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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B00015 Articles to be inquired of within the dioces of Norwich, in the ordinary visitation of the reuerend father in God, Samuel, Lord Bishop of Norvvich. Anno Domini 1620. & translationis suæ, primo. Church of England. Diocese of Norwich. Bishop (1619-1628 : Harsnett); Harsnett, Samuel, 1561-1631. 1620 (1620) STC 10293; ESTC S92405 9,811 18

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ARTICLES TO BE INQVIRED OF WITHIN THE DIOCES OF NORWICH in the ordinary visitation of the reuerend Father in God SAMVEL Lord Bishop of NORVVICH Anno Domini 1620. Translationis suae primo ANCHORA FIDEI SICELEVABITVR FILIVS HOMINIS· Io 3 Imprinted at London 1620. The forme of the Oath to be ministred vnto the Churchwardens and Sidemen YOu shall sweare to make diligent inquirie and true presentment of all and euery the offences mentioned in the subsequent Articles in this booke which be known to you either by notoriety of the fact confession of any party or by any publike speech and common fame or by other proofe had made without affection of loue or hatred to any person So helpe you God and the Contents of this Booke ARTICLES TO BE INQVIRED OF IN THE DIOCES OF NORWICH ANNO DOMINI 1620. TIT. 1. Articles concerning religion prayer and Sacraments 1. FIrst whether be there any person or persons abiding in your parish or resorting thereunto aboue the age of sixtéene yeares that wilfully and obstinately refuse to repaire to their parish Church Chappell or oratorie vpon sabboth daies and Holidaies and be thereby taken to be Popish or sectary recusants 2. Item whether be there any that be knowne to haue defended or maintayned any hereticall opinions contrary to the holy scriptures of God and first foure generall counsells or any of them and what be those opinions and who be the authors thereof 3. Item whether be there any in your parish that hath bene or is vehemently suspected to haue bene present at any vnlawful assemblies or priuate conuenticles vnder colour or pretence of any exercise of religion or doth affirme and maintaine such meetings to be lawfull 4. Item whether doth any person within your Parish depraue the forme of common praier and administration of the Sacraments rites and ceremonies set forth and prescribed in the booke of common praier of this realme 5. Item whether is there any doctrine taught published or preached by any person or persons directly or indirectly against the state eclesiasticall and lawfull gouernment of the Church of England and the consecrating of Archbishops and Bishops and the ordering of Deacons and Ministers after such manner and forme as is now vsed and prescribed by his Maiesties lawes within this Realme of England 6. Item whether be there any within your parish that deny or perswade any to deny withstand and impugne the kings Maiesties authority and supremacie in causes eclesiasticall within this realme 7. Item whether doth any person within your parish aboue the age of 16. yeeres refuse or forbeare thrice in euery yeare at Easter especially to communicate and receiue the blessed Sacrament of the Lords supper And what reuerence doe the people within your Parish vse by outward gestures of their bodies when they be partakers of that blessed Sacrament and whether doe they reuerently kneele vpon their knées when the minister deliuereth the same to them 8. Item whether doth any person within your Parish deferre the baptisme of his child longer then vntill the next Sabboth day or holiday after the birth thereof 9. Item whether hath any child died vnbaptised within your Parish and by whose default 10. Item whether be the parents of any childe to be Baptised admitted to be godfathers or godmothers to the same 11. Item whether haue the children of popish recusants or wilfull sectaries borne within your Parish bene priuately baptised by any lay man not in holy orders 12. Item whether hath any person not lawfully confirmed according to the forme of confirmation prescribed in the booke of common Prayer of this realme béene admitted to receiue the holy communion 13 Item whether hath any Popish recusant after he or she hath béene conformed repaired to Church and receiued the blessed sacrament of the Lords supper once a yeare at the least in that parish Church where he or she doe most vsually abide 14. Item whether doe any within your parish vpon Sabboth daies and holy daies negligently and carelesly repaire to your parish Church so that halfe or the most part of diuine seruice is ended before they come and vpon light occasion depart out of the Church before prayers be done TIT. 2. Articles Concerning the Ministers and Preachers of Gods holy word 1 FIrst whether doth the minister of