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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B00011 Articles to be inquired of by the church-wardens and sworne-men, in the ordinarie visitation of the reuerend father in God, Lancelot Lord Bishop of Elie, within the Diocesse of Elie, Ann. 1613. Church of England. Diocese of Ely. Bishop (1609-1619 : Andrewes). 1613 (1613) STC 10196; ESTC S92330 7,545 14

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ARTICLES To be inquired of by the Church-wardens and sworne-men in the ordinarie visitation of the Reuerend Father in God LANCELOT Lord Bishop of ELIE within the Diocesse of Elie Ann. 1613. AT CAMBRIDGE Printed by Cantrell Legge 1613. The tenor of the Oath of the Church wardens and sworne-men YOu shall sweare that vpon due consideration of these Articles giuen you in charge you shall present euery such person of or within your Parish as you shall know to haue committed any offence or omitted any dutie mentioned in any of these Articles or which are publikely defamed or vehemently suspected of any such offence or negligence So helpe you God by the contents of his holy Gospell Articles Touching the Church WHETHER is your Church or Chappell with the Chauncell thereof and euery part of either of them well and sufficiently repaired the windowes well glased the floares paued plaine and euen without dust or any thing noisome or vnseemely 2. Whether is your Churchyard well fenced with walles rayles pales as hath beene accustomed if not whose default is it 3. Whether hath there beene any fighting chiding brawling or quarrelling any plaies feasts temporall Courts or Leets lay Iuries musters or other prophane vsage in your Church or Churchyard any bels superstitiously rung on holy dayes or their Eues or at any other time without good cause allowed by the Minister and Churchwardens haue any trees beene felled in your churchyard and by whom 4. Whether is the mansion house of your Parson Vicar or Curate with all the buildings therunto belonging your Parish Almes-house and church house sufficiently repaired maintained and to godly and their right vses employed 5. Whether haue you in your church the Bible in the largest volume the booke of common prayer lately authorised by his Maiestie the books of Homilies allowed the two Psalters a conuenient pulpit for the preaching a decent seat for the minister to say seruice in conueniently placed a strong chest with an hole in the lidde and three locks and keies one for the Minister the other for the Churchwardens for the Almes of the poore and the keeping of the Register booke of the Christenings mariages and burials 6. Whether haue you in your Church a Font of stone for baptisme set in the auncient vsuall place a decent table for the Communion conueniently placed couered with silke or other decent stuffe in time of diuine seruice and with a faire linen cloath ouer that at the administration of the Communion 7. Whether haue you all such bells ornaments and other vtensils as haue aunciently belonged to your Church a communion cup of siluer with a couer a faire standing pot or stoope of pewter or purer mettall for the wine vpon the communion table a comely surplesse with sleeues a Register booke of parchment for christenings marriages and burials booke for the name of all strange preachers subscribed with their names and the name of the Bishop or others where they had licence 8. Whether is your almes for your poore quarterly at the least distributed by you the church-wardens and the Minister in the presence of sixe of the chiefe Parishioners to your poore And are weekely the names and surnames of all persons married christened and buried and of their Parents with the day and yeare entred in your said parchment booke and is euery leafe beeing full subscribed by you the Minister and churchwardens 9. Whether are the tenne commandements set vp in the east ende of the church and other chosen sentences of holy Scripture vpon the wals in conuenient places are all your seates in your church in good repaire cleanly kept conueniently placed and the Parishioners in them or elsewhere orderly set and is there no contention or striuing for any seat or place among them Touching the Ministrie Seruice and Sacraments WHether is the common prayer said or sung by your Minister both morning euening distinctly reuerently euery Sonday and holy-day and on their Eues and at conuenient and vsuall times of those dayes and in most conuenient place of the church for the edifying of the people 2. Whether doth your Minister obserue the orders rites and ceremonies prescribed in the booke of common prayer in reading the holy Scriptures prayers and administration of the Sacraments without diminishing in regard of preaching or any other respect or adding any thing in the matter or forme thereof 3. Whether doth your Minister on wednesdayes and fridaies not being holydaies at the accustomed houres of seruice resort to the church and say the Letanie prescribed and doth your clarke or sexton giue warning before by tolling of a bell on those dayes 4. Whether doth your Minister as oft as he administreth the communion first receiue it himselfe Whether doth he vse