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A00187 Articles to be inquired of in the Arch-deaconrie of Salop within the diocesse of Hereford, in the year 163[9?] at the visitation of Morgan Godwyn, Doctor of Lawes, Arch-deacon of Salop. Church of England. Archdeaconry of Salop.; Godwyn, Morgan. fl. 1685 1639 (1639) STC 10217.5; ESTC S1243 12,815 15

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and preserved and in whose hands and whether hath there a true Copy thereof under the hands of the Minister and Church-wardens been transmitted and layd up in the Bishops Registry there to continue for a perpetuall memory thereof And if you have no such Terrier yet made you the Church-wardens and Side-men together with your Parson or Vicar or in his absence your Curate are to make diligent enquiry of the Premises and to make subscribe and signe the said Terrier and to bring in a true copy of it into the Byshops Restistry as is afore sayd Second Concerning the Clergy 1. VVHether doth your Parson Vicar or Curate distinctly and reverently say Divine Service upon Sundayes and Holy-dayes and other days appointed to be observed by the Booke of Common Prayer as the Conversion of S. Paul S. Barnabas day Wednesdayes and Frydayes the Eves of every Sunday and Holy-day at fit and usuall times And doth he duly observe the Orders rits and ceremonies prescribed in the said Booke of Common Prayer as will in rea ding publique Prayers and the Litanie as also in administring the Sacraments-Solemnization of Matrimony visiting the sicke burying the dead Churching of we●men and other the like Rits and Offices of the Church in such manner and forme as in the said Booke of Common Prayer he is injoyned without any omission or addition And doth he read the Booke of the last Canons yearely and weare a Surplice according to the sayd Canons And if he be a graduate whether doth he also weare upon his Surplice such a hood as by the order of the Vniversity is sutable to his degree 2 whether have you any Lecture in your Parish If yea whether doth he twise at the lest every yeere read himselfe Divine Service both Morning and Evening two severall Sundayes publiquely in his Surplice with an Hood theron answerable to his degree of schoole and also twise in the yeere administer both Sacraments with such Rites and Ceremonies as are prescribed by the Booke of Common Prayer Also whether doth he read Divine Service according to the Liturgy Printed by authority in his Surplice and Hood before his Lecture according to his Maiestyes late directions whether doth he at any time preach in his Cloke and not in his Gowne whether doth your Preacher or Lecturer behave himselfe in his Sermons and Lectures as he ought to doe teaching obedience and edifiing his auditorie in matters of Faith and good life without intermedling with matters of State or other discourse not fit for the Pulpit 3 Whether have you any Lecture of Combination set up in your Parish if yea whether is it read by a company of grave and Orthodox Divines neer adioyning and in the same Diocesse and whether doe they preach in Gownes and not in Clokes 4 Doth your Parson Vicar or Curate bid Holy-dayes and fasting-dayes as by the Booke of Common prayer is appoynted And doth he give wa●…gs before hand to he Parishoners for the receiving the Holy Communion as the 22 Canon requireth And whether doth he administer the Holy Communion as often and at such times as that every Parishioner may receive the same at the least thrice in every yeare whereof once at Easter And whether doth your Minister receive the same himselfe on every day that he Administers it to others and use the words of institution according to the Booke at every time the Bread and Wine is renued according to the Proviso of the 21. Canon And doth he deliver the Bread and Wine to every Communicant severally and kneeling 5 Whether doth your Parson Vicar or Curate before the severall times of the Administration of the Lord's Supper admonish and exhort his Parishioners if any of them have their consciences troubled and disquieted to resort to him or to some other learned Minister and open their greife that they may receive such Ghostly counsell and comfort as their conscience may be releived and by the Minister they may have the benefit of absolution to the quiet of their conscience and avoidance of Scruple And if any man confesse his secret or hidden sinnes being sicke or whole to the Minister for the unbarthening of his conscience and receiving of spirituall consolation of minde from him doth he the said Priest or Minister or hath hee at any time revealed and made knowne to any person whatsoever any crime or offence so committed to his trust and secrecie contrarie to the 113. Canon 6 Whether hath your Minister admitted to the holy Communion any notorious offender or Schismatick contrary to the 26. and 27. Canon or hath he received any to the Communion being not of his owne cure or hath he put any from the Communion who are not publikely infamous for any notorious crime doth he alway use and never omit the signe