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A00230 Articles to be inquired of, in the first metropoliticall visitation, of the most reuerend father, Richarde by Gods prouidence, archbushop [sic] of Canterbury, and primat of all Englande in, and for the dioces of Noruuich, in the yeare of our Lorde God 1605, and in the first yeare of His Graces translation. Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Archbishop (1604-1610 : Bancroft); Bancroft, Richard, 1544-1610. 1605 (1605) STC 10289.7; ESTC S2099 9,192 16

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Articles to be inquired of in the first Metropoliticall Visitation of the most Reuerend Father Richarde by Gods Prouidence Archbushop of Canterbury and Primat of all ENGLANDE in and for the Dioces of NORVVICH in the yeare of our Lorde God 1605. and in the first yeare of his Graces Translation IN DOMINO CONFIDO ¶ At London printed by Raph Blower ANNO DOMINI 1605. THE Tenor of the Oath to be ministred to the Church wardens Swornemen YOV shall sweare that all Affection Fauor Hatred hope of Rewarde and Gaine or feare of displeasure or mallice set aside You shall vppon due Consideration of the Articles giuen you in chardge present all euery such person of or within your Parish as hath committed any Offence or fault or made any default mentioned in thiese or any of thiese Articles or which are vehemētly suspected defamed of any such Offence fault or default wherin you shall deliuer vprightly according to truth neyther of malice presenting any contrary to truth nor of corupt affection sparing to present any and so conceale the truth Hauing in this action God before your Eyes with an earnest zeale to maintaine truth to suppresse vice so help you God the Contents of this booke God saue the King ❧ ARTICLES To be inquired of by the Churchwardens and sworne men in the Visitation of the Lorde Archbushop of Canterbury within the Diocesse of Norwich Anno Dom. 1605. INPRIMIS Whether haue you in your seuerall Churcehs and Chappels the booke of Constitutions or Canons Ecciestastical ready to be read by your Minister according to his Maiesties pleasure published by his Highnes Authoritie vnder the great Seale of England and whether hath your Minister read the same or any part thereof vpon Sundaies Hollidaies in the afternoone before diuine Seruice accordingly yea or no 2. Item Whether is there any within your Parish that hath or doth impugne the Kings Maiesties Supremacy and authoritie in causes Ecclesiasticall or doe any way or in any part impeach the same being restored to the Crowne by the Lawes of this Realme established in that behalfe 3 Item Whether is there any in your Parish that denieth the Church of England by Lawe establishes vnder the Kinges most excellent Maiestie to be a true an Apostolicall Church teaching and mainteyning the Doctrine of the Apostles 4 Item Whether is there any in your Parish that doth impugne any of the Articles of Religion agreed vpon in Anno 1562 and established in the Church of England 5 Item Whether doth your Minister vse to pray for the Kinges Maiestie King Iames and for the Queenes Maiestie the Prince all their Royall Progeny with addition of such Stile and Titles as are due and appertaining to his Maiestie and exhorte the people to obedience to his Highnes and other Maiestrates being in authority vnder him 6 Item Whether is there any in your Parish that doe impugne or speake against the Rites and Ceremonies established in the Church of England or the lawfull vse of them you shall present their names 7 Item are there any in your parish that doe impugne the gouerment of the Church of England vnder the Kings most excellent Maiestie by Arch-bushops Bushops Deanes Arch-deacens and the rest that beare office in the same Affirming that the same is Ante-christian or repugnant to the worde of God 8 Item is there any in your parish that doth impugne the forme of Consecrating and ordeining of Arch-bishops Bishops Priests or Deacons Affirming that the saine is Repugnant to the worde of God or that they who are so ordered in that forme are not lawfully made 9 Item is there any in your parish that doth held or frequent any Conventicles or priuate congregations or any that doe either make or maintaine any Constitutions agreed vpon in any such priuate Conventicles or assemblies 10. Item Whether any persons haue lurked and tippled in Tauerns or Ale houses on Sundayes or other Hollidaies or vsed his or their manuall craft or trade vpon the said dayes or any of them and especially in the time of Diuine seruice 11 Item are there any in your Parish that doe or haue prophaned since his Maiesties last general pardon the Lords day called Sunday or other Hollidayes contrary to the orders of the Church of England prescribed in that behalfe 12 Item Whether is the prescripte forme of Diuine seruice vsed by your Minister vpon Sundaies and Hollidayes according to the booke of Common prayer And whether doth your Minister duely obserue all the Orders Rites and Ceremonies prescribed in the said booke of common Prayer as well in reading publique Prayers the Letany as also in administring the Sacraments in such manner and forme as in the booke of common Prayer is inioyned 13 Item Whether hath