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A00171 Articles to be enquired of, throughout the whole diocesse of Chichester ministred and giuen in charge to the church-wardens and sidemen within the same diocesse by the reuerend father in God Richard by Gods prouidence Bishop of Chichester, in his generall visitation holden anno Domini 1631. Church of England. Diocese of Chichester. Bishop (1628-1638 : Montagu); Montagu, Richard, 1577-1641. 1631 (1631) STC 10182.5; ESTC S2094 8,717 20

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ARTICLES TO BE ENQVIRED OF THROVGHOVT The whole Diocesse of CHICHESTER Ministred and giuen in charge to the Church-wardens and Sidemen within the same Diocesse By the Reuerend Father in God RICHARD by Gods prouidence Bishop of CHICHESTER in his generall Visitation Holden Anno Domini 1631. Anno Consecrationis suae quarto LONDON Printed by R. Y. for Thomas Bourne MDCXXXI 3 Whether are there placed by the register two tables containing the severall rates and summes of all fees due to the Iudge and other officers of your courts one in the usuall place or consistorie where the court is kept the other in his registrie in such sort as every man may come to view the same without difficultie and whether doth the Chancellour Arch-deacon or any other officer or minister exact or extort any greater fees or summes of money then in the said tables are contained 4 Whether doth the Chancellour Arch-deacon or officiall commute or change any penance or corporall punishment for any money without the consent of the Bishop and what money have they or any of them received for such commutation and of whom when and what was the offense for which any such summe of money was received or appointed to be payd 5 Whether doth the Chancellour Arch-deacon or officiall or any other person using ecclesiasticall jurisdiction speed any act in any cause privately of themselves and not in the presence of some publick notarie or actuarie 6 Whether is the number of apparitours increased in this diocesse and wherein and in what manner is the countrey over-burdened or grieved by them hath any of them under pretence of authoritie cited or summoned any person unlawfully or hath any of them taken any reward for the concealing of any offense or sinne or that the offenders might escape punishment who be they that have so done or do any of them take any fees that are not usuall have they threatned any to prosecute them if they had no reward given them or do any of them cause any partie to appeare in any ecclesiasticall court within this diocesse without first a citation obtained from the Iudge of the court 7 Whether hath any ecclesiasticall Iudge or officer whatsoever advocate register proctour clerks or other such ministers any way abused themselves in their offices contrarie to the laws and Canons in that behalf provided Lastly Whether have you and every of you sincerely uprightly and without any partiall affection and concealment presented and made known all and every the offenders in any of the particulars mentioned in the precedent Articles exhibited unto you either as they are taken in truth to be or by common fame reported If you know any other matter of ecclesiasticall cognisance worthy the presentment in your judgement and fit to be reformed by ecclesiasticall censure though it be not expressed in these Articles yet you shall likewise present the same by vertue of your oathes FINIS The forme of the Oath which according to the 119. Canon is to be administred vnto the Church-wardens and Sidemen YOu shall sweare that you and euery of you shall duely consider and diligently enquire of all and euery of these Articles giuen you in charge and that all affection fauour hope of reward and gaine all feare of displeasure or offending any all malice enuy and like sinister affections set apart you shall present all and euery such persons of or within your Parish as haue committed any offence or made any default mentioned in these or any of these Articles wherein you shall deale vprightly sincerely plainely and fully neither presenting nor sparing to present any contrary to truth hauing God before your eyes with an earnest zeale to maintaine truth and vertue and to suppresse error and vice So helpe you God and the holy contents of this Booke Articles concerning Religion and Doctrine WHETHER be there any one or more residing lodging or abiding in your Parish that hold defend set forth or propose any Heresie errors or false opinions contrary to holy Scripture the Thrée Créedes the Booke of Thirtie nine Articles the Booke of Common Prayer the Booke of Consecrating and ordayning Bishops Priests and Deacons 2 Whether there be any in your Parish that oppose denie or otherwise traduce the Kings Maiesties lawfull and established supremacie ouer all persons in all causes as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall within his Highnesse Realmes and Dominions 3 Whether there be any that affirme or maintaine that the Church of England is not a true Church but Hereticall or Schismaticall and that refuse to come into the publike Seruice to receiue the Sacraments to participate in other Diuine Rites and ceremonies with the Church of England either as Popish Recusants or Puritanicall Separatists and Schismatickes 4 Whether there be any in your