of the Crosse in Baptisme or doth he Baptise in any Bason or other Vessell and not in the usuall Font or admit any Father to be God-father or Mother to be God-mother to their owne children or such to be God-fathers and God-mothers who have not received the holy Communion or Baptise any children that were not borne in the Parish or wilfully refuse to Baptise any Infant in his Parish being in danger having beene informed of the weaknes of the said child and whether the child dieth without Baptisme through his default 7 Doth he refuse to interre any which ought to bee interred in Christian buriall or defer the same longer then he should or bury any in Christian buriall which by the Constitutions of the Church of England or Law of the Land ought not to be so interred 8 Whether hath your Minister Married any without a King or without Banes published three severall Sundayes or holy-dayes in time of Divine Service in the severall Churches or Chappell 's of their severall above according to the Booke of Common Prayer or in times prohibited albeit the Banes were thrice published without a Licence or dispensation from the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury the Lord Bishop of Herford or his Chancellor first obteined in that behalfe Or not betweene the houres of 8. and 12. in the Fore-noone or have Married any in private houses or if the parties or eyther of them be under the age of 21. yeeres before their Parents or Governours have signified their consent unto him 9. Is your Minister a Preacher allowed If yea then by whom If not whether doth hee procure some who are lawfully licensed to preach monthly amongst you at the least 10. Doth your Minister being licensed preach usually according to the Canons either in his own Cure or in some other Church or Chappel neer adjoyning where no other Preacher is and how often hath he been negligent in that behalf doth he preach standing and with his hat off Or whether doth he or his Curate upon every Sunday when there is no Sermon read an Homily or some part therof according as he ought to doe or in case he be not licensed to preach doth
Communion at the hands of your Minister taking exception against him and what causes or exceptions doo they alledge or have any married Wives refused to come to Church according to the Booke of Common Prayer to give God thankes after their Childbirth for their safe deliverance And whether doe any of or in your Parish refuse to have their children baptized in your Parish Church according to the forme prescribed in the Booke of Common Prayer 11 Do an● of your Parish usually goe to other Parish Churches to heare Div●ne Service or Sermons Or doe they communicate or baptize their children in any other Parish 12 Whether be there any in your Parish who will come to heare the Sermon but will not come to publique Prayers appointed in the Booke of Common Prayer making a schisme or division as it were betweene the use of publique Prayer and Preaching 13 What persons within your Parish for any offence contumacie or crime of Ecclesiasticall cognisance doe stand excommunicate present their names and for what cause they doe stand excommunicated and how long they have so stood and what person or persons doe wittingly and usually keepe them company 14 Whether any not being in Orders doe execute any Priestly or Ministeriall Office in your Church Chappell or Church-yard and what bee their names 15 Hath any person in your Parish quarrelled or stricken or used any violence to your Minister or hath stricken or quarrelled with any other person within your Church or Church-yard or demeaned himselfe disorderly in the Church by filthy or prophane talke or any base or immodest behaviour Or hath disturbed the Minister in time of Divine Service or Sermon or hath libelled or spoken slanderous words against your Minister to the scandall of his vocation or defamed any of his neighbours touching any crime of Ecclesiasticall cognisance 16 Whether any of or in your parish without consent of the Ordinarie or other lawfull authority have caused any to doe penance or to be censured or punished for any matter of Ecclesiasticall cognisance by any Vestry-meetings or otherwise by their owne authority or have taken any mony or commutation for the same present their names that have done it and who have beene so punished in what manner and upon what cause 17 Whether any person in your Parish do exercise any trade or labour buy or sell or keepe open Shops or Ware-houses upon any Sundaie or Holy-day by themselves their servants or Apprentises or have otherwise prophaned the said dayes contrary to the Orders of the Church of England And whether there be any In-Kéepers Ale-house-kéepers Victuallers or other Persons that permit any Persons in their Houses to eate drinke or play during the time of Divine Service or Sermon or reading the Homilies in the forenoone or afternoone upon those dayes 18 Whether is the 5 day of November kept Holy and thankesgiving made to God for his Maiesty and this States happy deliverance according to the Ordinance in that