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B07654 Articles to be enquired of, and ansvvered vnto by the churchvvardens and sworne men in the visitation of the right vvorshipfull the archdeacon of Norwich. Anno Domini 1638. Church of England. Archdeaconry of Norwich. 1638 (1638) STC 10302; ESTC S92408 9,601 17

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ARTICLES TO BE ENQVIRED OF AND ANSVVERED VNTO BY THE CHVRCHVVARDENS AND SWORNE MEN IN THE Visitation of the Right VVorshipfull the Archdeacon of NORWICH Anno Domini 163 LONDON Printed by John Raworth The tenor of the oath of the Church-wardens and Sworne-men YOu shall sweare that you and every of you shall diligently inquire of all and every of these Articles given you in Charge And that all favour affection hatred feare of displeasure or hope of reward set aside you shall faithfully present to this Court all and every such person which now or lately was in your Parish that have committed any crime or offence or omitted any duty mentioned in these Articles or which are vehemently suspected or defamed of any such Crime offence or default So helpe you God and the contents of his holy Gospel Articles to be inquired of and answered unto by the Churchwardens Questmen or Sidemen in the visitation of the right worshipfull the Archdeacon of NORVVICH Anno Domini 163 CHAP. 1. Concerning Religion and Doctrine FIrst have any within your Parish Preached maintained or held any hereticall or scismaticall opinions impugned the Kings Majesties supremacie in causes Ecclesiasticall or the Articles of Religion established in the Church of England and is the Kings Majesties Declaration prefixed before those Articles duely observed 2. Have any person within your Parish affirmed that the Church of England is not a true Church or that the forme of Gods worship contained in the booke of Common Prayer the administration of the Sacraments and other religious duties therein prescribed are corrupt or contrary to the holy Scriptures Or that the government of the Church of England under his Majesties Archbishops Bishops Deanes Archdeacons and others that beare office in the Church is Antichristian or repugnant to Gods holy word or that the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England now established are superstitious or not to be used or have any such spoken against the Kings Majesties Courts Ecclesiasticall or the procéedings thereof 3. Are there any in your Parish that have béene or are vehemently suspected to be present at Convinticles or private meetings under colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion to repeate Sermons or expound the Scriptures and doe any affirme that such méetings are lawfull CHAP. 2. Concerning the Church the Ornaments and possessions thereof 1. IS your Church or Chappell with the Chancell in good reparation the windowes in no part stopped up but well glazed the walls thereof within comely whited and adorned with sentences of holy Scripture the floores paved even the Stéeple Belles and frames with the Bell-rores well maintained if otherwise by whose default 2. Have you in your Church or Chappell a Bible of the largest volume and last translation the booke of common prayer the two Tomes of Homilies and Bishop Iewels workes faire and well bound have you a Table of the degrées of Marriage set up in some eminent part of your Church the Kings Majesties armes and a table of the Ten Commandements of God set up in the East end of your Church or Chancell have you the Prayer bookes appointed for the fift of November and twenty seven of March the booke of Canons or Constitutions Ecclesiasticall 3. Have you a comely Communion Table placed in the East end of the Chancell the ends thereof North and South and upon an assent is the same rayled in from anoyances or otherwise as was lately injoyned by publque authority have you a comely carpet of Silke or other decent cloth or stuffe continually laid upon it in time of Divine Service and a faire fine linnen cloth laid on it at the administration of the holy Communion is it at any time prophaned by sitting or laying of hats leaning or writing on it or otherwise and by whom have you a Communion cup with a cover of silver a flagon or stoope of silver or pewter sufficient to containe the wine used at every Communion have you a comely Font of Stone with a cover set in the ancient usuall place of the Church is it whole and cleane have you a strong and comely Biere for burialls and a hearse-cloth sutable 4. Have you in your Church or Chappell a convenient deske for your Minister to reade Divine Service a comly Pulpit with a round bo●rd are they so placed as the Minister reading the Divine Service doe not stand or knéele with his backe towards the Communion Table as hath béene injoyned have you a convenient cloth and cushion for the Pulpit have you a faire linners Surplesse for your Minister with a hood fitting his degrée in the Vniversitie have you a Register booke of Parchment wherein all Christnings Marriages and Burialls within your Parish are duely recorded and every page therof being full suscribed by your Minister and Church-wardens according to the Cannon have you a paper booke to insert the names of all strange Preathers in your Church or Chappell with the name of the Bishop by whom they were licenced have you a chest with thrée lockes and keyes for the safe kéeping of the goods bookes and ornaments of the Church and are they so kept and have you also a poore-mans bore for the almes of the poore 5. Have you a fayre and comely partition betwéene the Church and the Chancell are your Chancells or allies of your Church incroached upon by building of Seates or otherwise have you any close Pewes or Galleries have you any Seates or Pewes so high to hinder the prospect of the Chancell are they in good repaire and decent are they planched or matted is there any straw brought into them are the Parishoners conveniently placed in them according to their rankes and qualities and doe any contend for seates in the Church or Chancell have any erected any new pewes seates or monuments without authority from the Ordinary present the persons that have so erected them in the Church or Churchyard 6. Have your Church or Church-yard béene at any time imployed to any prophane use by kéeping of Feasts Church-ales Temporall Courts or Leets Musters exercises of Dauncing Stooleball Football or the like is your Churchyard well fenced with stone walls rayles or pales as have béene accustomed have any incroached upon your church-yard or annoyed the same by féeding of noysome cattell hanging or laying of cloathes or leaving of any dust rubbish or filth therin by opening their doores into it making by pathes or waies through it have any person brawled quarrelled or fought in your Church or Church-yard or otherwise behaved him or herselfe rudely disoredrly therin by prophane or filthy talke or otherwise when any grave is digged are the bones or corpes of the dead piously used have any convict or any excommunicated person béen buried in yours Church or Churchyard and by whom and who have béene present at it 7. Are your Parsonage or Vicarage Houses in good reparations are yours Almes Houses imployed to a godly and the right holy uses if not