Parish that doe or hath frequented celebrated or vsed any vnlawfull Assemblies priuate méetings or conuenticles in priuate houses vnder colour or pretext of Religion repeating of Sermons expounding of Scripture or that holdeth such méetings to be lawfull to be according to Gods word or such as may challenge the name of a Church 5 Whether any in your Parish doe publish sell disperse or communicate to others any superstitious or Popish bookes or writings any Schismaticall and Puritanicall Libelles treatises or papers Derogatorie from or contrary to the Religion State Church Gouernment of this Kingdome of England the Lawes and Canons of the same the Ministery and Priesthood therein Present their names qualities and conditions Articles concerning diuine Seruice and administration of the Sacraments 1 HAth any of or in your Parish spoken or declared any thing to disgrace depraue contemne or derogate from the forme of Diuine Seruice in the Book of Common Praier 2 Bée there any in your Parish that either absolutely refuse to come into Church and be present at Prayer or ordinarily walke abroad or that vsually tarrie at home or come not into the Church till Sermon begin 3 Doth your Minister reade diuine Seruice according to the Iniunctions in the booke of Common Prayer doth he diminish alter or change the forme prescribed in part or in all vsing Prayers in stead thereof of his owne deuising and conceiuing 4 Whether doth hee reade the Confession and absolution thereupon to be pronounced or doth he change the words thereof to make it a Prayer doth hee in reading the first and second lessons expound the Chapters as he readeth doth hee stand at the Gospell and Créed and obserue the forme prescribed in the Booke or not 5 Whether is the Sacrament of Baptisme by him rightly and duely administred according to the prescript forme expressed in the Booke of common Prayer without adding altering or detracting from any part or point therein Doth he refuse to vse the Interrogatories prescribed the signe of the Crosse commanded Doth he vse the words and not doe the Acte hath he admitted the Fathers or Mothers in publike or in priuate Baptisme to be Godfathers and Godmothers to their owne children whether
doth he vse to baptise the childe at the Font or in some Bason at his seate where hée readeth Prayer or is the Font translated and placed there or néere thereto from the Church-doore where it should stand signifying that Baptisme is our entry into the Church of God 6 Whether hath he refused in case of necessity to baptise Children at home haue any so dyed vnbaptised or will he not baptise the children of Papists being offered to baptisme such as he borne out of wedlocke as Bastards or vnlesse the Father will affirme publikely at the Font being asked it is his owne childe 7 Whether is the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper so administred as is prescribed viz. once euery Moneth or thrice at the least in the yeare 8 Item in time of administration are any suffered to bee present that doe not communicate Doth your Minister in administring it vse the garments and vestments prescribed Doth he consecrate the Bread and Wine with those words that are set downe if not how and in what manner 9 Doth he first reuerently vpon his knées receiue himselfe and then seuerally and distinctly giue it to the communicants they méekely knéeling and not standing or sitting either at the Table or vpon some bench Whether is the Bread wholsome and swéet Is the Wine as it should be representing blood not Sacke White-wine Water or some other Liquor And if more bread and wine be afterward brought the first not sufficing which was consecrated doth hée first vse the words of consecration vpon it before he giue it to the Communicants as is prescribed Can. xxj 10 Whether in solemnizing of Marriage visitation of the sicke Buriall of the dead Churching of women doth your Minister vse such maner and forme such words Rites and Ceremonies as are prescribed and if not then in what maner doth he performe them Articles concerning the Church the Ornaments sacred vtensils and possessions of the same 1 WHether haue you in your Church the whole Bible of the largest volumne and last Translation the Booke of Common Prayer with the Booke of Ordination of Bishops Priests and Deacons the two Bookes of Homilies 2 Haue you a Font of Stone for the administration of Baptisme set vp in the vsuall place néere the Church doore with a couer to kéepe it from dust and soyle 3 Haue you a conuenient and decent Communion Table placed conueniently as it ought with a Carpet of silke or some other comely stuffe to be laid vpon it in time of diuine Seruice and a cleane linnen cloth for the time of Communion 4 Is it prophaned at any time by sitting on it casting hats or cloakes vpon it writing or casting vp accounts or any other indecent vsage 5 Haue you in your Church a conuenient seate for your Minister to reade Diuine Seruice and to preach in a comely large and fine Surplice a Communion Cup and flagon of siluer or pewter a Chest for Almes with thrée lockes and keyes another chest for kéeping the bookes ornaments and vtensils of the Church Haue you a Register Booke in parchment for Christnings Burials Marriages and are these duely and faithfully written and recorded therein or not and is the same safely kept