behalfe 19 Whether any of your Parish hold or frequent any Conventicles or private Congregations or make or maintaine any Constitutions agreed upon in such assemblies Or any that doe write or publiquely or privatly speake against the Booke of Common Prayer or any thing therein conteined or against any of the Articles of Religion agreed upon in Anno 1562. Or against the Kings Supremacy in causes Ecclesiastique or against the Oath of Supremacy or of allegeance as pretending the same to bee unlawfull and not warrantable by Gods word or against any of the Rites or Ceremonies of the Church of England now established Or against the Governement of the Church of England under the Kings most excellent Majesty by Arch-bishops Bishops Arch-deacons Deanes and other Officers of the same affirming the same to be repugnant to the word of God and that the said Ecclesiasticall Officers are not lawfully ordeined Or whether there be any Authors Favorers or maintainers of Heresie or Schisme or that be suspected to be Anabaptists Libertines Brownists of the Family of Love or of any other Heresie or Schisme present their names 20 Whether have any in your Parish Married within the degrees by Law prohibited and where and by whom And whether any couple in your Parish being Lawfully Married live apart one from the other without due separation by the Law or any that have beene Divorced which keepe company with any other at Bed or at Board 21 Whether your Hospitalls and Almes-Houses and other such Houses and Corporations founded to good and charitable uses and the Lands Possessions and Goods of the same bee ordered and disposed of as they should be And do the Masters Governors Fellowes and others of the said Houses and Corporations behave and demeane themselves according to the holy Ordinances and Statutes of their severall Foundations 22 Whether have you any in your Parish to your knowledge or by common fame or report which have committed adultery fornication or incest or any which have impudently bragged or boasted that he or they have lived incontinently with any Person or Persons whatsoever or any that have attempted the chastitie of any woman or solicited any woman to have the carnall knowledge of her bodie or which are commonlie reputed to be common Drunkards Blasphemers of Gods holy Name common swearers common slanderers of their Nighbours and sowers of discord filthie and lascivious Talkers Vsurers simoniacall persons Baudes or Harborers of Women with child which be unmarried or conveying or suffering them to go away before they have made satisfaction to the Church or anie that having been heretofore presented or suspected os any of the aforesaid crimes have for that cause departed your parish and are now returned againe Or any which have used any inchantments Sorceries Charmes or witchcrafts which are not made Felony by the Statutes of this Realme Or any that have committed any perjury in any Ecclesiasticall Court in an Ecclesiasticall Cause or which have committed any forgery punishable by the Ecclesiasticall Laws or any procurers or abettors of the said offenses Ye shall truly present the names of all and singular the said offenders and with whom they have committed the said offenses in case they have not been publiquely punished to your knowledge for the said crimes Fiftly Touching the Church-wardens and Side-men 1. VVHether you and the Church-wardens Quest-men or Side-men from time to time do and have done their diligence in not suffering any idle person to abide either in the Church-yard or Church-porch in Service or Sermon time but causing them either to come into the Church to heare Divine Service or to depart and not to disturbe such as be hearers there And whether they have and you do diligently see the Parishioners duly resort to the Church every Sunday and Holy-day and there to remaine during Divine Service and Sermen And whether you or your predecessors Church-wardens there suffer any Playes Feasts Drinkings or any other prophaine usages to bee kept in your Church Chappell or Church-yards or have suffered any person or persons without restreining them to your and their uttermost power to be tipling or drinking in any Inne or victualling house in your Parish during the time of Divine Service and Sermons on Sundays and Holi-dayes 2 Whether and how often have you admitted any to Preach within your Church or Chappell who was not sufficiently licensed And whether you together with your Minister have not taken diligent head and care that every Parishioner being of 16 yeares of age or upwards have received thrice every yeare as aforesaid and also that no stranger have usually come to your Church from their owne Parish-Church 3 Whether have there been provided against every Communion a sufficient quantity of fine white Bread and good and wholesome Wine for the Communicants that shall receive And whether that Wine be brought in a cleane and sweet standing Pot of Pewter or some other purer metall 4 Whether were you chosen by the consent of the Minister and the parishioners And have the late