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A00211 Articles to be inquired of in the metropoliticall visitation of the most reverend father, VVilliam, by Gods providence, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and metropolitan in and for the dioces of London, in the yeere of our Lord God 163[blank], and in the [blank] yeere of His Graces translation. Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Archbishop (1633-1645 : Laud); Laud, William, 1573-1645. 1635 (1635) STC 10265.5; ESTC S2639 13,240 13

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and di●●inguished from the lands of other men vpon whom they doe abutt 4 What Cart-way Horse way foote way Gates or Styles doe leade from your Parsonadge or Uicaridge-House vnto euerie of the said parcells of Gleab-land Decl●re your knowledge therein 5 Whether doe you know or haue you crediblie heard that some Styles gates hedges ditch méere Trée Thorne or other Doole formerlie growing or being betwéene the said parcells of Gleabe or some of them and the Landes of other men haue bin digg●d vp felled downe destroied put by or defaced And who had the said parcell so wrong●d in occupation when the said Style Gate hedge ditch méere Tree Thorne or oher antient Doole was so digged vp felled downe destroyed put by or defaced Concerning the Clergy 1 VVHether doth your Parson Uicar or Curate distinctlie and reuerently say Diuine seruice vpon Sundayes and Holidayes and other dayes appointed to bee o●serued by the book of Common Prayer as Wednesdayes ●nd Fridayes and the Eues of euery Sunday and Holiday at fit and vsuall times And doth he dulie obserue the Orders Kites and Ceremonies prescribed in the said Booke of Common Prayer as well in reading publike prayers and the Letanie as also in administring the Sacraments solemnization of Matrimony visiting the sicke burying the dead Churching of Women and all other like Rites and Offices of the Church in such manner and forme as in the said Booke of Common prayer he is inioyned without any omission or addition And doth he reade the Book of the last Canons yearely and weare a Surplice according to the said Canons 2 Whether haue you any Lecturer in your Parish who hath preached in his Cl●ake and not in his Gowne and whether haue you any Lecturer who will not professe his willingnesse and readinesse to take vpon him a Liuing or Benefice with cure of sotles or who hath refused a Benefice when it hath béene offered vnto him 3 Doth your Minister bid Holidayes and Fasting-dayes as by the Booke of Common prayer is appointed And doth he giue warning beforehand to the Parishioners for the receiuing of the holy Communion as the two and twentieth Canon requi●th and whether hée doth administer the holy Communion so often and at such times as that euery Parishioner may receiue the same at the least thrice in euery yéere whe●eof once at Easter as by the Booke of Common prayer is appointed And doth your Minister receiue the same himselfe on euery day that he administreth it to others and vse the words of institution according to the Booke at euery time that the Bread and Wine is renewed accordingly as by the prouiso of the 21. Canon is directed And doth he deliuer the Bread and Wine to euery Communicant seuerally and knéeli●g Whether he hath admitted to the holy Communion any notorious Offender or Shismaticke contrary to the 26. and 27. constitutions or receiued any to the Communon being not of his owne Cure or put any from the Communion who are not publckly infamous for any notorious crime Doth he use the signe of the Crosse in Baptisme or baptise in any bason or other vessell and not in the vsuall Font Or admit any Father to be God-father to his owne Child or such who haue not receiued the holy Communion or baptize any Children that were not borne in the parish or wilf●lly refuse to Baptise any infant in his Parish being in danger hauing béene enformed of the weaknesse of the said child and whether the child dieth through his default without Baptisme 4 Whether hath your Minister married any without a Ring or without Banes p●blithed thrée seuerall Sundayes or Holidayes in time of Diuine seruice in the seuerall Churches or Chappels of their seuerall abode according to the book of Common p●ayer or in times prohibited albeit the Banes were thrice published without a Licens● or dispensation from the Archbishop the Byshop of the Diocesse or his Chancellor ●rst obtained in that behalfe Or not betwixt the houres of eight and twelue in the f●renoone or haue maried any in any priuate house or if the parties be under the age of 21. yéeres before their Parents or gouernours haue signified their consent vnto him 5 Doth he refuse to bury any which ought to be interred in Christian buriall