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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08870 An introduction into the bookes of the prophets and apostles Written by Peter Palladius, Doctor of Diuinity and Byshop of Rochil. Faithfully translated out of Latin into English. By Edw. Vaughan.; Isagoge ad libros propheticos et apostolicos. English Palladius, Peder, 1503-1560.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Vaughan, Edward, preacher at St. Mary Woolnoth. 1598 (1598) STC 19153; ESTC S113915 75,737 224

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of Israell and Iudah sometimes good and sometimes bad somtimes most Godlye as Iosias Ezekias sometimes most wicked as Ioas and Manasses with other to the ende of the booke vnder which kinges all the prophets both Elias and they which were before the captiuitie of Babilon did prophesie many of them were crownd with martiredome as Esay Ieremie Amos Zachary Zacharie and the rest Of the bookes called Paralipomenon PAralipomenon taketh his name of leauing because it handleth that which in the bookes of the Kinges is left out or omitted and is deriued of Para that is like and Leipomai to leaue or omit they may be also called bookes of chronicles because they conteyne histones of things done from yeere to yeere whereupon the Title in hebrue is dibre haiamaim that is wordes of daies for in these two bookes are described particularly the actes deedes of the kinges of Israel but it is vncertaine whether these 2. bookes be that one whereof mention is made in the bookes of the Kinges when it is said are not those thinges written in the booke of the wordes of the dayes of the kings of Iudah These two bookes are thus deuided The former which hath 30. chap. conteyneth the histories of Saul and Dauid besids the numbring of the tribes The latter which hath 36. chap. conteyneth the histories of Saul Salomon and all other kinges of Israel and Iudah The summe of the first booke is this 1 From the beginning to the 12. chap. besides the storie in the 10. of the priestes and Leuites in the 11. of Sauls death are set foorth the rehearsals of the fathers and Patriaches from the beginning of the world especially of the 12. tribes of Israel 2 From the 12. chap to the 24. the historie of Dauid is amplified which is in the Second booke of Samuel 3 Frō the 24. ch to the ende is set downe a catalogue of the princes of Dauid also how forgetfullnes death the ende of all ceased vpon Dauid The some of the 2. booke called Paralipomenon 1 From the beginning to the 10. ch those thinges of king Salom. are inlarged which are conteyned in the greater part of the third booke of kinges 2 From the 10. chap to the end are discribed the actes and deedes of the other kinges which are written in the 3. and in all the 4. bookes of the kinges The booke of Esdras The two bookes to weet the 1. and the 2. of Esdras which is also called the booke of Nehemias are by the hebrues ioyned together in one but the thirde and fourthe booke of Esdras are not commonly vsed amongest the Hebrues albeit the third be for the most part taken out of the book of the Chronicles The books of Esdras Nehemiah doe by good order of the historye followe the bookes of the kings and Chronicles For as the booke of the kings and Chronicles doe containe the histories of the state of the Israelites before the captiuity in Babylon So these two bookes of Esdras and Nehemias do shew what thinges were done amongest the people of the Iewes after the captiuitie in Babylon For Esdras and Nehemias which are said to haue been scribes to Ieremie do bring back the people from that captiuity in Babylon and restore the Citie of Ierusalem and the Temple I meane both the Common weale and the church whose hearers and incouragers were the prophets Agge Zachary And this reedifying was made because of Christ who shortly after was to come to be borne in Bethlem to preach in this second temple of Ierusalem in the end to suffer without Ierusalem The sum of the Booke of Esdras It hath ten chap which are thus diuided From the beginning to the 4. ch is described the releasing of the Iewes granted by Cirus K. of the Persians Then the people are numbred gathered togither in Ierusalem by Z●robabell theyr captaine beginning again their oblations and festiuals And here may be obserued the maruellous iudgment of God his goodnes towards the Gentiles by the captiuity of the Iewes For as Nabuchadnezar Euilmeredech before the deliuerance were conuerted by the meane of Daniell and Darius king of the Medes and Cirus king of the Persians after the deliuerance so the captiuity of the Iewes was profitable vnto the Gentiles From the 4. chap to the 9 is described the building againe of the Temple by the persuasion of Agge and Zachary the pro●hets after the hinderance therof 42. yeares ●nder Darius the younger so that you may ●●e the enuy pollicy of Sathan in hindring ●he true worship of God as much as may be Then the temple is furnished againe by Es●ras