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A10745 Holy pictures of the mysticall figures of the most holy sacrifice and sacrament of the Eucharist: set forth in French by Lewis Richome, prouinciall of the Societie of Iesus; and translated into English for the benefit of those of that nation, aswell protestants as Catholikes. By C.A.; Tableaux sacrez des figures mystiques du très auguste sacrifice et sacrement de l'Eucharistie. English Richeome, Louis, 1544-1625.; C. A., fl. 1619.; Anderton, Christopher, attributed name.; Apsley, Charles, attributed name. 1619 (1619) STC 21022; ESTC S115932 200,986 330

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remission of sinnes and of the Kingdome of heauen Of remission saying This bloud shed for you and for many Luke 22.29 vnto remission of sinnes And of the Heritage he saith I dispose to you as my Father disposed to me a Kingdome that you may eate and drinke vpon my table in my Kingdome and may sit vpon thrones iudging the twelue Tribes of Israel Behold a wonderful sauourable conclusion David making his Will enioyned King Salomon his sonne his sonne 3. Keg 2.7 that he should make the children of Berrellay to eate at his table in token of great honor and friendship but he made them not inheritors of his Kingdome nor sharers of his Royall honors Heere our Sauiour communicates his Table his Kingdome and his Throne to his friends his Table in which is serued for meate and for drinke his proper flesh and bloud it could not be more royall nor more exquisite neither the Heritage greater nobler nor worthyer of such a Testator The Testament was written also with the Law not in Tables of stone as the old but in the hearts of the Apostles and of all those which shall be called to this inheritance after them And this is that which was foretold by Ieremy Hier. 31.32.33 I will giue my Law within their ontrals and will write it in their hearts According to which manner of speech Saint Paul said to the Corinthians You are the Epistle of Christ 2. Cor. 3.3 ministred by vs and writen not with inke but with the Spirit of the liuing God not in tables of stone but in tables of the heart consisting of flesh It was signed by the hand and bloud of the Testator when holding the Chalice and changing the wine to his bloud he said This is my bloud of the new Testament Matth. 26.28 Marke 14.24 The Altar which was our Sauiour himselfe was besprinkled when he tooke it the people Inheritor and the Book was also sprinkled when the Apostles did drinke and did wet their brests which were the tables wherein the Law and the Testament were written The refection of the Victim sacrificed was made betweene the Priest and the people when our Sauiour hauing offered his body to his Father tooke it himselfe and gaue it to his Apostles to eat concluding his eternall Couenant with the refection of his body and with the drinke of his bloud He left a pledge of loue by his Testament and a pretious Iewell of his remembrance when he left this self-same body and this self-same bloud for an eternall memory of his charity towards vs his heires Luke 12.18 saying Doe this in remembrance of me So our Sauiour hauing written and accomplished his Testament according to the draughts of the old Figure died the next day and his Testament shall remaine eternally confirmed by his death O diuine and powerfull work-man O sweet Iesus O great God! What shall we heere amidst so many wonders first admire thy Powerfulnesse thy Wisdome thy Goodnes thy Greatnes thy Prouidence thy sweetnesse thy Liberality altogether or all apart where all is great and admirable together all great and admirable apart What a work-man art thou O Redeemer of the world to haue so long agoe so diuinely drawne the Figure of thy Testament and to accomplish the truth vpon that Figure with so diuine tracts of improuement What a Master art thou to haue left so heauenly instructions and so faire lawes of amity grauen in such liuing tables as are the hearts of thy Disciples What a King to haue made so amiable and honorable a combination with thy poore subiects What a Father of a Family to haue written so fauourable a Testament vnto men and of thy enemies to haue made them thy children and thy heires of so great a Kingdome O Redeemer what were we without this Testament we were eaytifes and vagabonds vnworthy to be supported vpon the earth and worthy of eternall confusion but by it we haue gotten a right to heauen and to immortall glory and nothing remaineth but to take possession and there to reioyce in peace for euer so soone as we shall haue fought the good fight as thy Apostle speakes 2. Tim. 4.7 kept the faith and consummated the course of our yeares in the good workes of thy loue and charity according to thy Commandement For thy victorious death hauing made this Testament of force and irreuocable hath done vs this fauour aboue thy ancient friends and children which departed before it who albeit they did leaue this world with the hope of heauen yet they enioyed not heauen immediatly in recompence of the workes they had done in thy Grace and seruice as true children noe this was a Grace referned to the time of thy new Testament which was to be eternall by thy death and to put in full possession without delay those thy children which like true heires shall haue executed the will of their Father and what thanksgiuing shall be able or sufficient for to acknowledge worthily the least part of these so great fauours 9. IN WHAT MANNER OVR SAVIOVR hauing made his Testament left his body to his Heires OTher fathers hauing disposed of their goods and signed their testament dye and leaue their bodies to be put in the earth where they rot and their soules goe to their places so as their heires haue no other better pawne of the presence and person of their father then their ashes and bones Our Sauiour hath obserued the substance of this Ceremony but after a different maner for he gaue his body to his Apostles in an impassible manner albeit mortall also then and from that time he left it to his Church clothed indeed with the first mortall robe made of the accidents of bread and wine but vnited with his Soule and his Diuinity now a liuing body immortall and glorious For his tombe also hee hath the bodies and soules of his heires a liuing tombe and ennobled with a reasonable soule which if it be well prepared with requisite qualities doth from his harbouring receiue a wonderfull reward for whereas other tombes reape from the bodies buried in them nothing but spoiles of death and horror and are by them defiled the bodies of Christians doe receiue life immortality sanctification and celestiall ioy from the body of our Sauiour whereby it appeareth that we ought to vse exceeding great diligence in well preparing our selues to lodge worthily in vs this pretious body The principall apparell is Loue and Chastity and then after these all the other vertues of the soule which accompany the former We reade that Artemissia C●●● Tuscal Herod Liu. 8. Plut. l. 36. c. 5. V●● lib. ● Queene of Carya after shee had consumed her treasures in a magnificall and admirable Sepulcher that shee had prepared for the dead body of the King her husband in the end made them to pound his bones and tooke them in a drinke for to be her selfe the liuing Sepulcher of his dead body whom shee