or defer the same longer than he should or bury any in Christian buriall which by the consttutions of the Church of England or lawes of the Land ought not to be so interred 6 Is your Minister a Preacher allowed If yea then by whom If not whether d●th he procure some who are lawfully licensed to preach monethly amongst you at the least 7 Doth your Minister being licensed preach vsually according to the Canois either in his owne Cure or in some other Church or Chappell neare adioyning whre no other Preacher is and how often he hath beèn negligent in that behalfe and dot● he preach standing and with his Hat off Or whether doth he or his Curate vpon eury Sunday when there is no Sermon reade an homilie or some part thereof accordng as hée ought to doe or in case he bee not licensed to preach doth he take vpon him to Preach or expound the Scriptures in his owne Cure or elsewhere If so then you ●e to present the same the time and place when and where he did it 8 Doth your Minister use to pray for the Kings Majesty King Charles and for the Queenes Majesty Prince Charles and all the royall Progeny with addition of such Stile and Titles as are due to his Highnesse and exhort the people to obedience to his Majesty and all Magistrates in authoritie vnder him And doth he also pray for all Archbishops Bishops and other Ecclesiasticall persons 9 Is your Minister continually resident vpon his benefice and how long time hath he ●in absent and in case he be licensed to be absent whe●her doth he cause his Cure to be s●fficiently supplied according to the Canons Or in case he hath another Benefice whe●her doth he supply his absence by a Curate sufficiently licensed to preach in that Cu●e where he himselfe is not resident Or otherwise in case the smalnesse of the liuing can●ot find a preaching Minister doth he preach at both his benefices vsually 10 Doth your Minister or Curate serue any more cures than one If yea then what oth●r Cure doth he serue and how farre are they distant 11 Doth your Minister or Curate euery Sunday and Holiday before Euening pra●er for halfe an houre or more examine and instruct the youth and ignorant persons of ●is Parish in the Tenne Commandements Articles of the Beliefe and in the Lods Prayer and the Sacraments according as it is prescribed in the Catechisme set forh in the booke of Common prayer only And if he doe not where is the fault either in he Parents and Masters of the children or in the Curate neglecting his duty And in ●e carefull to tender all such youth of his Parish as haue béene well instructed in
read 〈◊〉 who doe couer their heads in the Church during the time of Diuine Seruice vnlesse 〈◊〉 be in case of necessity in which case they may weare a Night cap or Coyfe Or who ●●e giue themselues to babbling talking or walking and are not attentiue to heare the word preached or read Whether any of your Parish being of sixtéene yéeres of age o vpwards doe not receiue the holy Communion in your Church thrice euery yéere ●●ereof once at Easter and whether they doe not deuoutly knéele at the receiuing thereo And whether any hauing diuerse houses of remoue doe shift from place to place of p●rpose to defeat the performance of their Christian duties in that behalfe 2 Whether any of your parishioners being admonished therof do not send their Childen Seruants and Apprentices to the Minister to be catechized vpon such Sundayes ●●d Holydayes as are appointed Or whether any of them do refuse to come or if they cme refuse to learne those instructions set forth in the Book of Common prayer 3 Whether any of your Parish doe entertaine within their house any soiourner cmmon guests or other persons who refuse to frequent Diuine Seruice or receiue 〈◊〉 holy Communion as aforesaid present their names their qualities or conditions 4 What Recusant Papists are there in your Parish or other Sectaries present t●eir names qualities or conditions whether they keep any Schoole master in their h●use which commeth not to Church to heare Diuine Seruice and receiue the Com●uni●n What is his Name and how long hath he taught there or elsewhere 5 Whether any of the said Popish Recusants or other Schismaticks doe labour to ●ouce and with-draw others from the Religion now established Or instruct their familes or children in Popish religion or refuse to entertaine any especially in place of g●eatest seruice or trust but such as t●ntur●e with them in their opinions 6 How long haue the said popish Recusants abstained from Diuine Seruice or from the Communion as aforesaid 7 Is there any in your Parish that retaine sell vtter or disperse any Popish bookes o● Writings or other Bookes Libraries or w●itings of any Sectaries touching the Religion State or Gouernement Ecclesiastical of this Kingdom