your parish Church read the forme of common praier in such sort as is set forth in the booke of common praier confirmed by his Maiesties authority and administer the Sacraments with due obseruation of all rites and ceremonies prescribed to be vsed in the administration thereof without adding altering or omitting any part or parcell of the said praiers or innouating any other matter in the administration of either of the Sacraments 2. Item whether is the said forme of common praier duly and orderly red in your Church Chappell or oratorie vpon sabboth daies holy daies wednsdaies and fridaies and vpon holy eues and Sabboth eues 3. Item whether be the words of institution of the Sacrament of the Lords supper vsed by the minister in deliuery of the bread and wine to euery communicant 4. Item whether be the words in the administration of the sacrament of baptisme I signe thee with the signe of the Crosse onely vsed and noe visible or formall crosse made in the forehead of the child so baptized 5. Item whether is the sacrament of baptisme denied to any children borne out of wedlock and by whom 6. Item whether is the forme of common prayer red vpon the 24. of March the fifth of nouember and the fifth of August yearely in your parish Church and publique thanksgiuing vsed vpon those daies to almighty God for his Maiesties gratious succession to the royall crowne of this realme the deliuerance of his highnesse and the whole state from the damnable gunpowder treason and for his Maiesties preseruation from the conspiracy of Gowry 7. Item whether is the statute intituled An act for a publique thanksgiuing to almightie God c. euery yeare distinctly red in your parish Church at morning praier vpon the fifth day of Nouember 8. Item whether doth your Minister alwaies and at euery time both morning and euening reading diuine seruice and administring the sacraments weare the surplice and doth he neuer omit the wearing of the same at such times or at any of them 9 Item whether doth he catechise the youth of his parish vpon sundaies and holidaies before euening prayer for halfe an howre or more in the catechisme set forth in the booke of common Prayer and in none other And whether doe all the parishioners attend his catechising And whether doe any of them neglect or refuse to send their children to be catechized by him 10. Item whether doth your minister once euery yeare in your parish church read the booke of canons published Anno Domini 1603. and whether doth he visit the sicke as by law is required 11 Item whether doth he giue thanks for women after their child-birth in such manner as is prescribed in the booke of common praier of
Matrimony FIrst whether hath any matrimonie béene contracted and solemnized within your parish betwixt any persons being in consanguinity or affinity within the leuiticall degrées and by the word of God prohibited 2 Item whether hath any matrimony béene solemnized or rather prophaned secretly in any priuate house within your parish 3 Item whether hath the vncle married his niece by consanguinity or affinitie or hath any person successiuely maried two sisters and who be they that haue contracted such incestuous mariages 4. Item whether hath any person two wiues now liuing or any woman two husbands and who are so voiced noted and reported to be offenders in this behalfe 5. Item whether be there any persons coupled together in matrimony that liue a part without lawfull diuorce 6. Item whether hath any person lawfully diuorced béene coupled in matrimony with any other man or woman during the life of the other person so diuorced 7. Item whether haue any matrimonies béene solemnized betwixt any persons being vnder the age of xxi yeares without their parents or gouernors consent first had and obtained 8 Item whether hath any person by license or without béene maried in your Church neither of them at that time dwelling in your parish 9 Item whether haue any Popish recusants or their children béene married within your parish and in what sort were those matrimonies solemnised when and by whom TIT. 5. Articles concerning the parishioners and others of the Laiety FIrst whether be there any person or persons within your parish who in your hearing or to your knowledge haue at any time depraued by word or déede the forme of common prayer administration of the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper 2 Item whether haue any dwelling within your parish reviled and abused the Ministers of Gods holy word by contumelious words and disgraced their lawfull mariages 3 Item whether haue any person or persons disorderly behaued themselues in the Church or Church-yard by brawling quarrelling or fighting 4 Item whether be there any abiding within your parish or resorting thereunto as an vsuall parishioner