuenient times before hee administer the Communion And doth he admit any thereto that cannot say at least the Lords praier the Articles of the Christian faith and the ten Commandements 25 Is your Communion ministred with Bread and wine consecrated in such order as in the booke of common prayer is appointed And doth your Minister deliuer both kindes to euery seuerall Communicant with the blessing prescribed in the booke of common prayer 26 Doth any in your parish receiue the holy Communion either sitting standing or otherwise then knéeling as is prescribed in the booke of common prayer or doe any refuse to receiue the same knéeling and doth your Minister admit any to receiue the Communion otherwise then knéeling 27 Doth your Minister admit any notorious offenders or any Schismaticks to the holy Communion before due penance enioyned by the Ordinary be duly performed by them or doth he admit any notoriously known to be out of charitie or any that hath done any open wrong to his neighbour before reconciliation made to the party wronged 28 Whether doth your Minister appoint and obserue so many Communions in one yeare as that the parishioners may conueniently receiue all of them there thrée seuerall times in the yeare And doth he vse to giue publike notice therof in the Church the Sabbath day next going before euery such Communions that the parishioners may prepare themselues to be partakers thereof Baptisme 29 Haue you in your Church a conuenient Font of stone well kept and couered standing in the ancient place Doth your Minister baptise therein or in any Bason or other thing or with any other ceremonies then such as are allowed in the booke of common prayer or doth he omit neglect or not vse all the ceremonies therein prescribed and doth he vse the signe of the Crosse in Baptisme 30 Doth your Minister refuse to baptise any children of Christian parents that are brought to the Church 31 Are Parents vrged to be present at the baptising of their children or be any admitted to be Godfathers or Godmothers that haue not receiued the holy Communion or doe any parents refuse to haue their children signed with the signe of the Crosse in their Baptisme 32 Haue any children that were borne in your parish béen caryed out of the parish to be baptised elsewher or haue any not béen baptised at all or in places or by parties vnknowne 33 Whether hath your Minister refused deferred or delayed to come vnto and to christen any child being in weaknesse or in danger of death being thereunto required by reason whereof such a child hath through his negligence or by his default dyed vnbaptised Catechisme 34 Doth your Minister or his Curate duly Catechise according to the late Canon euery Sunday such children and seruants of both sexes as are of conuenient age or at least so many of them by course as the time will permit 35 Do parents and housholders bring or send their children and seruants to the Church euery Sunday duely to be catechised according as the late Canons require and who are negligent therein Matrimony 36 Whether is Matrimony solemnized in your Church or chappell according to the booke of common Prayer 37 Haue you in your church a Table of degrées of Mariage are any maried within the degrées of consanguinity or affinity therin forbidden or doe any children vnder the age of twenty one yeares contract themselues or marry without consent of their Parents or Gardians 38 Haue any béen maried without Fanes thrice asked in the church thrée seuerall sundaies or Holidaies vnlesse by License of the Ordinary granted vnder seale or at any time of the day then betwixt the houres of eight and twelue in the forenoone or at any times prohibited that is to say from Advent Sunday to the Octaues of the Epiphany from Septuagefima Sunday to the Octaues of Easter from Rogation Sunday to Trinitie Sunday 39 Haue any that dwell in your parish béen maried in any other parish or any of another parish béen maried in your parish or haue any bin maried priuately out of the Church or face of the congregation when where by whom and who were present at such mariages 40 Haue any women not well knowne to be maried béene deliuered of any child in your Parish and in whose house or hath any woman in your parish béene carnally knowne or begotten with child before mariage and by whom 41 Haue any forsaken their wiues or husbands and maried others haue any maried againe after they haue béen diuorced or doe any which haue béen diuorced kéepe company still together 42 Doe any maried couples liue asunder and not together and doe eyther of them kéepe in their house or secretly resort to any other to the raising of suspition or fame of incontinency 43 Hath any in your parish for mony or reward maryed any woman that committed