of England or kéep any Monuments of Superstition vncancelled or vndefaced 8 Whether haue you any in your Parish which heretofore being popish Recusants or Sectaries haue since reformed themselues and come to Church to heare Diuine Seruice and receiue the Sacraments If yea then who are they And how long since haue they so reformed themselues And whether they still remaine and abide in that conformitie 9 Is there any in your Parish that refuse to haue ●heir Children Baptised or the●selues to receiue the Communion at the hands of your Minister taking excep●ion against him and what causes or exceptions doe they alleage or haue any maried Wiues refused to come to Church according to the Booke of Common Prayer to giue G●d thankes after their child-birth for their safe deliuerance And whether doe any of or ●n your Parish refuse to haue their children Bap●ized in your Parish Church according ●o the forme prescribed in the booke of common Prayer 10 Doe any of your Parish usually goe to other Parish Churches to heare Diuine Seruice or Sermons Or doe they communicate or Baptize their Children in any ●ther Parish 11 Whether there be any in your Parish who will come to heare the Sermon b●t will not come to publike prayers ap●ointed by the Book of Common Prayer making● Schisme or diuision as it were betwéene the use of publike prayer and preaching 12 What persons within your Parish for any offence contumacy or crime 〈◊〉 Ecclesiasticall Conusance doe stand excommunicate present their names and for wh● cause they are excommunicated and how long they haue so stood and what person 〈◊〉 persons doe wittingly and usually kéepe them company 13 Whether any not being in Orders doe execute any Priestly or Ministeriall o●fice in your Church Chappell or Church-yard and what be their names 14 Whether any in your Parish that hauing heretofore taken vpon him the orde● of Priest-hood or Deacon hath since relinquished the same and liues as a Lay-ma● neglecting his vocation 15 Hath any person in your Parish quarrelled or stricken or vsed any violence 〈◊〉 your Minister or haue stricken or quarrelled with any other person within your Chur● or Church yard or demeaned himselfe disorderly in the Church by filthie or prophan talke or any other base or immodest behauiour Or hath disturbed the Minister in tim of Diuine Seruice or Sermon or hath libelled or spoken slanderous words again● your Minister to the scandall of his vocation or defa●ed any of his Neighbours to●●ching any crime of Ecclesiasticall Conusance 16 Whether any of or in your Parish without consent of the Ordinarie or othe● lawfull authoritie haue caused any to do pennance or to be censured or punished for an● matter of Ecclesiasticall Conusance by any Uestrie méetings or otherwise by thei● own authoritie Or haue taken any mony or commutation for the same Present thei● names that haue done it And who haue beene so punished In what manner and vpo● what cause 17 Whether any person in your Parish doe exercise any Trade or labour buy o● sell or kéepe open Shops or Ware-houses vpon any Sunday or Holiday by themselues their Seruants or Apprentices or haue otherwise prophaned the said dayes contrar● to the orders of the Church of England And whether there be any Inne-kéepers Ale house-kéepers Uictuallers or other persons that permit any persons in their houses t● eate drink or play during the time of Diuine Seruice or Sermon or reading the Ho●milies in the forenoone or afternoone vpon those dayes 18 Whether the fifth day of Nouember be kept holie and thankesgiuing made t● God for his Maiesties and this States happy deliuerance according to the Ordinanc● in that behalfe 19 Whether any of your Parish hold or frequent any conuen●●cles or priuate Con●gregations or make or maintaine any constitutions agréed vpon in any such assem●blies Or any that doe write or publikely or priuately speake against the Booke o● Common prayer or any thing therein contained or against any of the Articles of Re●ligion agréed vpon in Anno 1562 or against the Kings Supremacie in causes Eccless●●sticall or against the Oath of Supremacie or of Allegiance as pretending the same t● be vnlawfull and not warrantable by the Word of GOD Or against any of the ●ites or Ceremonies of the Church of England now established Or against the Gouernment of the Church of England vnder the Kings most excellent Majesty by Arch-Bishops Deanes Arch-Deacons and other Officers of the same affirming ●hat the same is repugnant to the Word of God and that the said Ecclesiasticall Offi●rs are not lawfully ordained Or whether there be any Authors Maintainers or Fa●urers of Heresie or Schisme or that be suspected to be Anabaptists Libertines ●rownists of the Familie of Loue or of any other Heresie or