Darius supplying religiouslye that ●hich was wanting restoring thos things ●hich had been taken away From the 9 to the end is described the ●eale of Esdras in separating and remouing 〈◊〉 strange women where especially are to be obserued the common places of praye● and of true repentance And in this whole book must be obserued how God one while punisheth his elect offending as here by the captiuity of Babylon another while receiueth them againe to fauour as heere by Esdras and Nehemias The summe of the booke of Nehemias which also is called the second Booke of Esdras 1 First from the beginning of the book to the 8 chap after the faithful prayer of Nehemias the Iewe with the confessing of his sinnes he obtaineth of his heathen Lords Artaxerxes the king whose Butler he was in Persia leaue to returne to his brethren in Iudea so as we may see that deed do follow faithfull prayer comming to Ierusalem hee begins to reedify the City not without troble persecution and many hinderances so that the people were both molested in such sort by their enemies that they were driuē to holde their sworde in one hande and to builde with the other and also they were afflicted with so great famine and s●arsitie that Nehemias in the 5 chapt commanded by an edict that all they which had taken ●surie shoulde restore it wholye vnto the poore Lastlye though hee were not free from the deceipts of wicked men yet hee went forward with the worke vntil he had appointed a continual watch and the gates to be shut in the night season 2 From the 2 chap to the 11 religion is restored the Lawe is repeated the people are instructed and the couenant is renewed for without Religion and the word of God al is filled with errors 3. From the 11 chap to the end of the booke first the habitations of the people are set out by themselues then the Leuites are numbred lastly strange women are separated order is taken for the Leuies and the keeping of the Sabaoth is renued The thirde booke of Esdras as it is called containeth onely an amplification of those thinges which are comprehended in the book of Nehemias except those which are repeated in the first chapter out of the bookes of the Chronicles The 4. booke of ●sdras
end the Citties of refuge are appointed and the fieldes of the Leuites neere to the cittie then Rub. Gad and the tribe of Ma●asses are sent away to their owne possessions according to the couenant Num. 32 Afterwardes the care of I●su● touching his posteritie is shewed by a notable exhortation and forbiding them to haue societie with the Gentiles and he shewes a lardge rehearsall of Gods benefites and making a couenant betwene them and God he calleth backe the people vnto God Lastly is declared the death of Iosua and Eleazar the sonne of Aron and the burying of Iosephes bones ❧ The booke of Iudges THe booke of the Iudges is named of those Iuges which after the death of Iosua Gouerned Israell For it contayneth a discription of Israells proceeding after Iosuahes death vnder the Iudges who maruailouslie defended the people from their enemies wherein is to bee obserued that God preserued the comon weale of Israell for the same cause for which he did establish it Namely for his sonnes sake that should be borne of the Ieweish people also this is to be noted that the people of the old Testament were vnder fower kindes of Gouernement according to the diuersitie of the times 1 Vnder a Fatherlye Aucthoritie in the time of the Patriarches Moses and Aaron 2 Vnder the aucthoritie of Iudges during the time of these Iudges 3 Vnder the gouernement of Kinges in the time of the Kinges 4 Vnder the gouerment of the Priestes in the time of the Priestes vntill Christe Who one for all is 1 Eternall Father 2 Iudge of the quicke and dead 3 King of Kinges 4 Euerlasting hie priest There were in number as Iudges 16. 1 Iudas 2 Simeon 3 Othoniell 4 Aroth 5 Samgar 6 Deborah the Prophetise 7 Baruck 8 Gedeon alias Ierobabell 9 Abimelech 10 Thola 11 Iair 12 Iepthe 13 Abesau 14 Achial●n 15 Abdon 16 Samson Now the booke of Iudges is deuied according to the order of the persons as they ruled in Israell From the begining of the booke to the 6 chap. 7. histories are discribed of the Iudges Iudas Simion c. Amongst whom Deborah the prophetis singeth a notable song in the 5. chap. From the 6. to the 13 besides the storie of Giddeon and his sonne three other Iudges are discribed Thola Iair and Iepthe of the Sacrifising of his daughter chap 11 from the 13 to the 17 is described an exelent storie of Samson and heere is Samson peculiarly comended in it hee was a figure of Christe From the 17. to the end of the booke beside the Idoll of Mica and the children of Dan is set forth a fearefull and a lamentable story of a Leuites wise for whom being rauished fallen downe dead and cut into 12. peeces the whole tr●be of Beniamin was al most extinguished that by this one example we may learne that God doth seuerely fearfully punish adulteries Thus farre goeth the Booke of Iudges wherein are set before vs