fornication or adultery with another man Or hath any vnmaried woman begotten with child gone out of your parish before she hath done penance enioyned her by the Ordinary where was she or is she receiued or harbored at whose charge and who converyed her away Visitation of the Sicke 44 Doth your Minister or curate visit the sicke doth he admonish them to Repentance comfort the penitent and exhort them to charitable and almes déeds Buriall of the Dead 45 Are your Dead buryed according to the forme of Buriall set down in the booke of common prayer or haue any béene buryed secretly or in the night who and by whom and who were present thereat 46 Doe the Executors or Administrators or other friends of them that are buried in church or chancell repayre againe the pauements and giue any thing to the Church Churching of Women 47 Doe any Women refuse to giue God thanks openly in the church or as we terme it to be churched at conuenient times after child-byrth or doth any Minister refuse to church them or church them any otherwise then is prescribed in the booke of common prayer 48 Hath any Woman vnlawfully begotten with child béen admitted to publike thanksgiuing in the church before she hath performed such penance as was inioyned her by the Ordinary or at least béen churched in a white shéet and confessed her fault penitently before sufficient witnesses and vndertaken to stand to the censure of the Ordinary for her said offence Parish Clarkes 49 Haue you a parish Clarke chosen by the Minister is he of honest conuersation hath he competent skill in reading writing and singing And doth any with hold or detaine his wages or duties from him Schoolmasters 50 Haue you any School house and how is it repayred And haue you any Schoolmaster in your parish that teacheth publikely or priuately is he lawfully licenced Doth he
come duly to Church and receiue the holy Communion doth he instruct his Schollers in the Catechisme allowed and in the book entituled God and the King causeth he them to repayre to diuine prayers in the Church and to heare and note Sermons Teacheth he any other Grammar then that which is allowed 51 Is any Schoolmaster knowne or suspected publikely or priuately to reade to his Schollers or suffer them to read any booke that may confirme them in popery superstition or disobedience to the Kings Maiesty or to his lawes Ecclesiasticall or ciuill and how many either men or women doe teach children in your parish and what be their names Schismatickes and Recusants of all sorts 52 Do you know any that teach or maintaine any doctrine contrary to the Articles agréed vpon in the Convocation Anno Dom. 1562. 53 Doth any preach minister the Communion baptise children or church women in priuate houses or other where then in the Church except it be in cases of necessitie 54 Know you any that absent themselues from the Church negligently or wilfully how long haue they so done And of them that are absent without a sufficient lawfull cause is the forfeiture of xii d. taken euery sunday conuerted to the vse of the poor according to the statute Eliz. 1. 55 In your parish where there is a preacher doe any vse to absent themselues from his sermon and resort to any other 56 Know you any that forbeare to participate with the church of England in Praier or Sacraments either denying the Church to be Apostolicall or condemning the ceremonies thereof as superstitious 57 Haue you in your parish any popish Recusants any halfe Papists that come to the church and receiue not the Communion any church papists that come and receiue themselues but either perswade others or maintaine their wiues children familie or friends not to come All such you must present by their names and surnames with their additions also whether Esquires Gentlemen Yeomen Husbandmen Laborers or of any other trade of liuing 58 Doth any Seminary priest or Iesuite resort to any place within this Diocesse or suspect you any such or doe you know any that resort to any popish Priest or Iesuite 59 Know you any that by writing talke or argument impugne the kings supremacie or any that haue kept in their custody that sel disperse cary or deliuer vnto others any vnlawfull bookes against the Religion and gouernment established or in defence of any foraigne power or domesticall Consistorie Excommunicated persons 60 Are all excommunicated persons kept out of the church from diuine praiers and receiuing of the holy communion vntill they be lawfully absolued and are there any in your parish which haue stood excommunicated forty daies and vpwards are such persons as stand excommunicated once in euery six moneths denounced in your Church in time of diuine seruice vpon some Sunday 61 Hath any excommunicated person not absolued at least in his