ARTICLES TO BE INQVIRED OF IN THE METROPOLITICALL VISITATION OF THE MOST REVEREND FATHER VVILLIAM By GODS Providence Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury Primate of all England and METROPOLITAN In and for the Dioces of LONDON In the yeere of our LORD GOD 163● And in the 〈◊〉 yeere of his Graces Translation EX IGNE RESVRGIT VIRTVS Printed at London by Richard Badger 163● The Tenour of the Oath to be Ministred to the Church-wardens and Side-men YOu shall sweare that you and every of you shall duly consider and diligently enquire of all and every of these Articles given you in charge and that all affection favour hatred hope of reward and gaine or feare of displeasure or malice set aside you shall present all and every such person that now is or of late was within your parish as hath committed any offence or made any default mentioned in these or any of these Articles or which are vehemently suspected or defamed of any such offence or default Wherein you shall deale uprightly and fully neither presenting nor sparing to present any contrary to truth having in this action GOD before your eyes with an earnest zeale to maintaine truth and to suppresse vice So helpe you GOD and the holy Contents of this Booke Concerning the Church the Ornaments thereof and the Churches possessions IMprimis Whether haue you in your seuerall Churches and Chappels the whole Bible of the largest volume and the Booke of Common Prayer both fairely and substantially bound A Font of stone set vp in the ancient vsuall place A conuenient and decent Communion Table with a Carpet of silke or some other decent stuffe continually laid vpon the same at time of diuine seruice and a faire linnen cloth thereon at the time of the receiuing of the holy Communion And whether is the same Table placed in such conuenient sort within the Chancell or Church as that the Minister may bee best heard in his Prayer and Administration and that the greatest number may communicate And whether is it so used out of time of diuine seruice as is not agréeable to the holy use of it as by sitting on it throwing hats on it writing on it or is it abused to other prophaner vses and are the ten Commandements set vpon the East end of your Church or Chappell where the people may best sée and reade them and other sentences of holy Scripture written on the walles likewise for that purpose 2 Whether are the afternoones Sermons in your seuerall Parishes turned into Catechizing by question and answer according to the forme prescribed in the Booke of Common Praier and whether doth euery Lecturer reade diuine Seruice according to the Liturgy printed by authority in his Surplice and Hood before the Lecture And whether are his Maiesties Instructions in all things duly obserued 3 Whether haue you in your said Church or Chappel a conuenient seat for your Minister to read Seruice in together with a comly pulpet set vp in a conuenient place with a decent cloath or cufhion for the same a comely large Surplice a faire Communion Cup with a couer of siluer a Flagon of siluer tinne or pewter to put the Wine in whereby it may be set vpon the Communion Table at the time of the blessing thereof with all other things and ornaments necessary for the celebration of Diuine Seruice and administration of the Sacraments And whether haue you a strong Chest for Almes for the poore with thrée Lockes and Keies and another Chest for kéeping the Bookes and Ornaments of the Church and the Register Book And whether haue you a Register Booke in Parchment for Christnings Weddings and Burials and wether the same be kept in all points according to the Canons in that behalfe prouided And is the Mothers Christian name therein Registred as well as the Fathers and a transcript thereof brought in yearely within one moneth after the 25 of March into the Lord Archbishop or Bishop of the Diocesse his principall Register And whether haue you in your said Church or Chancell a Table set of the degrées wherein by Law men are prohibited to marry 4 Whether are your Church and Chappels with the Chancels thereof and your p●rsonage or vicarage house your parish Almes-house and Church-house in good reparations and are they imployed to godly and their right holy vses Is your Church Chancell and Chappell decently and comly kept as well within as without and the seats well maintained according to the 85. Canon in that behalfe provided Or haue any Patrons or others decayed the Parsonage houses and keepe a stipendary Priest or Curate in place where an incumbent should be possessed Whether is your Church-yard well fenced with walles railes or pales and by whom and if not in whose default the same is and what the defect or fault is And whether any person haue incroached vpon the ground of