many examples to stirre vs vppe to repentance in which we also see that God hath alwaies sharpely punished Idolatry and other feareful sinnes but hath beene mercifull to the repentant that this booke may well be called the boo● of the VVrath and Mercy of God The booke of Ruth THe booke of Ruth is so named of Ruth a woman that was a gentile to wit a Moabite of the people of Moab who was the sonne of Lotte Gen. 16 This booke containeth only 4 chap besides that it is an example of domesticall care wherein it also declares that God euen then had care of the Gentiles and that the Gospell was reuealed to the Gentiles after these things Ruth and other of the Gentiles are ioyned to the seed of Abraham This booke containeth part of the genealogy of Dauid which by the Euangelist is translated into the genealogie of Christ so that you may say that this booke also hath reference to Christ and thou mayst know that it was decreed long before that Christ should be borne of sinners harlots for the abolishing of sinnes And furthermore thou shouldst not doubt saluation also to bee ordained for the Gentiles It is deuided into 2 partes JN the two former chap Ruth is set down for an example how all Daughters in law ought to behaue themselues Humblie and dutifully towardes their Mothers in-lawe 2 In the other chapt is an example of Chastitie in Booz The bookes of Kinges THe 4 Historicall bookes which are intituled the bookes of the Kinges after the vsuall edition are in Hebrue onely two whereof the first is named SAMVELL and is deuided of the Latines into 2 bookes the which are called the bookes of Samuell The later of them is called the booke of Kinges which in like maner is deuided into 2 bookes which are called the bookes of the Kinges This Samuell was a most faithfull constant Prophet of God vnder King SAVL of whō the 2 first bookes do take their names and in the one of them the storie of Saul in the other the storie of Dauid is larglie discribed The two latter bookes are commonlie called the bookes of the Kings because they conteyne the Historie of all the other kings both in Israell and in Iudah In the first booke of Samuell is discribed the beginning of the third kinde of gouernment namely the Kinges vnder wicked K. Saul vnder whom the kingdome and monarchie was ordeyned in Israell In the second booke of Samuell the kingdome is translated from Saules house vnto Dauids the most godly king and Prophet which is worthiely called the crowne of prophets In the 1. booke of the kinges it is according to the vulgar edition and in the thirde of the Kinges is discribed first the storie of Sallomō the king in whose time the Tēple was built vnto the Lorde in Ierusalem 2. the deuiding of the kingdome into two partes namely Iudah and Israell in the histories some of the Kinges of both partes are largely discribed In the 2. booke of Malchim that is to say in the 4. booke of the kinges according to the vulgar all the kinges in Israell and in Iudah are discribed also the wasting carying away the people of Israell captiues into Assiria Iudah into Babilon In the mean while the bookes are garnished with the promise concerning Christ which were made vnto Dauid 2. Kinges 3 ¶ A Catalogue of the Kinges of the People of Iudah Saul Dauid 1. Kinges 9 2. Kinges 3 Sala These 3. reigned ouer all the People of Israell Iudah before the discription of the T●●bes Afterwardes ten tribes sell away from the ten and they became two kingdomes as the Kingdome of Iud with the two tribes Iudah and Benieamin the kingdome of Israell with other ten Tribes The Kinges of Iudah 1 Roboam 3   12. 14 2 Abias wicked 3     15. 3 Asa 2 〈◊〉   15. 4 Iehosop Godly 2     16. 5 Zābnas 3     12. 6 Ioram wicked 4     11. 7 Ochozl●s        
8 Ioas. Godly         9 Amasias partly wicked partly Godly         10 Azarias like father like sonne         11 Ioathan such an other 4   14. 15. 12 Achas wicked 4   15. 16. 13 Iachi as Godly 4   18. 21. 14 Manasses wicked 4   21. 22. 15 Anion like father like 4     23. 16 Iosias 4     24. 17 Ioachas Godly 4     24. 18 Ioachim wiiked       22 19 Ioachim a childe like the father         20 Zedechias wicked 4       This Zedechias the last captain and king of Iudah was with the people of Iudah caried into Babylon 4. Kin 25 and the people of Iudah remained in captiuitye 70. yeares according to the prophesy of Ieremy The kings of Israell 1 Hieroboam wicked 4 book of Kings 13 2 Nadab 3 15 3 Baasa 3 15 4 Hela 3 16 5 Lambti 3 16 6 Achab. 