Church-wardens given up a just accompt for their time and delivered to their successors by bill indented the money and other things b●longing to the Church which was in their hands And are the Almes of the Church faithfully distributed to the use of the poore 5 Whether do you see the names of all Preachers which are strangers and do preach in your Parish-Churches to be noted in a Booke for that purpose and whether ev●ry Preacher do subscribe his name and of whom he had his Licence 6 Whether any man do trouble or molest you for doing your duties 7 Whether be there any Legacie given to the Church or poore people or to ●…e mending of high-wayes or otherwise by the Testators with holden ●…n whose hands is it by whom was it given and by whom is it with●olden 8 Do you know of any other default or crime of Ecclesiasticall Cognisance ●…f yea you are to present the same by vertue of your Oathes THe Minister of every Parish may and ought to joyne in presentment with the Church-wardens and Sidemen and if they will not present the Minister may and ought himselfe to present the defaults and crimes aforesaid And there must bee severall presentments made to every severall Article and the Minister Church-wardens and Sworne-men are to meete and confer about the said presentments and answering of every the aforesaid Articles FINIS
ARTICLES TO BE INQVIRED OF IN THE ARCH-DEACONRIE of Salop within the Diocesse of Hereford in the yeare 163● At the Visitation of Morgan Godwyn Doctor of Lawes Arch-deacon of Salop. LONDON Printed by IOHN NORTON 163● The Tenor of the Oath to bee Ministred to the Church-wardens and Side-men YOu shall sweare that you and every of you shall duly consider and diligently inquire of all and every these Articles given you in charge and that all affection favor hatred malice hope of reward and gaine or feare of displeasure set aside you shall present all and every such person or persons that now is or are or of late hath or have bee● within your Parish as hath or have committed any offence or made any default mentioned in these or any of these Articles or which are vehemently suspected or defamed of any such offence or default wherein you shall deale uprightly and fully neyther presenting nor sparing to present any contrary to truth having in this action God before your eyes with an ernest zeale to maintaine truth and to suppresse vice So helpe you God and the holy contents of this Booke First concerning the Church the Furniture and Ornaments thereof and the Church Possessions INprimis Whether have you in your severall Churches and Chappell 's the whole Bible of the largest Volume and the last Translation the Booke of Common Prayer the two Bookes of Homilies Bishop Jewell his apology and the forme of Prayer for the 5. of November set forth by authority all well and fairely bound as also the Booke of Canons or Constitutions Ecclesiasticall as is commanded 2 Whether have you in your Church or Chappell a Font of stone whole and cleane with a cover set up in the ancient usuall place a convenient and decent cōmunion Table with a Carpet of Silke or some other decent stuffe continually layd upon the same at the time of Divine Service and a faire linnen cloth thereon at the time of the receiving of the holy Communion And whether is the same Table placed in such convenient sort as that the Minister may be best heard in his Prayer and Administration and that the greatest number may Communicate And whether is it so used out of time of Divine Service as is not agreeable to the holy use of it as by sitting on it throwing Hats on it writing on it or is it abused to other prophane uses And are the Ten Commandements set up at the East end of your Church or Chappell where the people may best see and read them and other sentences of holy Scripture written on the walls likewise for that purpose 3 Whether are the afternoones Sermons in the severall Parishes turned into Catechizing by Question and Answer according to the forme prescribed in the Booke of Common Prayer and whether doth every Lecturer reade Divine Service according to the liturgy Printed by authority in his Surplice and Hood before the Lecture And whether are his Majesties instructions in all things duly observed 4 Whether have you in your said Church or Chappell a convenient seate for your Minister to reade Service in together with a comely Pulpet set up in a convenient place with a decent Cloth or Cushion for the same a comely large Surplice a faire Communion Cup of Silver with a cover agreeable a Flagon of Silver Tyn or Pewter to put the Wine in whereby it may be put or set on the Communion Table at the time of the consecrating or blessing thereof with all other things and Ornaments necessary for the celebration of Divine Service and the Administration of the Sacraments And whether have you a strong Chest for the ●…s for the poore with three Locks and Keyes and another Chest for keeping the ●ookes and Orn●ments of the Church and the register Booke And whether have you a register Booke in parchment for Christnings Weddings and Burialls and the