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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17444 An A.B.C. or holy alphabet conteyning some plaine lessons gathered out of the word, to the number of the letters in the English alphabet, to enter young beginners in the schoole of Christ. E. C., fl. 1626.; Cancellar, James, attributed name. 1626 (1626) STC 4264.5; ESTC S114411 39,537 142

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and spirituall obseruation of the Sabbath wherevnto as one maine branch of piety in those times put for the whole the Iewes were inuited by promise of rich reward from God ISAI 58. 13 If thou turne away thy foot frō the Sabbath that is as the words following shew from prophaning it whereto by corrupt nature all are carried from doing thy will on my holy day and shalt call the Sabbath a delight the holy of the Lord honorable and shalt honour him not doing thine owne wayes nor seeking thine owne pleasure nor speaking thine owne words 14 Then shalt thou delight thy selfe in the Lord and I will cause thee to ride vpon the high places of the earth and feede thee with the heritage of Iacob thy Father for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Some haue sought to antiquate and quite abolish now vnder the Gospell the authority of the fourth Commaundement as the Papists in their Catechismes expunge the second And Athiests and Blasphemers would as gladly haue the first and third ●azed out But both the deuotion and doctrine of our Church still directing vs to our ten Comandements * The same which God spake in Exod. 20. As see ●n our Church Catechisme and booke of Common Prayer viz in the Communion ministration of Baptisme and in particular to this * In the Homily of the time and place of Prayer sober minded Christians ought and will haue a due respect ther●unto and as we celebrate in steede of the passeouer the Eucharist as the new S●crament of the Gospell called for distinction from the former by St. Paul the a 1 Cor. 11.20 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lords Supper So likewise to obserue in place of the Sabbath this first day of the weeke as our Christian Sabbath and sanctified day of rest for holy worship called for like distinction by Saint Iohn b Reu. 1.10 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lords day In which as that blessed Apostle then in banishment was rauished in the spirit and saw heauenly visions and reuelations So should we also labour who haue receiued the spirit to be in what we may that day wholy spirituall and heauenly minded so withdrawing our mindes and hearts as farre as wee are able except in cases of more vrgent necessities from all distracting whatsoeuer businesses or delights as that wee deuote our selues and be wholy taken vp in publique more priuate seruices of Gods holy worship Psa 92.1 2 heau●nly contemplations and workes of Christian charity as in an holy festiuall of reioycing before the Lord. Of which particulars so much hauing been written In the Homily fore-alledged of the time place of prayer and in the Practise of Pietie c. Exod. 20.8 Nehe. 13.22 I spare to adde more but onely exhort that without either superstition or prophanenesse wee so remember before hand to prepare for it euer when it commeth as God would haue vs to keepe it holy that God may remember vs in mercy and we receiue the blessing And thus also briefely for the obseruation of the Lords day the more solemne Christian Sabbath or day of holy rest T. NExt for direction touching Charitie that common and perpetuall Debt of Christians Rom. 13 8 1 Pet. 1 22. Rom. 12.10 owed generally to all but with tender and brotherly affection to true Beleeuers professing and giuing proofe of their precious Faith and walking in Truth which St. Paul termeth the More excellent way 1 Cor. 12.31 Col. 31 4 Rom. 13.10 Ephes 4.4 Ioh. 13.34 Vers 35. the Bond of perfectnesse and fulfilling of the Law tying vs thereto by so many bondes which our Sauiour himself stileth his New Commandement maketh knowne as the chiefe cognizance of his Disciples take notice of the fifteene properties hereof set downe 1 COR. 13. 4 CHARITIE or Loue suffereth long and is kinde or bountifull Charity enuieth not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 charitie vaunteth not it selte or is not thwarting 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or doing frowardly it is not puffed vp 5 It doth not behaue it selfe vnseemely it seeketh not her owne things it is not easily prouoked it thinketh none euill 6 It reioyceth not in iniquity but reioyceth in the truth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 7 It beareth or couereth all things it beleeueth all things it hopeth all things it endureth all things By which properties the meaning well apprehended shall we try our hearts and liues as we may doe also in the mutuall good offices of the bodily members 1 Cor. 12.26 it may bee feared we shall finde in vs much want of Charity which since it argueth by Saint Johns rule weakenesse 1 Ioh 4.20 at least in our loue to God wee had the more neede to pray that God who is Charity it selfe Ver. 16. would by his spirit of loue bestow vpon vs and more and more heate and enflame in vs this quickning and working Grace V. FVrther yet the exercise and excellency of this grace of Charitie being most obseruable in Christians carriage about their speciall Callings rules in Scripture are not wanting shall men consult with these Counsellers to guide Christians in such personall duties according to that generall charge Psal 119.24 as the maine and speciall foundation laid by grace of good order in humane societie 1 COR. 7.20 24. Let euery man in the same vocation wherein hee is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 therein abide with God that is doing duties to men therein out of Conscience towards God More speciall directions of which kind applyed to those Domesticall subordinations wherein Families are established Ephes 5.21 that Each may submit to other in the feare of God according to his will we shall find 1 Of Husbands and Wiues the summe whereof comprised Coloss 3.18.19 And more vnfolded Ephes 5. and 1 Peter 3. consisting of feruent and faithfull loue in the Husband and due subiection and reuerence in the Wife is vsefully read by order of our Church in Marriage Solemnities to make both parties and their Neighbours also more mindefull of their duties 2 Of Parents and Children the summe whereof grounded on the fifth Commandement being in Children Honour and thankefull Obedience to their Parents In Parents wise and due care for nurture and education of their Children and euery way towards them Loue and tender kindnesse is by the same Apostle also both in Coloss 3.20 21 briefely touched and Ephes 6.1 2 3 4. more fully opened and by the Legall Promise annexed to the Praecept powerfully perswaded 3 Of Masters and Seruants the summe of the Masters duty which is to doe that which is iust and equal to their Seruants Knowing that they also haue a Master in heauen that regardeth euery mans carriage and respecteth no mans person being deliuered Ephes 6.9 and Coloss 4.1 But more expressely and at large the duty of Seruants as needing in those times most to bee remembred set downe as in