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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68462 The right, and prerogatiue of kings against Cardinall Bellarmine and other Iesuites. Written in French by Iohn Bede, aduocate in the court of Parliament of Paris, and published by authority. Translated by Robert Sherwood.; Droit des roys, contre le cardinal Bellarmin et autres jésuites. English. Bédé de la Gormandière, Jean.; Sherwood, Robert. 1612 (1612) STC 1782; ESTC S113797 80,394 213

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of two extremities the meane of which consisteth in fiue royall prerogatiues The first is a power to make Lawes L. 55. v. C. de leg Tit. c. de ve●stig without the cōsent of any subiect necessary thereto consequently to coine mony to giue it value to stamp his armes vpon it to impose taxes according to the necessity of the State Secondly to make peace or warre be it to succour his allies or to reuenge an iniury L. vt Armorum Auth. de armis l. 1. ad l. Iul. de Ambitu l. ius gladij de reg iu. Doct. in l. 3. de iurisd omnium whosoeuer haue committed it Thirdly to create Magistrates and to establish or suppresse them Fourthly to take knowledge of and to iudge appeales definitiuely And lastly to haue power of life and death ouer all sorts of inhabitants in his kingdome ouer all persons resident within his Dominions and generally to dispose according to the lawes of their goods life reputation Of which points whosoeuer pretēdeth himselfe to be exempt resisteth the ordinance of God and are guilty of high Treason what pretext soeuer they bring CHAP. III. That Ecclesiasticall persons were subiect to Princes before the comming of our Lord IESVS CHRIST THAT is not new which is frō the beginning of the world 1. Ioh. 2.7 2. Ioh. 5. saith Saint Iohn Teneaut Sa. Iesuite in his Aphorismes Printed at Antwerp v. Princeps v. Clericis Wherefore we cannot sufficiently detest the new opinion of the Iesuits who teach that Ecclesiastical persons cānot be condemned for high Treason because they are not the Kings subiects To conuince which heresie to hinder that none following this doctrine doe any more attēpt against our Kings let vs lead these Pharisies to that which was at the beginning We haue no Hystorian more antient then Moses who from the creation of the world vntill his death in the yeare of the world 1493. telleth vs of no other superiour power but of the Prince ouer all the inhabitants of his Territory And accordingly hereunto Exod. 20. to the 25. Chapter the Law was giuen of God to Moses the Duke and King of the people and not vnto Aaron acording as it is written Ex. 24.7.8 that Moses tooke the booke of the Couenant and read it in the hearing of the people c. Tooke the bloud of the couenant and sprinkled it vpon the people And whē the chiefe Priest with all the visible Church had committed idolatry about the golden Calfe Moses reproued him saying to Aaron Ex. 32.21 What did this people vnto thee that thou hast brought so great a sinne vpon them To which reproofe Aaron answered him not that he could not erre nor his Church nor that hee iudged the whole world and was not to be iudged of any but acknowledged himselfe to be in the State and consequently the Princes subiect asketh him pardon saying Let not the wrath of my Lord waxe fierce The like reprehension Eleazer the chiefe Priest did take in good part when Moses said vnto him Leuit. 20. Yee should haue eaten it in the holy place as I had commanded In the same manner also as touching the iurisdiction for it was wholly in the hands of Moses Exod. 18.13 c. as being the Prince of the people iudging in person as in times past the Kings of France haue done or ordeining Iudges to take knowledge of causes which respect either the Church or processe betweene man and man Afterwards also there was references appeales in cases of difficulty which returned to Ierusalem 2. Chron. 19.8 Deut. 17.8 And to himselfe was giuen of God the direction of the seruice and order Ecclesiasticall and not to the Priests Against which truth it will not serue the turne to say that Moses was of the family of Leui for seeing hee reproued the chiefe Priests themselues it was not in quality of a Leuite who had bene inferiour to the least of the Priests if hee had not further had the quality of Duke So Dauid a man after Gods owne heart who tooke not vpon him aboue his charge hauing named Salomon his son for successor gathered a Councell 1. Chro. 23 numbred and distributed to the Priests their charges and offices described in that place which consisted not in commanding but in their administring before the Lord For to purifie all holy things for the shew-bread and for the fine flower for the meate offering and for the vnleueaned cakes and to offer burnt-offerings 2. Chro. 6. c. Salomon likewise dedicated the Temple and consecrated it to God in presence of all the Church And himselfe conceiued prayer and blessed the people the Priests being present Iosaphat also hauing broken downe the groues and banished the seruice of images 2. Chron. Hee established in Ierusalem namely for the iudgement of the Lord Amariah the Priest and Zebadiah a ruler of the house of Iuda for all the Kings affaires 2. Chron. 17.6 and in the third yeare of his raigne he sent of his principall Gouernours and the Leuites with them for to teach the people And of Iosias it is written 2. King 23. And the King stood by the pillar and made a couenant before the Lord c. and it is added then the King commanded Helkijah the high Priest c. Who said not that the King had nothing to do to command him in matters which concerned the seruice of God but fulfilled the Kings commandement Likewise it is said of King Ezechias 2. Chro. 29 Hee opened the dores of the house of the Lord in the first yeare and in the first moneth of his raigne and repaired them c. called for the Priests and Leuites and said vnto them Heere me yee Leuites sanctifie now your selues and sanctifie the house of the Lord. Againe Now I purpose to make a couenant with the Lord God of Israel c. Then he said to the Priests the sonnes of Aaron that they should offer vpon the Altar he appointed the Leuites in the house of the Lord c. Then Hezekiah commanded to offer the burnt offering vpon the Altar Also he saith Now yee haue consecrate your selues to the Lord come neere and offer the sacrifices and praises c. Againe 2. King 18.4 Hee tooke away the high places brake the images cut downe the groues and brake in peeces the brasen serpent that Moses had made And he gathered together the whole Church and wrote letters to Ephraim and Manasses 2. Chro. 30 that they should come to Ierusalem to celebrate the Passeouer c. For the King marke it and his principall Officers with all the congregation had held a counsell in Ierusalem to celebrate the Passeouer in the second moneth 2. Chron. 31.3 2. Chro. 35 1. King 2.27 Nehe. 8.8.13 the Postes therefore went note it by commission from the King Also hee prouided for the sacrifices as did Iosias