3 18 7 Ochozias wic 4 kin 3 8 Ioram 4 9 Iehu partly god part wic 4 kin 10 10 Ioachim wic 4 kings 12 11 Ioas. 4 13 12 Ieroboam wicked 4 k. 14 13 Zacharias part good part bad         14 Sellon wicked 4 kings 15 15 Manachem 4 15 16 Phaceas 4 15 17 Phasea 4 15 18 Ose 4 15 In the daies of this last king Israell was caried into Assyria where they remained in captiuity 4. king 17 The first booke of Sammuell may fitly be deuided into three principall partes From the beginning thereof to the ninth chap is set forth the storie of Samuell which was both a Iudge and a Prophet in Israell namely the Birth Of Samuell Calling Of Samuell Oblation Of Samuell Olde age Of Samuell The sight also of Gods people against the the Phillistians is discribed and the Mirracle done about the Arke and the hard hap of Helie the priest for the cockering of his sons is by Samuell foretolde to the People in the end of this parte 2 From the 9. chapter to the 16. the first parte of Saules historie is discribed 1 the Calling of Saul 2 the Annointing of Saul 3 the Prophesing of Saul 4 the Confirming of Saul 5 the Victorie of Saul 6 the Kingdome of Saul 7 the Meekenes of Saul 8 the Offence of Saul 1 From the 16. chap to the ende is the other parte of Sauls storie described how vntill his death hee was imployed not onely in the warr against the Philistians but much more in pursuing of Dauid where not only Dauids beeing anoynted ouercomming of Goliah and league with Ionathan Sauls sonne but also the manifold and dangerous fights of Dauid and his deliuerance is described that euerie one may see how the Lord made his seruant admirable carried him to the pit of destruction and brought him backe againe til at length being strengthened with the crosse hee obtained the ●ingdome and proued a most godlye King and Prophet The 2 booke of Sam which contayneth the whole storie of Dauid may well bee deuid into 3. principall parts From the beginning to the 11. cha besid● the reuenge vpo the traitors murtheren of Saule is described the annointing the consecrating of Dauid vnto his Kingdome after the death of Saul and his happy successe being full of humilitie of pietie forwardnes to the building of Gods house victories against the Philistians others mercie fidelitie benefits c. to whom also was made the promise of Christ chap. 7. wherof mention is made in the 10. to the Heb. From the 11. to the 22. are described the the adulterie murther of D● his hard hap after his repentance at the parable and preching of the Prophet Nathan thorow his owne sonnes who committed whoredome with his wiues And namely the danger of sedition by his son Absolon with other punishmēts of his sin decay of his kingdom Also the famine other calamities that followed the adulterie and murther of Dauid From the 22. cha to the end doe follow first the song thāksgiuing thē y● last words of D. his great offence cōmitted against god in numbring the people with the great punish mēt of his sin which Da. chose before y● rest of 3. kinds of punishmēt set before him hauing his choyse so that heere also we may haue an especiall booke concerning the wrath and mercie of God The 3. booke of Kings which is called the first of the kings contayning both the story of Salo. of some other kings is deuided into 3 principall parts the 1. of Sal. the 2. of Roboam Salo. son of some other kings the 3. of the wicked K. Achab of the most vngodly Q. Ies also of Eliah the prophet The storie of Sal. is deuided into three parts 1. Before the building of the Temple 2. In his building the c 3. After the building Before his building the temple from the beginning of the 5. chap. besides the storie of Dauids olde age in the 1. chap. and of his death in the 2. is discribed the consecration of King Sallomon his wisdome Iustice and renowne whereof Christ also maketh mencion in the 6. chap of Mathew In the building of the Temple first how he dealeth with King Hiram about the matter then the fashion and lastly the frame buildings from the 5. to the 8. Chap. After the building of the Temple from the 8. chap to the 12. doth follow First the hallowing of the Temple and prayer of Salomon then the building of Citties and the magnificence of Salomon after which both lust and fearefull Idollatrie did ensue for the same the kingdome of Israell was deuided into two partes and Ieroboham was stirred vp againste Salomon so florishing kingdomes are wont to decay faint and in the end by Idollatrie to perish altogether lastly Salomon is saued through the blessed seede of the woman He dieth in peace is buried in the Cittie of his father Dauid The 2. parte from the 12. to the 17. besides the storie of certaine kinges cōteyneth the seperatiō of the kingdome of Israell from the kingdome of Iudah The 3. part from the 17. chap vnto the ende of the booke conteyneth both the in● pietie wrong and tyranie of King Achab Queene I●●abell and also the prayer constācie and flight of the Prophet Elias and his personall fasting 40. daies this booke may be very famous because of king Salomon the prophet Elias who reigned not only in earth but in heauen also The fourth booke of the kinges is called the second of the kinges Conteyneth the histories of others the kings of Israell and Iudah after the wicked king Achab and is famous for both captiuities in the caryinges away one of Israell into Assiria in the 17. chap. the others Iudah into Babilon in the last chap. Also besides the histories of Helias Elizeus the prophets vnto the 10. chap. by order of succession do follow one an other the kinges