any person in your parish quarrelled or stricken or vsed any violence vnto or with your Minister or any other in the Church or Church-yard or vsed himselfe disorderly in the Church by filthy and prophane talke or any other rude and immodest behauiour 14 Item whether is that due reuerence humble submission vsed within your Church or Chappell in the time of Diuine seruice as by the 18. constitution is prescribed whether each one in the Church or Chappel do apply and order himselfe there in time of diuine Seruice as by the latter part of the same Cōstitution is mos● commendably enioyned 15 Item Whether the Church wardens and Questmen from time to time doe their dilligence in not suffring any idle persons or loytererers to abide either in the Church-yard or Church-porch in Seruice or Sermon time but causing them either to come into the Church to heare Diuine seruice or to depart and not to disturbe such as are hearers there 16 Item Whether the Church-wardens doe prouide against euery Communion with the aduice of the Minister a sufficiente quantity of fine white Bread and of good and wholesome Wine for the number of the Communicants that shall receiue and that to be brought in a cleane and sweet standing pot of pewter or of other pure mettle 17 Item Whether doth your Minister administer the holy Communion so often and at such times as that euery parishioner may receiue the same at least thrice in euery yéere whereof once at Easter as by the booke of common prayer is appointed And whether doth your Minister receiue the same himselfe on euery day that he administreth it to others and vse the words of the Institution according to the booke at euery time that the Bread or Wine is renued in such manner and forme as by the Proviso of the 21. Cannon is directed or wherin is he faultie and whether is warning giuen by him before hand for the Communion as the 22. Cannon requireth 18 Item Whether hath your Minister admitted any Notorious Offendors or Skismatickes to the Communion contrary to the 26. and 27. constitutions 19 Item Whether the Minister together with your Churchwardēs and Questmen do take diligent héed
care not only that all euery of your own Parishioners do receiue thrice in euery yéere as aforesaid but also that no straungers of any other Parish do come often commonly to your Church from their own parish Church and you are now to present the names of all those who being xvj yeares of age or vpwards haue not in their own Parish receiued the Communion at or since Easter last 20 Item Haue any in your parish bin Godfathers or Godmothers to their own childrē or whether your Minister or any Godfathers or Godmothers haue vsed or do vse any other forme aunswere or speach in Baptisme then is in the Booke of cōmon prayer appointed or whether any which haue not communicated be admytted to be Godfathers or Godmothers 21 Item Whether doth your Minister vse to signe the Children with the signe of the crosse when they are baptised according to the booke of common prayer and whether he hath deferred or wilfully refused to baptise any Infant in his Parish beeing in daunger hauing bin duly informed of the weakenes thereof and whether the childe hath died in his default without baptisme 22 Item Whether is your Minister continualy resident with you vppon his benefice or for how long time hath he bin absent And where is he Resiant for the most part what other benefice hath he 23 Item Whether doth your minister preach vsualy according to the constitutions eyther in his own cure with you or else in some other church or chappel neere adioyning where no preacher is or how often hath he bin negligent in that behalfe 24 Item Whether is your Minister a Preacher allowed if yea then by whom if not Whether doth hée procure Sermons to be preached among you once in euery month at the least by such as are lawfully licensed 25 Item Whether hath your minister an other benefice and whether doth he supply his absence by a Curat that is sufficiētly licenced to preach in that cure of his wheron he himself is not resident or otherwise in case he doth not find a preaching minister there by reason of the smalnes thereof Whether doth he preach at both of his Benefices vsually him selfe 26 Item whether is your Curat licensed to serue by the Bushop of this Dioces or any other and by whom 27 Item Whether doth your Minister or Curat serue any more cures then one if yea then what other cure doth he also serue 28 Item If your minister be not licensed to preach as aforesaid whether doth he take vpon him to expound the Scriptures eyther in his own cure or else where if yea then you are to present him specifie the place where he so hath preached 29 Item Whether hath any person bin admitted to preach within your church or chappel but such as you haue well knowne to be sufficiently licensed whom haue you so admitted you shall present their names how often haue any such bin so admitted to preach and by whose procurement And whether haue you caused euery straunge preacher licensed or not licensed to subscribe his Name together with the day when he preached if he were licēsed then by whom was he licensed And whether haue they or any other preached in your Church not being soberly decently appareled 30 Item Whether