any bread or wine newly brought before the words of institution be rehearsed and the bread and wine present on the table doth he not deliuer the bread and wine to euerie communicant seuerally 5. Whether doth your Minister giue warning publikly in the church at morning prayer the Sonday before hee administreth the communion for the better preparation of the parishioners 6. Whether hath your Minister admitted to the communion any notorious sinner openly knowne or defamed or any who hath openly and maliciously contended with his Neighbour before repentance and reconciliation made and done by appointment of the Ordinarie 7. Whether hath your Minister admitted to the communion any church-warden or Side-man who hath wittingly and willingly neglected contrarie to his oath to present any publike offence or scandall beeing mooued to present either by some of his neighbours the Minister or his Ordinarie 8. Whether hath your Minister administred the Communion to any but such as kneele or doe any refuse to kneele hath he administred to any who refuseth to be present at Publike prayer or who hath depraued the Booke of common prayer administration of the Sacraments or the Rites and Ceremonies prescribed or the Articles of Religion agreed vpon or the Booke of ordering Preists and Bishops or against his maiesties Supremacie or haue any beene for these causes repelled and haue they repented in writing or otherwise and what be their names 9. Whether hath your Minister more Benefices then one if he haue how farre distant are they how often is he absent in the yeare when he is absent hath he an allowed preacher for his Curate 10. Whether is your Minister an allowed Preacher if he be doth he euery Sunday in your church or some other neere adioyning where no Preacher is preach one Sermon euery Sunday 11. Whether doth your Minister beeing no Preacher allowed presume to expound the Scripture in his owne Cure or else where doth he procure euery moneth a Sermon to be preached in his cure by Preachers lawfully licensed and on euery Sunday when there is no sermon doth he or his Curate read some one of the Homilies prescribed 12. Whether is your Curate allowed by the Ordinarie vnder his hand and seale to serue for
them due and haue been accustomably paid Touching Parishioners WHether hath any in your Parish spoken against or any way impugned the Kings Maiesties supremacie in causes Ecclesiasticall the Truth and Doctrine of the Church of England the forme of Gods worship contained in the booke of common praier and administration of the Sacraments 2. Whether hath any in your Parish spoken against or impugned the Articles of religion agreed vpon in An. 1602. the Rites and ceremonies established in the Church the gouernment by Archbishops Bishops Deanes Archdeacons and others that beare office in the same 3. Whether haue any in your parish spoken against or impugned the forme of making and consecrating Bishops Priests or Deacons or haue any separared themselues from the societie of the congregation and combined in a newe Brotherhood or depraued the Synod lately held by the Kings authoritie 4. Whether hath any in your parish maintained or defended any such Ministers or Schoolemasters as refuse to subscribe to the order of the Church haue they affirmed that such Ministers and their adherents may make rules and orders in causes Ecclesiasticall without the Kings authoritie 5. Whether doth any in your parish prophane violate or mispend the Sabbath or holy daie or any part of them vsing any offensiue conuersation or worldly labour in those dayes or any of them 6. Whether hath any in your Parish in the time of diuine seruice couered his head albeit he hath an infirmitie in which case a cap or night-quoife is allowed or is there any who hath not reuerently kneeled when the generall confession Letanie and other prayers are read and which haue not stood vp at the saying of the beleefe 7. Whether hath any in your Parish disturbed the seruice or Sermon by walking talking or any other way or departed out of the church during the seruice or Sermon without some vrgent cause or loitered about the church or church porch 8. Whether doth all parishioners receiue the holy communion thrise euery yeare at the least whereof the feast of Easter to be one and haue all beeing of the age of 16. yeares dulie receiued or not 9. Whether hath any Parent beene vrged to be present or admitted to answeare as Godfather for his owne childe or hath any Godfather or Godmother made any other answer or speech then is prescribed by the Booke or haue any beene admitted for such at Baptisme who haue not first receiued the communion 10. Whether doe all Fathers Mothers masters mistrisses come and cause their children seruants apprentises to come duely to the church and according to the ministers direction to be instructed and catechised or who be they that haue not obeyed the minister herein 11. Whether haue any persons married together within the degrees of consanguinitie or affinitie prohibited set forth in a table appointed to be placed in euery church or haue any married or contracted themselues vnder the age of 21. yeares without the consent of their Parents or Gouernours if their