the Church-yard or whether any person or persons haue vsed any thing or place consecrated to holy vse prophanely or wickedly 5 Is your Church or Chappell decently paued and is your Church-yard well and orderly kept without abuse Are the bones of the dead decently interred or laid vp in ●ome fit place as beseemeth Christians And is the whole consecrated ground kept free from Swine and all other nastinesse as becommeth the place so dedicated 6 Whether haue any ancient Monuments or Glasse-windowes béen defaced or any ●rasse Inscriptions Lead Stones or any thing else belonging to your Church or Chap●ell beène at any time purloyned and by whom 7 Whether haue you the Terrier of all the Gleabe Lands Medowes Gardens Orchards Houses Stockes Implements Tenements and portions of Tithes whether wi●hin your Parish or without belonging vnto your parsonage or vicarage taken by the vsew of honest men in your said Parish And whether the same Terrier be laid vp in the Bishops Registery and in whose hands any of them are now And if you haue no Terrier already made in Parchment you the Church-wardens and Sidemen together wi●h your Parson or Uicar or in his absence with your Minister are to make diligent in●uiry and presentment of the seuerall particulars following and make subscribe and signe the said Terrier as aforesaid 1 How many seuerall parcelis of Glebe-land doe you know or haue you credibly heard to belong vnto your Rectory Church Parsonadge Uicaridge c. and by what Names are they or any of them commonly called and knowne And what yearly Rent haue you knowne or heard to haue beene paid vnto the Parson Uicar or to his or their Asignes for euery or any of the said parcels ● In Whose occupation are the said parcells at this present How much doth each pa●cell conteyne by measure of the 16. foote Poale How is each parcell Butted on eu●ry parte And who is to repaire the Fences on each side thereof 3 What hedge ditch méere trée thorne doole or distination is there now at this pr●sent whereby the said parcells of Church-lands may bee apparentlie knowne
ther Catechisme to be confirmed by the Bishop in his Uisitation or any other conuenie●t time as is appointed by the booke aforesaid 12 Doth your Minister in the Rogation dayes goe in perambulation of the circuit of the Parish saying and vsing the prayers Suffrages and Thankesgiuing to God appo●nted by Law according to his duty thanking GOD for his blessings if there be plenty on the earth Or otherwise to pray for his grace and fauour if there be a feare of ●carcity 13 Hath your Minister admitted any Woman begotten with childe in adultery or for●ication to be Churched without licence of the Ordinary 14 Hath your Minister or any other Preacher baptized children churched any woman or ministred the holy Communion in any priuate house otherwise than by Law is allowed 15 Doth your Minister endeuour and labour diligently to reclaime the popish Recusa●ts in his parish from their errors if there be any such abiding in your parish Or whether is your Parson Uicar or curate ouer conuersant wish or a fauourer of Recusa●ts whereby he is suspected not to be sincere in Religion 16 Hath your Minister taken vpon him to appoint any publike or priuate Fasts Pophestes or exercises not approued by Law or publike authority or hath vsed to met in any priuate house or place with any person or persons there to consult how to impeach or depraue the Booke of Common Prayer or the doctrine or discipline of the Curch of England If yea then you shall present them all 17 Hath your Minister staied the publication of any excommunications or suspentio●s or doth he euery halfe yéere denounce in his Parish Church all such of his parish a● are excommunicated and perseuere therein without seeking to be absolued or doth he vittingly and willingly kéep company with such as are excommunicate And hath hee a●mitted into your Church any person excommunicate without a certificate of his abs●ution from the Ordinary or other competent Iudge 18 Doth your Minister carefully looke to the reléefe of the poore and from time to time call vpon his Parishioners to giue some what as they can spare to godly and ch●ritable vses especially when they make their Testaments 19 Whether your Minister or any hauing taken holy Orders being now silenced or suspended or any other person of your knowledge or as you haue heard hold any co●uenticles or doth preach in any place or vse any other forme of Diuine Seruice ●ha●●s appointed in the Book of Common prayer If yea then you are to present their name and with whom 20 Whether is your Curate licensed to serue by the Bishop of this Diocesse or b● any other and by whom 21 Doth your Minister vse such decencie and comelinesse in his apparell as by ●e 47. Cannon is