thereof that refuse to receiue the Sacrament of the Lords supper administred by an vnpreaching minister and who be they that so doe 5 Item whether doe any in your parish prophane the sabboth day by vnlawfull games drinking or tippling in the time of comman prayer or sermon or by doing the ordinary workes of their vocations and trades 6 Item whether is there any within your parish that denieth the church of England by law established vnder the kings most excellent Maiesty to be a true and apostolicall church 7 Item whether doe any of the inhabitants within your parish entertain in their howses any soiourners or common guests other then his or her father or mother wanting other habitation or sufficient maintenance or the ward of any such person or any person that shall be committed by authority to the custody of any of them that be Popish recusants and refuse to frequent diuine seruice or receiue the holy communion what be their names 8 Item how long haue the said Popish recusants obstinately abstained either from hearing diuine seruice red or receiuing the blessed sacrament of the Lords supper administred in the parish Church 9 Item whether is there due reuerence and humble submission vsed within your church or chappell in the time of diuine seruice as by the xviii constitution eclesiastical of this realme Anno Domini 1603. is prescribed whether each one in the church or chappell doe apply and order himselfe there in time of diuine seruice as by the latter part of the same constitution is most commendably enioyned namely that no man doe couer his head in the time of diuine seruice except he haue some infirmity that all doe knéele vpon their knées when the confession and other prayers are read stand vp at the reading of the beleife and bow their bodies reuerently when Iesus shall be named 10 Item whether be there any within your parish that come vpon sabboth daies and holy dayes and at other times of prayer to the sermon only and not to heare diuine seruice And be there any that do not reuerently stand vp when Gloria Patri c. is read and at the reading of the Gospell 11 Item whether be there any within your parish that by walking or talking disquiet your minister in reading of praiers or in his sermon 12 Item Whether be there any in your parish that doe onely come once a month to their parish church to heare diuine prayers red neuer receiue the sacrament of the Lords supper 13 Item Whether doth any within your parish in contempt of his owne minister repaire to any other Church in time of common prayer to heare the same red and to receiue the sacrament and what be there names that be so affected and the names of the ministers of other churches that admit those that be not their own parishioners to prayers and sacraments by him or them read and administred 14. Item is there any in your parish that be commonly knowne or reputed to be blasphemers of Gods holy name drunkards adulterers fornicators incestuous persons or concealers or harbourers of fornicators or adulterers Haue any béen detected for any such notorious crimes or of the common publique fame of them and neuer performed any penance nor giuen satisfaction to the congregation for the said offences 15 Item what persons testate haue died within your Parish since the first of February 1619. and whether be their last wills and Testaments proued and who be executors of the same 16 Item what persons haue died intestate since the time before expressed and who doe administer the goods of the persons so deceased 17 Item whether haue any person or persons being dulie rated in equall proportion for the repairing of your parish Church or for prouision of bread and wine for the administration of the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper or for any other necessary ornaments vtensils belonging to your Church that haue or doe refuse to paye that rate or to giue satisfaction to the Churchwardens in that behalfe and who bee they that haue offended herein TIT. 6. Articles concerning the Church and Church-yard FIrst Whether haue you in your Church Chappell or Oratorie the Booke of Common Prayer by the Kings Maiestie confirmed a Bible of the largest volume and the last translation Iewels Apologie of the last edition with the rest of his Works adioyned the Bookes of Homilies Erasmus paraphrase and the Booke for speciall thanksgiuing with the Statute in that behalfe for the gracious deliuerance of the whole state of this Realme from the Gunpowder treason and haue you the Booke of Canons ecclesiasticall published Anno Dom. 1603. and all other bookes by Law or Custome vsually to bee had within your said Churches 2 Item whether are the Ten Commandements religiously hung vp in a faire Table within your Parish Church and the Table of the degrees of