Parents be dead 12. Whether haue any persons once lawfully married forsaken each other or doe liue asunder without the authoritie of the Ordinarie or doe any beeing diuorsed or separated marrie againe the former wife or husband yet liuing 13. Whether haue any beene married in the times wherein marriage is by law restrained without lawfull licence viz. from the Saturday next before Advent Sunday vntill the Fourteenth of Ianuarie and from the Saturday next before Septuagesima Sunday vntill the Monday next after low Sunday and from the Sunday before the Rogation weeke vntil Trinitie Sunday 14. Whether hath any of your Parish vnreuerētly vsed your Minister or haue any laid violent hands vpon him or disgraced his Office and calling by word or deed 15 Whether haue you in your Parish any dweller or soiournour a maintainer of Popish Doctrine or suspected to keepe scismaticall books or to fauour any heresie or errour 16. Whether haue you any common resorters to your Church which are not of your parish or doe any such receiue the Communion amongst you what be their names and of what parishes are they 17. Whether haue any in the time of seruice opened their shops exercised their trade vsed any gaming beene in any Tauerne or Alehouse or otherwise ill imployed 18. Whether are there in your parish any Adulterers Fornicators incestuous persons bawdes receiuers close fauourers conueyers away or which suffer to depart any incontinent person vnpunished any blasphemers common swearers drunkards ribauds vsurers malitious slanderers scolds or sowers of discord or any defamed of the said crimes 19. Whether doe any in your parish administer the goods of the dead without authoritie or suppresse their will or Testament haue any Executors neglected to performe their Wills especially in paying of Legacies giuen to the church to the poore or to any other charitable or godly vses 20. Whether doe any refuse to pay to the reparations ornaments and other things required in your church as they are ceassed by a lawfull vestrie or any dwelling out of your Parish which hold land in your Parish 21. Whether hath any person suspended or excommunicated beene suffred co heare diuine seruice or the Sermon to receiue the Sacraments to be maried or churched or haue any Excommunicants beene buried in christian buriall 22. Whether haue any in your Parish beene christened churched buried or receiued the communion or been maried out of your church both parties dwelling in your parish 23. Whether haue all women in your parish deliuered of child come at conuenient time after to church to giue thanks and haue they beene churched according to the forme of the Booke of common prayer 24. Whether hath the preambulation of the circuit of your Parish beene obserued once euery yeare if not whose default is it 25. Whether haue any in your parish giuen the churchwardens or sidemen or any of them euill words for doing their dutie according to their oath and conscience in making presentment for any fault Touching Churchwardens and Swornemen WHether doe any in your Parish take vpon them to be churchwarden or side-man which is not lawfully chosen by the Minister Parishioners according to the canon or do any continue that office longer then one yeare except they be chosen againe and are all such Officers chosen yearely in Easter weeke 2. Whether doe your churchwardens within one Moneth at the most after their yeare ended before the Minister and Parishioners giue vp a iust account of all such money and other things as they haue receiued and bestowed haue they deliuered all remaining in their hands belonging to their church or parish by bill intended to bee deliuered to the next church wardens 3. Whether haue the church-wardens with the advise of the the Minister from time to time prouided a sufficient quantitie of fine white bread and wholesome wine for the number of communicants 4. Whether doe the church wardens and Swornemen before euerie Visitation and at other times when there is iust occasion meete and conferre about their presentments and the answering of these Articles and who hath after notice giuen him of the time and place carelesly absented himselfe 5. Whether the forfeiture of twelue pence for absence from church appointed by statute for the vse of the poore be taken and leuied by the church-wardens and employed according to the said Statute and whether is the same forfeiture taken of all persons which stand wilfully suspended or Excommunicated 6. Whether haue any churchwardens lost sold or detained any 〈◊〉 ornaments Bels Rents or implements of the Church 7. Whether doe you the Churchwardens and Sidesmen about the middest of Diuine Seruice vsually walke out of the Church and see who are abroad in any alehouse or elsewhere absent or euill employed and haue you presented all such to the Ordinarie 8. Whether doe you know or haue heard a fame of any offence cōmitted or dutie omitted by any of your Parish before your time and heretofore not presented to the Ordinarie or as yet not reformed and haue you presented the same 9. Finally doe you know of any matter or cause which is a breach of the lawes Ecclesiasticall here not expressed and haue you presented the same FINIS