in a chest with thrée lockes and keyes according to the Canon 6 Whether is your Church Chappell Chancell sufficiently repaired decently and comely kept as well within as without be the seats maintained the Stéeple and bels preserued the windowes glased the floore paued and all things in such sort as may well be séeme the house of God 7 Whether is your Church-yard well mounded and fenced kept cleane without Nusance or soyle cast into it is it incroached vpon and by whom doe any offensiuely kéepe doores outletts or passages into your Church-yard doe any vse to quarrell fight play or make méetings banquets Church-ales there doe any kéepe Courts Léetes Lawdayes Musters there or otherwise vse it being a consecrated place prophanely contrary to the 88. Canon Articles concerning Ministers and Preachers of Gods word 1 WHether is your Minister a Preacher or not of what degrée is he in the Vniuersitie is he a licensed Preacher doth he personally reside vpon his benefice if not how long doth he vse to absent himselfe how doth he take order for seruing of his Cure whether by a sufficient and honest man what allowance doth he make him according to the proportion of his Benefice 2 Whether is your Minister or Curate a man of honest life fame and reputation a quarreller make-bate sower of strife sedition dissention or doth he commonly vse Ale-houses or vnlawfull games is hee defamed or detected for drunkennesse swearing swaggering or any indecent misbehauiour to the disgrace of his holy function and calling 3 Doth your Minister catechize the youth of the Parish vpon Sundayes in the after-noone halfe an houre before euening prayer in that Catechisme authorised in the common booke and no other and if any Parishioners refuse to send their Children or Seruants to be catechised let them be presented 4 Whether doth your Minister admit to preach in his Cure any stranger without requiring his Licence or any inconformeable man or suspended from Preaching and if yea how often and whom hath he so admitted 5 Hath your Minister preached against or confuted any Doctrine deliuered by any other minister in the same or any other Church within the Diocesse before hee hath acquainted the Bishop therewith and bin directed by him what to doe to the disturbance of the Churches peace or the scandall or offence of others 6 Hath your Minister preached or taught any new and strange Doctrine contrary vnto or disagréeing from the booke of Articles and the literall sense thereof Doth your Minister preach or teach any thing contrary to his Maiesties late Iniunctions about Predestination falling from Grace c. to trouble mens minds with those déep and darke points which of late haue so distracted and ●engarboyled the world 7 Doth your Minister vse in his prayer to pray for the King the Quéene Clergie Counsell c. and conclude with the Lords prayer according to the 55. Canon 8 Haue you any superinducted Preacher or Lecturer in your Parish doth he twice in the yeare at least reade Diuine Seruice both morning euening two seuerall Sundayes publikely in his surplice doth he twice a yeare administer the Sacraments with such Rites and Ceremonies as be prescribed in the Communion booke according to the .56 Canon 9 Doth your Minister solemnly bid holi-dayes and fasting dayes in the wéek following hath he married any without asking the banes thrice doth he of his owne head and voluntarie motion appoint or kéep any solemne fasts publikely or in priuate houses other than such as by Law are or by authority shall be appointed or is he present at any such in or out of his Parish Doth he hold or frequent any méetings for Sermons commonly called Prophesyings or Exercises in market townes or other places Doth hee vpon any pretence
whatsoeuer by Fasting and Prayer take vpon him to cast out any Deuill or Deuils in any obsessed or possessed person 10 Doth your Minister vpon euery Sunday when there is no Sermon reade an Homilie or some part thereof doth he once in the yeare reade ouer the booke of Canons vpon some Sundayes or Holi-dayes before euening prayer according to the Iniunction from his Maiestie 11 Doth your Minister vpon euery Wednesday and Friday reade the Letany in your Parish Church or Chappell according to the 15. Canon hath he not diuers times omitted so to doe since your last presentments 12 Doth your Minister alwayes and at euery time both morning and euening reading diuine Seruice and administring the Sacraments and other Rites of the Church weare the Surplice according to the Canons and doth he neuer omit wearing of the same at such times 13 Doth your Minister vse in his common course of life that decent apparell answerable to his calling and degrée both abroad and at home in iourneys and otherwise as is ordained by the 74. Canon 14 Hath any man residing in your Parish being a Deacon or Priest relinquished his Function and betaken himselfe to a Lai-mans life or vocation 15 Doth any Person of what degrée or calling soeuer kéepe or retaine in his house any Chaplaine or Minister to reade Prayers Preach instruct his Family who are they how many of what condition or degrée 16 Doth your Minister reside and dwell vpon his Parsonage the Uicarage house or else-where doth he kéepe it in good and sufficient reparations or not 17 Doth your Minister yearely in Rogation wéeke for the knowing and