doth your Lectorer and preacher reade diuine Seruice administer the Sacraments in his own person Twice euery yéere obseruing all the Cerimonies in the booke of common prayer established 31 Item Is there any in your parish that do refuse to haue their Children baptised or them-selues to receiue the Communion at the bandes of your Minister because he is no preacher You shall present their names And if your Minister sithence the publishing of the said booke of Canons hath receiued any such persōs being not of his own cure to the Communion or Baptised any of their Children you shal likewise present him 32 Item whether doth your Minister weare the Surplice whilst he is saying the publicque prayers ministring the Sacraments And if he be any Graduat whether then doth he also weare vpon his surplice during the times aforesaid such a Hood as by the orders of his Uniuersitle is agréeable to his degree 33 Item Whether doth your Minister euery Sunday and holliday before Euening-prayer for halfe an houre or more examine and instruct the youth and ignorant persons of his parish in the x. commandements Articles of beliefe and in the Lords prayer as also in the Catechisme set forth in the booke of Common prayer And whether doe all Fathers Mothers Masters and Mistresses cause their children seruants and apprentises to come thither to heare to be instructed and taught therein and those that doe not their duties herein you shall present their names 34 Item Whether hath your Ministers without license from the Archbushop the Bushop of the Diocesse or his Chancellor solemnized mariage betwixt any parties the banes not being thrée seuerall sundaies or hollidaies first published in time of diuine seruice in the seuerall Churches or Chappels of their seueral abode according to the booke of Common prayer that also betwixt the houres of eight and twelue in the fore-noone And furthermore whether hath your minister since the last Cannons published solemnized any mariage betwixt any persons being vnder the age of 21. yéers although the banes be thrice asked before such time as the parents haue made knowne vnto him their consent thervnto and whether hath he married any of an other Diocesse who are they and by what authoritie and when 35. Item Whether doth your Minister euery sunday bid holidaies fasting daies as by the booke of Common prayer is appointed 36. Item Whether doth your minister euery sixe monethes denounce in his parish all such of his Parish as doe perseuer in the sentence of excommunication not séeking to be absolued and whether hath he admitted into the church any persō excōmunicat wt-out a certificat of his absolutiō from the ordinary or other cōpetent iudg 37. Item Whether doth your Minister being a preacher endeuor and labour dilligently to reclaime the popish recusants in his parish from their errors if there be any such abiding and whether is he painefull in visiting the sicke according to the booke of Common prayer 38 Item Whether is your Parson vicar or Curat to frequent or to be ouer-conuersant with or a fauorer of recusants whereby he is suspected not to be sincere in religion 39 Item Whether doe you know or haue heard of any payment Composition or agréemēt to or with the Bushop Chancellor or any inferior Officer Ecclesiastical for suppressing or cōcealing of excōmunication or other Ecclesiastical censure of or against any Recvsant what summe of Money or other Cōsideration hath bin received or promised by or to any of them in the respect by whom and with whom and for what summe or other consideration 40. Item whether is there in your Church or Chappel one parchment Register Booke prouided
for Christnings Mariages Burials and whether is the same duely and exactly kept according to the Constitutions in that behalfe prouided 41 Item Whether hath your minister or any other preached baptised Childrē solemnized Mariage churched any woman or mininistred the holy Commvnion in any priuate house or houses otherwise thē as by law is allowed yea or no if yea then where whom when and how often hath he offended in any of the Premisses 42 Item Whether hath your minister taken vpon him to appoint any publicque or priuate Fasts prophecies or exercises not approued established by Law or publique authoritie or hath he attempted vyon any pretence eyther of possession or obsession by fasting and prayer to cast out deuils yea or no 43. Item whether hath your minister or any other person or persōs which in your parish vsed to méet in any priuat house or otherplace there to consult togither how to impeach or depraue the Booke of Common prayer or the Doctrine or Discipline of the Church of England if yea then you shall present them all 44. Item Whether doth your minister vse such decency Comlinesse in his apparell as by the 74 constitution is inioyned 45 Item Whether doe you know any in your parish that hauing heretofore taken vpon him or them the order of Priest-hoode or of a Deacon hath since relinquished the same and betaken himselfe in the course of his life as a lay man neglecting his vocation if yea then you shall present his name and the place of his abode 46 Item Doth any take vpon him to teach Schoole in your parish wcout speciall licence of his ordinary whether doth your