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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00244 Articles to be inquired of, in the [f]irst metropoliticall visitation, of the most reuerend father, George, by Gods pro[v]idence, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, and primate of all England in, and for the dioces of Peterbury, in the yeare of our Lord God, 1613 and in the third yeare of His Graces translation. Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Archbishop (1611-1633 : Abbot); Abbot, George, 1562-1633. 1613 (1613) STC 10314.7; ESTC S2101 11,036 19

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ARTICLES To be inquired of in the ●●●st Metropoliticall visitation of the most ●euerend Father GEORGE by Gods pro●●●ence Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and Primate of all ●●gland in and for the Dioces of Peterbury in the yeare of our Lord God 1613 and in the third yeare of his Graces Translation HEB DDIM HEB DDIEV LONDON Printed by William Iaggard The Tenor of the Oath to be Ministred to the Church-wardens and Side-men YOu shall sweare that you and euery of you shall dulie consider and diligently enquire of all and euery of these Articles giuen you in charge and that all affection fauour hatred hope of reward and gain or feare of displeasure or mallice set aside you shall present all and euery such person of or within your Parish as hath committed any offence or made any default mentioned in these or any of these Articles or which are vehemently suspected or defamed of any such offence or default Wherein you shal deale vprightly and fully neither presenting nor sparing to present any co●●●●● to truth hauing in this action God before your eyes with an earnest zeale to maintaine truth and to suppresse vice So help you God and the holie Contents of this Booke ¶ Concerning the Church the Ornaments thereof and the Churches possessions IMprimis whether haue you in your seuerall Churches and Chappels the whole Bible of the largest volume and the Booke of Common Prayer lately set forth by his Maiesties authoritie both fairely and substantiallie bound a Font of Stone set vp in the auncient vsuall ●●ace a conuenient and decent Communion Table with a Carpet of ●ilke or some other decent stuffe continuallie laide vpon the Table at ●●ne of Diuine seruice and a faire Linnen cloath vpon the same at the ●●ne of the receiuing of the holy Communion And whether is the same ●●ble placed in such conuenient sort within the chancell or church as that ●he Minister may be best heard in his Prayer and administration and ●hat the greatest number may communicate And whether is it so vsed 〈◊〉 of time of Diuine seruice as is not agréeable to the holy vse of it as ●atting on it throwing Hats on it writing on it or is it abused to other ●●phaner vses and are the Ten Commaundements set vpon the East●d of your church or chappell where the people may best sée and reade ●un and other sentences of holy Scripture written on the walles like●●se for that purpose 2 Item whether haue you in your said church or chappell a conueni●● seat for your Minister to read seruice in together with a comely pul●● set vp in a conuenient place with a decent cloath or cushion for the ●●e a comely large Surplice a faire Communion cup with a couer of ●●uer a Flaggon of Siluer Tinne or Pewter to put the Wine in hereby it may be set vpon the Communion Table at the time of the ●essing thereof with all other thinges and ornaments necessarie for the ●●bration of Diuine Seruice and administration of the Sacraments ●nd whether haue you a strong Chest for Almes for the poore with thrée ●●ckes and Keies and another chest for kéeping the Bookes and Orna●ents of the Church and the Register Booke And whether haue you a ●egister Booke in Parchment for Christnings Weddings and Buri●● and whether the same be kept in all pointes according to the Cannons in that behalfe prouided And whether haue you in your saide Church or Chancell a Table set of the degrées wherein by Law Men are prohibited to marry 3 Whether are your Church and Chappels with the Chancels therof and your parsonage or vicarage house your Parish Almes-house and Church-house in good reparations and are they imployed to godly and the r●ght holy vses Is your Church Chancell and Chappell decently and comely kept as well within as without and the seats well maintained according to the 85. Cannon in that behalfe prouided Whether your Church-yard be well fenced and kept without abuse and if not in whose default the same is and what the defect or fault is and whether any person haue incroached vpon the ground of the Church-yard or whether any person or persons haue vsed any thing or place consecrated to holy vse prophanely or wickedly 4 Whether haue you the Terrier