by whose default Have you a terrier of all the houses and gleabe lands and portions of tythes belonging to your Parsonage or Vicarage taken by the view of honest and discréete men is it safely kept and a coppie brought into the Register of the Bishop CHAP. 3. Concerning Ministers and Preachers FIrst doe your Minister or Curate distinctly and reverently reade the whole Divine Service by the booke of cōmon prayer prescribed every forenoone and afternoone upon every Sunday and holiday and their eves and upon wednesedayes and fridayes and every day of the holy wéeke next before Easter in your Church or Chappell at fit and convenient times for the same and also for Preaching and administration of the Sacraments Marriages Burials Christnings and visiture of the sicke according to the prescript forme of the said booke doth hée observe all the rites and ceremonies therein prescribed without omission alteration or addition doth he at all times of performing his Priestly duties weare the Surplesse with a hood sutable to his degrée never omitting the same doth hee reade the common service called the second service at the holy Table with an audible voice unto the end of the Nicean Creed And doth he then begin his sermon or Homelie and doth he before his sermon or Homely reade or use any other forme of prayer then is prescribed by the 55. Cannon and doth he conclude his sermon with Gloriae patri c. and doth hee or whosoever officiates proceede to read the remainder of the divine service and conclude with the blessing called the peace of God as he hath bin injoyned by publike authoritie 2. Doth your Minister or Curate reade all those Psalmes and lessons and no other with the Epistle and Gospel appointed for the day and at the end of every Psalme doe he and all the people standing say Gloria patri c. and after the lessons doth he use any other Psalme or Hymne but those appointed in the booke of Common Prayer doth he reade the Creede of Athanasius on all those dayes prescribed and the Commination on Ashwednesday and the Letany on every Sunday Wednesday and Friday 3. Doth your Minister or Lecturer having a Curate under him reade Divine Service himselfe upon two severall Sundaies in the yeare publikely and at the usuall tymes both forenoone and afternoone in the Church which he possesseth and administer the Sacraments as often in every yeere in such manuer and with such observations of Rites and Ceremonies as are prescribed in the booke of Common Prayer 4. Is your Minister resident upon his benefice if absent how long hath he béene so and where if he have another benefice doth he supply his absence by a Curate lawfully licenced to Preach and a competent allowance if your Minister bee a licenced Preacher doth he Preach once every Sunday in his own Church or some other where there is no Preacher if he be not a licenced Preacher doth he take upon him in his owne Cure or elsewhere to Preach and doth hee upon every Sunday when there is no Sermon reade one of the Homilies published by authority and procure monethly Sermons by such as are licenced and doth your Minister or Curate serve more cures then one if yea how farre distant are the said Cures the one from the other and doe any take upon him to be Curate not being licenced by the Ordinary or is not a Minister or Deacon or being but Deacon to administer the holy Communion alone in your Church or Chappell 5. Doth your Minister or Curate every Sunday before evening prayer standing in his D●ske halfe an houre or more Catechise the youth and ignorant persons of your Parish in the Catechisme set forth in the booke of common prayer and is it performed by questions and answers doth your Minister goe to the administration of holy Baptisme presently after the second lesson doth hée aske first whether the child be baptized or no doth hee take the child in his armes and doth hee touching the childs forehead signe it with the signe of the Crosse or doth hée at any time omitt the same hath hee at any time deferred or refused to baptise any infant within the Parish being in danger of death after notice given or request made unto him and hath any child died unbaptized by his default and hath he before the Godfathers and Godmothers admonished them to bring the child to the Bishop to be confirmed when it shall be fitted for the same and hath hee used any other vessell then the Fontonely hath he admitted any to answer as godfather or godmother any parents or such as have not received the holy communion or any more then two godfathers and one godmother for a male child and two goodmothers and one godfather for a female and hath he baptized any child at home or upon any day but on a Sunday or holy day without great necessity 6. Doth your Minister administer the holy Communion so often in the yeere as that every Parishioner may receive thrice in the yéere whereof Easter to be one doth he first receive the same himselfe kneeling or doth he administer it to any not knéeling doth he alwaies use the words of Institution set downe in the booke without alteration at every time the bread and wine is received and doth he repeats the words prescribed to every one severally at the delivery of the bread and wine and not omit any part of the words or saying them to many at once and doth he give publique warning in the Church at morning prayer the Sunday before every Communion to bée administred and admonish the Parishioners to prepare themselves accordingly 7. Hath your Minister admitted to the holy Communion any notorious offenders or that have maliciously and openly contended with their neighbours or to any strangers that doe commonly come to your Church from other Parishes or doth he administer the Communion to any in private houses without great necessity 8. Doth you Minister use the forme of thankesgiving for married women after childbirth immediately before the Communion service doth he use it to any not being vailed according to the ancient custome of the Church without a hat or that doth not come and knéele néere the Communion table as hath béene injoyned by publique authority 9. Hath your Minister given warning for the kéeping of holydayes and fasting dayes hapning the wéeke following on Sunday in time of morning prayer immediately after the Sermon or Homily as hath béene injoyned 10. Doth your Minister or Curafe resort unto such as bee dangerously sicke in your Parish notice thereof being given to him is instruct and comfort them and doth hee earnestly exhort them to be liberall to the poore and if any being sicke desire the prayers of the congregation is it done in the Church according to the forme in the Liturgie at the time of divine service and in the reading deske 11. Hath your Minister ever refused or deferred to burie the dead of