Schoolemaister bring his schollers to the Church to heare Diuine seruice and Sermons 47 Item Whether is your minister noted or defamed to haue obteined his benefice by Symony or reputed to be an incontinente person a common drunkard a common gamster or player at dice or faulty in any other crime punishable by the Eccesiasticall censures whereby he is offensiue and scandalous to his function or ministery 48 Item Whether haue you prouided the booke of common prayer lately set forth by his Maiesties aucthoritie and the booke of Homylies and whether haue you in your Church or chappell a Fonte of stone set vp in the ancient vsuall place a conuenient and decent communion Table with a carpet of silke or some other decente stuffe and a faire linnen cloth to laye thereon at the Communion time and whether is the same Table then placed in such conuenient sort wtin the Chauncel or church as that the minister may be best heard in his prayer Administration that the greater number may communicate And whether are the ten commandements set vpon the East ende of your church or chappell where the people may best see and reade them and other sentences of holy scripture written on the walls likewise for that purpose 49 Item Whether haue you a conuenient seate for your minister to reade Seruice in together with a comely Pulpit set vp in a conuenient place with a decent cloth or cushion for the same a comely large Surplice a faire Cōmunion Cup of gold siluer or other pure mettle and a couer agréeable for the same with all other thinges and ornaments necessarie for the celebration of diuine Seruice and administration of the Sacraments 50 Item Whether are your Churches or Chappels with the Chancels thereof and your personage or Uickeredge house and all other housing thereto belonging in good reparations decent and comely kept as well within as without the seates well mainteined a sure coffer with thrée lockes and keyes for the safe kéeping of your Register booke your Church-yardes wel fenced and kept without abuse if not then through whose default what defects are 51 Item Whether haue you or your predecessors Church-wardens there suffered since the last pardō any plaies feasts bāquets Church ales drinkings or any other prophane vsages to be kept in your church Chappell or church yard or bels to be rung superstiiously vpon hollidayes or daies abrogated by Lawe 52 Item How many inhabitants within your parish men or women aboue th'age of 16 yéeres do refuse to frequent diuine seruice established by publique authoritie of this Realme or to receiue the holy Communion what be their names and of what degree state or trade of life are they you are to present them all of both sorts 53 Item Whether doe any of the inhabitants of your said parish entertaine within their house any soiorners lodgers or any common resorters and guests who refuse to frequent diuitie seruice or receiue the holy Communion as aforesaid what be their names of what quality or condition they are 54 Item Whether are any of the said popish recusants of insolent behauiour not without publique offence or d ee boldly buisy themselues in seducing and withdrawing others either abroad or in their owne families by instructing their children in popish Religion or by refusing to entertaine any especially in place of greatest seruice or trust but such as concurre with them in opinion of religion 55. Item How long the said popish Recusantes haue obstinately abstained either from diuine Seruice or from the Communion as is aforesaide Whether of any long time or onely since his Maiesties Reigne 56 Item Whether is your Minister a preacher sufficiently qualified and if he be whether doth he from time to time offer quiet and temperate conference to reclaime the said popish Recusantes from their errors and whether they or any of them doe refuse such conference with your Minister or any other Preacher who shall present vnto them his dilligence in that behalfe 57. Item What persons aforesaid within your parish either for th' offence aforesaid or for any other Contumacy or crime doe remaine excomunicat what be their names and for what cause and how long they haue so stoode excomunicate 58 Item Whether were you the Churchwardens and Quest men chosen by the consent of the Minister Parishioners and whether haue the Churchwardens before you giuen vp a iust accompt for their time and deliuered to you their successors whatsoeuer money or other things of right belonging to the Church which was in their hands and whether doe you and euery of you diligently sée that all the parishioners doe duely resort to their church euery sunday and holiday and there continue the whole time of Diuine seruice and none to walke or stande Idle or talking in Church or Church-portch or Churchyarde during that time and whether do al that parishioners and their familes accordingly frequente their Parish Church there behaue them-selues soberly attentiuely decently al the time of Diuine seruice yea or no if no then you shal present their names 59 Item Whether doe all persons aboue th'age of 16 yéeres vsually resort to heare Diuine Seruice vpon sundayes and holidayes approued and whether hath each one of your parishioners being aboue th'age of 16 yéeres aforesaid receiued