of all the Gleabe Lands Medowes Gardens Orchards Houses Stockes Implements Tenements and portions of Tiths whether within your Parish or without belonging vnto your parsonage or vicarage taken by the view of honest men in your said Parish And whe her the same Terrier be laid vp in the Bishoppes Registery and in whose hands any of them are now And if you haue no Terrier already made in Parchment you the Church-wardens Side-men together with your Parson or Vicar or in his absence with your Minister are to make diligent inquiry and presentment of the premises and make subscribe and signe the said Terrier as aforesaid Concerning the Ministers 1 VVHether doth your Minister distinctly and reuerently say Diuine seruice vpon Sundayes and Holidaies and other daies appointed to be obserued by the booke of Common Prayer as Wednesdayes and Fridaies and the eeues of euery Sunday and Holiday at si● and vsuall times And doth your Minister duely obserue the Orders Rites and Ceremonies prescribed in the said Booke of Common Prayer as well in reading publike prayers and the ●etany as also in administring the Sacraments solemnization of Matrimony visiting the sick burying the dead Churching of Women and all other like Rites an● Offices of the Church in such manner and forms as in the said Book of Common prayer he is inioyned without any omiss on or addition And doth hee read the Booke of the last Cannons once yearely and wear● a Surplice according to the said Cannons 2 Doth your Minister bid Holidaies and Fasting-daies as by th● Boke of Common Prayer is appointed And doth he giue warning before hand to the Parishioners for the receiuing of the holy Communion as the 22. Cannon requireth And whether he doth administer the holy Communion so often and at such times as that euery Parishioner may receiue the same at the least thrice in euery yeare whereof once at Easter as by the Booke of common Prayer is appointed And doth your Minister receiue the same himselfe on euery day that he administreth it to others and vse the wordes of institution according to the Booke at euery time that the Breade and Wine is renewed accordingly as by the Prouiso of the 21. Cannon is directed And doth hée deliuer the Bread and Wine to euery Communicant seuerally Whether hée hath admitted to the holy Communion any Offendor or Schismaticke contrary to the 26. and 27. constitutions or receiued any to the communion beeing not of his owne cure or put any from the Communion who are not publiquely infamous for any notorious crime Doth hée vse the signe of the Crosse in Baptisme or Baptize in any Bason or other Vessel and not in the vsuall Font Or admit any Father to bee
Schoole-Maisters 23 DOth any in your Parish take vpon him to teach Schoole without License of the Ordinary and is he conformable to the Religion now established And doth he bring his Schollers to the Church to heare Diuine seruice and Sermons And doth he instruct his Shollers in the groundes of the Religion now established in this Church of England and is he carefall and diligent to benefit his Schollers in learning Parish Clearkes and Sextons 24 HAue you a fit Parish Clark aged twenty yeares at least of honest conuersation able to read and write whether are his and the Sextons wages paid without fraud according to the ancient custome of your Parish if not then by whom are they so defrauded or denyed By whom are they chosen And whether the said Clarke be approued by the Ordinary And hath he taken an Oath as in such cases is fit and required And is he diligent in his office and seruiceable to the Minister and doth he take vpon him to meddle with any thing aboue his Office as Churching of Women burying the dead or such like 25 Doth your Clarke or Sexton kéepe the Church cleaue the doores locked Is any thing lost or spoyled in the Church through his default doth he suffer any vnseasonable ringing or any prophane exercise in your Church Or doth he when any is passing out of this life neglect to tole a Bell hauing notice thereof Concerning the Parishoners 1 VVHether any of your Parishoners béeing sixtéene yeares of age or vpwards or others lodging or commonly resorting to any House within your Parish do wil●ullie absent themselues from your Parish-church vpon Sondaies or Holidaies at Morning and Euening Prayers Or who come late to Church and depart from church before ●●ruice be done vpon the said daies Or who doe not reuerently behaue ●●emselues during the time of Diuine Seruice deuoutly knéeling when ●e generall confession of sinnes the Letany the ten Commandements and all Prayers and Collects are read and vsing all due and lowly reue●●nce when the blessed name of the Lord Iesus Christ is mentioned and ●tanding vp when the Articles of the Beleefe are read or who doe couer ●heir heads in the Church