distinguishing of the bounds of Parishes and for obtaining Gods blessing vpon the fruits of the ground walke the Perambulation and say or sing in English the Gospells Epistles Letanie and other deuout prayers together with the hundred and third and hundred and fourth Psalmes 18 Whether your Minister be knowne to be or is vehemently suspected to be an Usurer Regrator Wood-monger buyer and seller of Timber or to vse any other scandalous and defamed trade and course of life contrary to the Statute of this Realme and honour of his calling 19 Doth your Minister before the seuerall times of administring the holy Communion especially before Easter admonish and exhort his Parishioners if they haue their consciences troubled to resort vnto him or some other learned and discréet Minister to reueale and open his griefe and dis●●i●tnesse that so he may receiue such Ghostly counsell and comfort that his conscience may be quieted and himselfe receiue the benefit of Absolution 20 If any man confesse his secret and hidden sinnes to the Minister for the disburthening of his conscience and receiuing consolation doth or hath the Minister at any time reuealed that thing committed to his trust and secresie contrarie to the 113. Canon Articles concerning Matrimonie 1 HAue any béene married within your Parish that were within the degrées of affinity or consanguinity by the law of God forbidden if any present their names 2 Haue any within your Parish béene married secretly in priuate houses or without their parents or gouernours consent signified being vnder the age of one and twenty yeares 3 Doe any persons lawfully married liue asunder vnlawfully and in whom is the default 4 Haue any persons their banes being not thrice published in the Church béene married without Licence who were present at such marriages and what Minister married them 5 What Popish Recusants or their children haue béene married in your Parish in what sort was that Matrimonie solemnized when and by whom haue any persons béene married in prohibited times without licence Articles concerning the Church-wardens 1 BEE the Church-wardens chosen by the Minister and Parishioners according to the 89. Canon and whether hath any taken vpon him to be Church-warden being not chosen or hath any continued one yeare in his office without a new choyse 2 Haue any Church-wardens retained any of the Church goods and not made a iust account of what they haue receiued and expended 3 Haue your Church-wardens and Sidemen béene and are they diligent in their office to sée decencie kept in the Church and order in the time of Common Prayer and administration of the Sacraments and that there be no disturbance but sobernesse and quietnesse in the Church And doe the Church-wardens kéep a booke in your Parish wherein the Names of euery strange Preacher in your parish is set downe and haue the Church-wardens suffered any to preach not shewing or hauing no Licence Articles concerning the Parishioners DOe any in your Parish prophane the Sunday by vnlawfull games drinking or tipling in the time of common prayer or Sermon and by working and doing the ordinarie workes of their vocation and trades 2 Are there any in your parish that doe impugne or speake against the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England or the lawfull vse of them And the gouernment of this Church vnder his Maiestie by Archbishops Bishops and other ecclesiasticall officers 3 Who in your Parish doe come to Sermon onely and not to diuine Seruice And who doe not reuerently behaue themselues during the time of diuine Seruice deuoutly knèeling when the generall Confession of Sinnes the Letany the ten Commandements and all Prayers and Collects are read and vsing all due and lowly reuerence when the blessed name of the Lord Iesus is mentioned and standing vp when the Articles of the Beliefe and Gloria Patri are read or said who doe couer their heads in the Church during the whole time of Diuine Seruice vnlesse it be in case of necessitie in which case they may weare a night-cap or who doe giue themselues to babling talking or walking and are not attentiue to heare the Word read and preached Haue any to your knowledge publikely or priuately spoken against the bending of the knée at the name of the Lord Iesus or vsed disgracefull speech against the acte or such as vse the act of reuerend bowing toward the Communion Table when they come to it to administer the Sacrament c. what words haue béene vsed by whom or where that way tell their names and words spoken if you can 4 Is there any of your Parish hauing a Preacher to their Minister that doe absent themselues from his Sermons and resort to other places to heare other Preachers Or doe any in your parish communicate or baptize their children in any other parish 5 Are there any in your parish that refuse to haue their children baptized or themselues to receiue the Communion of your Minister taking exception against him or haue any wiues that refuse to come to Church according to the booke of Common Prayer to giue thanks to God for their safe deliuerance in a decent habite as hath béene anciently accustomed 6 Hath any in your Parish spoken slanderous and reproachfull words against your Minister to the scandall of his vocation or against his Neighbour defaming them touching any crime of Ecclesiasticall