same kept in all points according to the Canon in that behalfe provided And is the Mothers Christian name therein registred as well as the Fathers and a transcript thereof brought in yearely within one moneth after the 25. of March in to the Lord Bishops principall Register And whether have you in your said Church or Chancell a Table set of the degres wherein by Law are prohibited to marry 5. Whether is your Church or Chappell with the Chancell thereof and your Parsonage or Vicaridge house your Parish Almes-house and Church-house in good reparation are they imployed to godly and their right holy uses Is your Church Chancell and Chappell decently and comely kept as well within as without well tyled well glazed well paved and the seates well mainteined according to the 85. Canon in that behalfe provided Or have any Patrons or others decayed the Parsonage Houses and kept a stipendiarie Preist or Curate in place where an Incumbent should bee possessed Whether is your Church-yard well fenced with Walls Rayles or Pales and by whom and if not in whose default the same is and what the defect or fault is And whether any person have incroached on the ground of the Church-yard or whether any person or persons have used any thing or place consecrated to holy use prophanely or wickedly Is your Church-yard well and orderly kept without abuse And is the whole consecrated ground kept as becommeth the place so dedicated free from soile and all other nastines as pissing against the Church and defiling the Church-yard with their excrements and the like And are the Bones of the dead decently interred or layd up in some fit place as beseemeth Christians 6. Whether have any ancient Monuments or glasse windowes béen defaced or any brasse Inscriptions Lead Stones Bells or any thing els belonging to your Church or Chappell been at any time purloyned and by whom 7. What Legacies have been given to the use and benefit of your Church and how have they been bestowed Who hath received and detaineth them without due imployment and whether doth any with-hold the stocke of the Church or any goods or things given to good and charitable uses 8 It there any in the Parish that hath or doth refuse to contribute towards the reparation of your Church and toward the provision of such things as belong thereunto 9 Whether doth any private man or men of his or their owne authority erect any Pewes or built any seates in your Church and what Pewes or seates have been so built by whose procurement and by whose authority 10 Whether hath any Popish Recusant being lawfully excommunicate or any other excommunicated person been interred or buried in your Church or Church-yard before absolution from that censure and excommunication obteined if yea then by whom and when 11 Whether have you a true Terrier of all that Glebe-lands Medowes Gardens Orchards Houses Stockes Implements Tenements and Portions of Tythes whether within your Parish or without belonging to your Parsonage or Vicarage taken by the view of honest men in the said Parish and whether is it safely kept
hee take upon him to preach or expound the Scriptures in his owne Cure or elsewhere If so then you are to present the same the time and place when and where he did it 11 Doth your Minister use to pray for the Kings Majesty King Charles and for the Queenes Majesty for Prince Charles his Highnesse all the Royall Progeny with addition of such stile and titles as are due to his Maiesty and exhort the people to obedience to his Maiesty and to al Magistrates in authority under him And doth he also pray for all Arch-bishops Bishops and other Ecclesiasticall persons 12 Doth your Minister Preacher or Lecturer observe the forme of Prayer and no other before his or their Sermons that is prescribed by the 55 Canon therein moving the people as they are there directed to joyne with him in Prayer for Christs holy Catholike Church and for the Kings most excellent Maiesty the Queene the Prince and the rest of the Royall Progeny Clergy and Councell as in the Canon is required alway concluding with the Lords Prayer 13 Is your Minister continually resident upon his benifice or how long time hath he been absent And in case he be licensed to be absent whether doth he cause his Cure to be sufficiently supplyed according to the Canon or in case he hath another benifice Whether doth he supply his absence by a Curate sufficiently licensed to preach in that Cure where he himselfe is not resident or otherwise in case the smalnesse of the living cannot finde a preaching Minister doth he preach at both his Benifices usually 14 Doth your Minister or Curat serve any more Cures then one If yea then what other Cure doth he serve and how far are they distant 15 Doth your Minister or Curate every Sunday and Holyday before Evening prayer for halfe an hower or more examine and instruct the youth and ignorant persons of his parish in the tenn Commandements Articles of the Creede and in the Lords prayer and the Sacraments according as is prescribed in the Catechisme set forth in the Booke of Common prayer only