extremitie not giuing any testimonie of his repentance before his departure béen buried in Christian buriall who buried him her or them where and when and who were present at such burialls 62 Doe any retaine or keepe in their house or seruice any person denounced excommunicate or doe any way incourage them therin or conuerse with them in buying selling eating drinking or otherwise kéepe company with any such excommunicate person in any sort Wills Testaments and Administrations 63 Doe any in your parish administer the goods of the dead or any way intermeddle therewith without lawfull authoritie committed vnto them vnder the Ordinaries seale 64 Know you any in your parish that suppresse the last Will of the dead or any that forge or alter any Wills or any Executors that fulfill not the Testators will or any that detaine Legacies giuen to any charitable vses Seuerall Articles 65 Doe any in your parish prophane the Sabbath dayes or not duely obserue the Holidaies appointed Are the Ember Fasts orderly obserued at the foure times of the yeare appointed 66 Are the dayes and orders of Perambulation duly obserued in the Rogation wéeke if not in whose default 67 Are the Canons Constitutions and Orders made and agréed vpon in the Conuocation house Anno Dom. 1603. read ouer once euery yeare in your Church vpon Sundaies or Holy-dayes according to his Maiesties commandement in that behalfe 68 Doth your Minister yearly present and giue vp in writing to the Ordinary the names of all Recusants and halfe Recusants men women as well soiourners as parishioners and common guests in your parish aboue the age of thirtéen yeares according to the 114 Canon or not 69 Doe any in your parish take vpon them to practise physicke or chirurgery not being lawfully licenced 70 Are any in your parish or which were of your parish and are now departed knowne suspected famed or reported to haue offended in fornication adultery incest witchcraft sorcery charming vsury swearing drunkennes common slandering sowing of discord brawling scolding or any other vncleannes of life or bad manners 71 Are any Housholders in your parish in whose house there is any one that can reade which haue not the booke intituled God the King and who be they which want the same 72 Haue any Apparators or others taken reward to compound or conceale any offence presentable or punishable in the Ecclesiastical court let this be manifested and information and presentment made for euery offence accordingly 73 You shall further present whether any in your parish vpon Sundaies or holidayes do vse any dancing plaies or other sports or pastimes whatsoeuer before all Seruice on those daies be fully ended And are the same vsed by any of another parish or by any which haue not the same day béen at diuine prayers in their owne parish church who be they that haue offended in any of the premises Church wardens and Sidemen 74 Are your Churchwardens Sidemen chosen yearly in the Easter wéek according to the Canons And do the Churchwardens yearly truly make deliuer vp in writing their accompt of all their receipts disbursments whatsoeuer by them receiued laid out for the parish of all the Church goods Bookes and other things as the Canons require 75 Doe your Churchwardens themselues come duely to the Church to diuine Praiers sermons do they their best endeuors especiallie vpon Sundaies and holidaies to cause all Parishioners to doe the like 76 Whether is there a transcript or copie of the Register booke of the Church of christnings weddings burials yearlie exhibited deliuered vp into the Registrie of the Ordinarie or not 77 Haue the late churchwardens concealed any crime offence or disorder in their times not presented the same what be the matters so concealed or doth any trouble molest or vex the Minister Churchwardens or Sidemen for being presented by them who be they that so doe and haue your churchwardens continued in that office aboue one yeare without haue your churchwardens continued in that office aboue one yeare without a new election 78 Haue you aduisedly diligently perused read or heard others read peruse this book of Articles euery particular article branch therof haue you framed your answers presentments to the same accordingly 79 Generally whether doe you know any of the Canons latelie set forth and approued by his Maiestie broken or any Ecclesiasticall matter worthie to be presented or not and if you doe you shall truly present the same by the Oath you haue taken aswell now as hereafter when it shal come to your knowledge 80 Whether any Churchwardens Questmen or Sidemen of any parish haue béen called inforced to present any faults committed in their parishes otherwise then at the Visitations or time and times limited in the 116 Canon FINIS