enjoyned is he of sober behauiour and one that doth not vse such bodlie labour as is not seemelie for his function and calling 22 Is your Minister noted or defamed to haue obtained his Benefice or his orde● by Symonie or any other way defamed to be a Symoniacall person or any way no●d to be a Schismaticke or schismatically affected or reputed to be an incontinent perso● or doth table or lodge any such in his house or is he a frequenter of Tauernes Inns or Ale-houses or any place suspected for ill rule Or is he a common Drunkard a co●mon Gamester or player at Dice a Swearer or one that applieth himselfe not at hs studie or is otherwise offensiue and scandalous to his function or Ministerie 23 Doth your Preacher or Lecturer reade Diuine seruice before his Sermon ●r Lecture and Minister the Sacraments twice a yeere at least in his owne person acc●ding to the Canons 24 When any person hath béene dangerously sicke in your Parish hath he neglectd ●o visit him and when any haue béene parting out of this life hath he omitted to doe ●s last dutie in that behalfe 25 Doth your Minister Curate or Lecturer in his or their Sermons deliuer suh doctrine as tends to obedience and the edifying of their Auditorie in faith and Religio● without intermedling with matters of State not fit to be handled in the pulpit but ●o be discussed by the wisdome of his Maiesty and his Councell And if you find any faulte herein you shall present them Schoole-Masters DOth any in your Parish openlie or priuatelie take vpon him to teach Schoole wi●out license of the Ordinarie and is he conformable to the Religion now establishe And doth he bring his Schollers to the Church to heare diuine Seruice and Sermons And doth he instruct his Schollers in the grounds of the Religion now established ●n this Church of England and is he carefull and diligent to benefit his Schollers in learning 2 Doth your Schoole master teach and instruct his youth in any other Catechisme than is allowed by publike authoritie And what Catechisme it is that he so teacheth 3 Is any Living or meanes giuen towards the erection or maintenance of any Schoole withholden backe or otherwise imployed and by whom 4 Doth any kéepe Schoole in the Chancell or Church by which meanes that hoy place and the Communion Table are many waies profaned and the windowes brok●● Parish Clarke and Sextons 1 HAue you a fit Parish Clarke aged twentie yeeres at least of honest conuersati●● able to reade and write Whether are his and the S●xtons wages paid w●●out fraud according to the ancient custome of your Parish if not then by whom are they so defrauded or denied by whom are they chosen and whether the said Clarke bee approued by the Ordinarie And hath hee taken an Oath as in such cases is fit and ●●quired● and is he diligent in his Office and seruiceable to the Minister and doth he tale vpon him to meddle with any thing aboue his Office as Churching of Women burying the dead or such like ● Doth your Clark or Sexton kéep the Church cleane the doores locked at fit times Is any thing lost or spoiled in the Church through his default are the Communion Tble Font Books and other Ornaments of the Church kept faire and cleane doth he suffer any unseasonable ringing or any prophane exercise in your Church Or doth he wen any is passing out of this life neglect to toll a bell hauing notice thereof Concerning the Parishioners 1 VVHether any of your Parishioners being sixtéene yéeres of age or upwards or others lodging or commonly resorting to any House within your Parish d●e wilfully absent themselues from your parish Church vpon Sundayes or Holidayes a● Morning and Euening prayers Or who come late to Church and depart from Church before seruice be done vpon the said dayes Or who doe not reuerently behaue thmselues during the time of Diuine seruice deuoutly knéeling when the generall confession of sins the Letany the tenne Commandements and all Prayers and Collets are read and using all due and lowly reuerence when the blessed name of the Lord ●esus Christ is mentioned and standing vp when the Articles of the Beliefe are