during the time of Diuine seruice vnlesse it be a case of necessity in which case they may weare a Night-cap or coy●e Or who doe giue themselues to babling talking or walking and are ●ot attentiue to heare the word preached or read or reading or praying ●●ring the time aforesaid Whether any of your Parish being of sixtéen yeares of age or vpwards doe not receiue the holie communion in your ●hurch thrice euery yeare whereof once at Easter and whether they ●●e not deuoutly kneele at the receiuing thereof 2 Whether any of your Parishioners being admonished thereof ●●e not send their Children Seruants and Apprentizes to the Minister 〈◊〉 be catechized vppon such Sondaies and Holidaies as are appointed Or whether any of them doe refuse to come or if they come refuse to ●●ne those instructions set forth in the Booke of common prayer 3 Whether any of your parish doe entertaine within their house ●●y soiourner common guests or other persons who refuse to frequent ●iuine seruice or receiue the holie communion as aforesaide present ●●eir names their qualities or conditions 4 What Recusant Papists are there in your parish present their ●●nes qualities or conditions whether kéepe they any Schoolemaister 〈◊〉 their house which commeth not to church to heare Diuine seruice and ●●trine the Communion What is his Name and how long hath hée ●●ght there or else-where 5 Whether any of the said popish Recusants doe labour to seduce 〈◊〉 withdraw others from the Religion now established Or instruct 〈◊〉 Families or children in popish Religion or refuse to entertain any ●●●cially in place of greatest seruice or trust but such as concurre with 〈◊〉 in their papistry 6 How long haue the said Popish Recusants abstained from diuine ●●●uice or from the communion as aforesaid 7 Is there any in your parish that retaine vndefaced or sell vtter 〈◊〉 verse any popish Bookes or writings or any Bookes Libels or ●●●ings of any Secturies touching the Religion State or Gouern●●nt Ecclesiasticall of this Kingdome of England or kéepe any Ornaments of superstition vncancelled or defaced 8 Whether haue you any in your Parish which héeretofore being Popish Recusants or Sectuaries haue since reformed themselues and come to Church to heare Diuine Seruice and receiue the Sacraments If yea then who they are And how long since haue they so reformed themselues And whether they still remaine and abide in that conformitie 9 Is there any in your Parish that refuse to haue their Children Baptized or themselues to receiue the Communion at the hands of your Minister taking exception against him and what causes or exceptions doe they alledge or haue any married Wiues refused to come to church according to the Booke of common Prayer to giue God thankes after their Child-birth for their safe deliuerance And whether doe any of or in your Parish refuse to haue their children Baptized in your parish-church according to the forme prescribed in the Booke of common Prayer 10 Whether any of your Parish hauing a Preacher to their parson Vicar or Curate doe absent themselues from his Sermons and resort to other places to heare other Preachers Or whether any of your parish doe communicate or baptize their Children in any other parish 11 What persons within your parish for any offence contumacy or crime of Ecclesiasticall Conusance do stand excommunicate present their names and for what cause they are excommunicated and how long they haue so stood and what parson or persons doe wittingly and vsualli● keepe them company 12 Whether any not being in orders doe execute any priestlie o● ministeriall office in your Church Chappell or Church-yard and wha● be their names 13 Whether any in your parish that hauing héeretofore taken vpon him the order of Priest-hood or Deacon hath since relinguished th● same and liues a Lay-man neglecting his vocation 14 Haue any person in your Parish quarrelled or stricken or vsed any violence to your Minister or haue strucken or quarrelled with any other person within your Church or Church-yard or demeaned him selfe disorderedly in the Church by filthy or prophane talke or any othe● leud or immodest behauiour Or haue disturbed the Minister in time o● Diuine seruice or Sermon or haue libelled or spoken slanderous worde against your Minister to the scandall of his vocation or diffamed an● of his Neighbours touching any crime o● Ecclesiasticall conusance 15 Whether any of or in your parish without consent of the Ordinary or other lawfull authority haue caused any to doe pennance or 〈◊〉 be censured or punished for any matter of Ecclesiasticall conusance by any Vestry meetings or otherwise by their own authoritie Or haue ta●en any Money or commutation for the same Present their names that ●●ue done it And who haue beene so punished In what manner and vpon what cause 16