And if he do not where is the fault either in the Parents and Masters of the Children or in the Curat neglecting his duty And is he carefull to tender all such youth of his parish as have been well instructed in their Catechisme to be confirmed by the Bishop in his Visitation or any other time as is appoynted by the Booke aforesaid 16 Doth your Minister in the Rogation dayes goe in perambulation of the Circuit of the Parish saying and using the prayers Suffrages and Thankesgiving to GOD appoynted by Law according fo his duty thanking GOD for his blessings if there be plenty on the earth or otherwise to pray for his Grace and favor if there be a feare of Scarsity 17 Hath your Minister admitted any Woman begotten with child in Adultery or Fornication to bee churched without Licence of the Ordinarie 18 Hath your Minister or any other Preacher baptized children Churched any woman or ministred the holy Communion in any private house otherwise than by Law is allowed 19. Whether have there beene any Children baptized in private houses by any person or Midwife or Popish Priest and have such Children thus privately baptized and surviving been afterwards brought to your Church to the intent the Congregation and the Minister of the Parish in case they were not baptized by him may be certified whether they or any of them were lawfully bapt●zed or no 20 Whether have the children that have beene borne to any popish Recusant or Recusants in your Parish beene publiquely baptized in your parish-Church by your Parson Vicar or Curate or by whom else were they baptized or where to your knowledge 21 Doth your Minister endeavour and labour diligently to reclaime the Popish Recusants in his parish from their errors if there be any such abiding in your Parish Or whether is your Parson Vicar or Curate over-conversant with or a favourer of Recusants whereby he is suspected not to bee sincere in Religion 22 Hath your Minister taken upon him to appoint any publique or private Fasts Prophecies or Exercises not approved by Law or publique Authority or hath used to meet in any private house or place with any person or persons there to consult how to impeach or deprave the Booke of Common Prayer or the Doctrine or Discipline of the Church of England If yea then you shall present them all 23 Doth your Minister or Lecturer either in time of publique allowed Fasts or at any other time usually deteine the Assembly or Congregation with Sermons longer than a full hower If yea then you shall present the time and place 24 Whether hath your Minister been present at any private conventicle to consult there of any course to bee taken by them or by another upon their motion which may any way tend to the impeachment or depraving of the Doctrine of the Church of England or of the booke of Common Prayer or of any part of the Governement and Discipline now established in the Church of England 25 Whether doth your Minister publish in his Sermons any Doctrine which is new and strange and disagreeing from the Word of God and from the Articles of Christian Faith and Religion agreed on and published Anno Dom. 1562. And whether doth hee teach any thing which hee would the people religiously to observe and beleeve but that which is agreeable to the Scriptures and that which the Catholique Fathers and ancient Bishops have gathered out of that Doctrine according to the Canon 26 Whether doth your Minister in his Sermons enter into and handle any points of controversie contrarie to his Maiesties directions whether doth hee or any other Preacher in your pulpit particularly impugne and confute any Doctrine delivered by any other Preacher in the same Church or in any Church neere adioyning before hee hath acquainted the Bishop of the Diocesse therewith and received order from him what to doe in that case 27 Hath your Minister stayed the publication of any excommunications or suspensions or doth hee every halfe yeare denounce in his parish Church all such of his Parish as are excommunicated and persevere therein without seeking to be absolved or doth hee wittingly and willingly keepe companie with such as are excommunicate and hath he admitted into your Church any person excommunicated without a certificate of his absolution from the Ordinary or other competent Iudge 28 Doth your Minister carefully looke to the reliefe of the poore and from time to time call upon his Parishioners to give somewhat as they can spare to godly and charitable uses especially when they make their Testaments 29 Doth your Minister or Curate resort unto such as be dangerously sicke in your Parish to instruct and comfort them in their distresses according to the order of the booke of Common Prayer not omitting then especially to move them earnestly to liberality toward the poore 30 Whether doth your Minister or any having taken holy Orders being now silenced or suspended or any other person of your knowledge or as you have heard hold any conventicles or doth preach in any place or doth use any other forme of Divine Service than is appointed in the Booke of Common Prayer If