Schisme present their ●m●s 20 Whether any in your Parish haue maried within the degrées by Law prohibited ●●d where and by whom And whether any couple in your Parish being lawfullie ma●ed liue apart one from the other without due separation by the Law or any that haue bene diuorced which kéepe company with any other at Bedde or at Boord 21 Whether doe any persons administer the goods of the dead without lawfull autho●ty or suppresse the last will of the dead Or are there in your Parish any wils not yet ●oued or goods of the dead dying intestate left vnadministred By authority in that ●halfe you shall not faile to present the Executors and all others faultie therein and ●●o how many persons being possessed of any goods and chattels haue died within your ●arish since the x. day of Februarie 1635. 22 Whether any with-hold the Stocke of the Church or any goods or other things euen to good and charitable vses 23 Whether your Hospitals and Almes-houses and other such houses and corporati●s founded to good and charitable vses and the lands possessions and goods of the same ● ordered and disposed of as they should be And doe the Masters Gouernours Fellwes and others of the said Houses and Corporations behaue and demeane themselues acording to the godly Ordinances and statutes of their seuerall Foundations 24 Whether haue you any in your Parish to your knowledge or by common fame or ●port which haue committed Adultery Fornication or Incest or any which haue im●dently bragged or boasted that he or they haue liued incontinently with any person or ●rsons whatsoeuer or any that haue attempted the chastity of any Woman or solici●● any Woman to haue the carnall knowledge of her bodie or which are commonly ●puted to bee common Drunkards Blasphemers of Gods holy Name common ●wearers common Slanderers of their Neighbours and sowers of discord filthy and ●sciuious Talkers Usurers Symoniac all Persons Bawdes or Harborers of Wo●en with childe which be vnmaried or Conueying or suffering them to goe away be●e they haue made satisfaction to the Church or any that hauing heretofore béene pre●nted or suspected of any the aforesaid crimes haue for that cause departed your Pa●h and are now returned againe Or any which haue vsed any inchantments sorce●es incantations or witchcrafts which are not made felony by the Statutes of this ●ealme or any which haue committed any perjurie in any Ecclesiasticall Court in an ●cclesiasticall cause or which haue committed any forgerie punishable by the Ecclesi●●icall Lawes and the procurors and abettors of the said offences you shall truly pres●t the names of all and singular the said offendors and with whom they haue committd the said offences in case they haue not béene publikely punished to your knowledge 〈◊〉 the same crimes Physitions Chir●rgions and Mid-wives 2 HOw many Physitions Chirurgions or Mid-Wiues haue you in your Parish How long haue they vsed their seuerall Sciences or Offices and by what authorite And how haue they demeaned themselues therein and of what skil are they accountd to be in their profession Touching the Church-wardens and Side-men 1 VVHether you and the Church-wardens Quest-men or Side-men from tine to time doe and haue done their diligence in not suffering any idle persor to abide either in the Church-yard or Church-porch in Seruice or Sermon time bu causing them either to come into the Church to heare Diuine Seruice or to depart an● not disturbe such as be hearers there And whether they haue and you doe diligently se the parishioners duely resort to the Church euery Sunday and Holiday and there to renaine during diuine Seruice and Sermon And whether you or your predecessors Ch●rch-Wardens there suffer any playes Feasts drinkings or any other prophane vsag●s to be kept in your Church Chappell or Church-yards or haue suffered to your and heir vttermost power and endeauour any person or persons to be tipling or drinking in any Inne or Uictualling house in your Parish during the time of Diuine Seruice or ●ermon on Sundayes and Holidayes 1 Whether and how often haue you admitted any to preach within your Churh or Chappell which was not sufficientlie licensed And whether you together with your Minister haue not taken diligent héed and care that euerie parishioner being of sixtene yéeres of age or vpwards haue receiued thrice euerie yéere as aforesaid and also hat no stranger haue vsuallie come to your Church from their owne Parish-Church 3 Whether haue there béene prouided against euerie Communion a sufficient q●antitie of fine white bread and good and wholesome wine for the communicants that ●all receiue And whether that wine be brought in a cleane and swéet standing pot of pewter or of other purer mettall 4 Whether were you chosen by the consent of the Minister and the Parishiones And haue the late Church-wardens giuen vp a just account for their time and deliu●red to their successors by Bill indented the money ●nd other things belonging to the Church which was in their hands And are the Almes of the Church faithfullie distributed to the vse of the poore 5 Whether doe you sée the names of all Preachers which are strangers and pre●ch in your Parish Churches to be noted in a Booke for that purpose and whether eu●ie Preacher doe subscribe his name and of whom he had his License 6 Whether any man doe trouble or molest you for doing your duties 7 Whether there be any Legacies witholden giuen to the Church or poore people o● to the mending of Highwayes or otherwise by the Testators In whose hands it is by whom it was giuen and by whom it is with-holden 8 Do you know of any thing that hath béene complained of that is not yet redresse Concerning Ecclesiasticall Magistrates and Officers 1 VVHether doe you know or haue heard of any payment composition or agrement to or with any Ecclesiasticall Magistrate Iudge or Officer for wil●ing at or sparing to punish any person for any offence of Ecclesiasticall Conusance ●r for suppressing or concealing of any excommunication or any other Ecclesiasticall C●sure of or against any Recusant or any other offendor in the cases aforesaid Wh●t summe of money or other consideration hath béene receiued or promised by or to any ●f them in that respect by whom and with whom 2 Hath any person within your Parish paid or promised any summe of money or ●ther reward for commutation of pennance for any crime of Ecclesiasticall Conusance If so then with whom When and for what and how hath the same beéne impl●yed 3 Are your Ecclesiasticall Iudges and their substitutes Masters of Arts or Batcellors of the Lawes at the least Learned and practised in the Ciuill and Ecclesiastic●l Lawes Men of good life and fame zealously affected in Religion and iust and v●right in executing their Offices Haue they heard any matter of Office priuatel●e in th●●● Chambers without their sworne Registers or their Deputies presence● 4 Doe you know or haue you heard that any Ecclesiasticall Iudge Officer or Mi●nister hath receiued or taken any extraordinarie fées or other rewards or promises b● any vayes or meanes directly or indirectlie of any person or persons whatsoeuer eithe● for th● granting of the administration of the Goods and Chattels of those that haue die● inte●●te to one before another or for allotting of larger portions of the G●ods and Chatels of those that haue died i●testate to one more than to another or for allowing large and vnreasonable accounts made by Ex●cutors or administrators or for giuing them Quietus est or discharges without Inuentory or account to defraude Creditors Leg●aries or those who are to haue portions And what summ●s of money doe you knov or haue you heard that any Ecclesiasticall Iudge or Officer hath taken out of the s●te of any dying intestat● vpon pretence to bestow the same in Pios vsus and how ●aue the same béene bestowed 5 Hath any Ecclesiasticall Magistrate Iudge Officer or any o●her exercising Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction within this your Diocesse Or any Aduocate Register Procter Cla●kes Apparators or other Minister belonging to the same Ecclesiasticall Courts exaced or taken by any wayes or meanes directly or indirectly extraordinarie or greater Fées than are due accustomed And whether is there a Table for the rates of all Fée● set vp in their seuerall Courts and Offices And whether they haue sent or suffered my Processe to goe out of the Ecclesiasticall Courts otherwise than by Law they oug●t Or haue they taken vpon them the Offices of Informers or Promoters to the said Courts or any other way abused themselues in their Offices contrarie to the Law and Canons in that behalfe prouided 6 What number of Apparators haue euery seuerall Iudge Ecclesiasticall And whe●ein and in what manner is the Countrey ouerburthened by them And wherein hau● they caused or summoned any to appeare in the said Courts without a presentme●t or Citation first had Or whether haue they threatned any to prosecute them in the said Courts if they would not giue them some rewards and what bribes in that behal● haue they taken 7 What reward or fees hath any of the Apparators taken to saue the iournies to the Ec●esiasticall Court of any persons what after composition so made haue they or any of hem taken and receiued and what acquittance or discharge haue they giuen or promised them and whether haue they not cited some to appeare before the Arch-Deacon or his Officiall after they haue béene ordered by the Commissary and done their pennance acc●rdingly and whom haue they so cited and troubled and what hath it cost them as you 〈◊〉 or haue heard or by inquiry can finde I● you know of any other default or crime of Ecclesiasticall Conusance you are to ●●●ent the same by vertue of your Oathes ●he Minister of euerie Parish may and ought to ioyne in presentment with the Ch●rch-wardens and Side men and if they will not present the Minister may and ou●ht himselfe to present the defaults and crimes aforesaid and there must be seuerall pr●entments made to euery seuerall article and the Minister Church-wardens and Sw●rne-men are to méete and conferre about the said presentments and answering of eu●ry of the aforesaid Articles FINIS