day as the ancient Figure was for Masse is said euery day The bloud is set vpon the Altar and offered to God in the Masse The flesh of the body of our Sauiour likewise is there eaten both by Priests and Lay people who in quality of Christians and faithfull people are all in some sort accounted Priests and Kings as Saint Peter calls them 1. Pet. 2.9 And for so much as they prepare themselues duely before they communicate by Penance and other workes of Piety they are male children of the Priestly Line as hauing manly and not effeminate soules though they be women and yong Virgins This flesh is eaten in a holy place that is to say in the house of God which is the Catholike Church and ordinarily in the place of Sacrifice and Prayer and if the sick eate it in their priuate houses it is alwaies in the circuit of the house of God And this flesh sanctifieth those who eat it purely and without being defiled with any mortall sinne 4. WHAT DIFFERENCE THERE IS BEtweene the Iudaicall Propitiatory Sacrifices and Sacraments and those of Christians THe Sacrifices of the Iewes offered for sinnes were Propitiatory and obtained pardon not by any vertue that wasin them for as Saint Paul saith Heb. 10. It is impossible that sinnes should be taken away by the bloud of Bulls and of Goats but by the Religion and piety of those which offered them protesting by them the faith and hope that they had in the Messias to come Iesus Christ After this manner God promised them grace saying of the deuout man Heuit ● Hee shall offer Sacrifice and the Priest shall pray for him and his sinne shall be forgiuen him They were then auaileable and obtained pardon by the faith and vertue of the Offerers who were acceptable to God but not of themselues sauing onely in Figure whereas the Sacrifice of the Eucharist which is the truth of them all containeth and gi●●●h grace as doe all the Sacraments of the Law of Grace 〈◊〉 hauing beene instituted by the Author of Grace 〈◊〉 Christ and by the M●ster himselfe in person and 〈◊〉 the mediation of Moses his seruant and the price of our redemption being paid in his pretious bloud it was but reason that they should haue in them the vertue which the former figured and that seeing the money was now paid in they should giue truely and indeed remission of sinnes Wherefore the Christians Sacraments doe giue grace of themselues and by their proper operation in vertue of the prerogatiue giuen to them by our Sauiour and hee which receiues them with good disposition receiueth profit by two wayes to wit by the Sacrament which he receiues and by his owne deuotion which hee brings with him whereas the Hebrewes had none but onely by the second way Their Sacraments were beneficiall as was the brazen Serpent in the Desart 〈◊〉 21. for it was not by its owne proper vertue that it did heale the biting of Serpents but from the faith of those which did behold it according as God had commanded it seruing onely for a signe to behold with their eyes and for an obiect of their faith in God by whom they were to be cured But ours are healthfull in the nature of a pretious Triacle against poyson which hath in it selfe the efficacy and strength of a soueraigne medicine and so entring into a prepared stomacke worketh a soueraigne effect for the health of the body In like manner the Sacraments of the Law of Iesus Christ haue in themselues vertue to saue as Baptisme Penance and other Sacraments instituted for the remission of sins wash sinnes out of the soule and bring grace by their very action it selfe And principally the Eucharist containing the Creator of Grace Iesus Christ The other Sacraments hauing onely the fruit this is both the Tree and the Apples The others giuing flowing streames but this the Fountaine it selfe The Eucharist also in as much as it is a Sacrifice obtaines pardon of the Diuine bounty for him for whom it is offered For the body of Christ is so precious in Gods sight and God hath been so much glorified by it that it cannot bee presented to him vpon the Altar but it will procure fauour and grace especially the chiefe presenter being the proper person of his Sonne himselfe in whom he is well pleased and to whom he can deny nothing the Priests are but the visible Vicars and Mediators of the action The Gift and the Giuer the Offering and the Offerer is one and the same infinitely agreeable to the eyes of the diuine Maiesty The Eucharist then is a Propitiatory Sacrifice figured by that of the Iewes in the manner as hath been said 5. TESTIMONIES OF THE ANCIENT FAthers both Latine and Greeke teaching the Sacrifice of the Masse to bee a Propitiatory Sacrifice SAint AVGVSTINE By many ancient Sacrifices S. Aug. ep 57. which were offered for sinne this Sacrifice was signified which giueth indeed true remission of sinnes The bloud of which Sacrifice not onely is not forbidden as in those of the Law but presented to all the world and all are inuited to drinke it And in his booke of the City of God he writeth S. Aug. l. 20. de Ciuit. Deic 25. That in the Church Sacrifices are offered for sinne and shall bee vntill the day of Iudgement but not after because then there shall be none to whom sinnes can be remitted And in a Sermon which he hath made of the Innocents speaking of the Altar where Priests say Masse Idem Serm. de Innocent There saith he is powred foorth the bloud of Iesus Christ for sinners Saint AMBROSE speaking of the Eucharist Iesus Christ offereth himselfe as Priest for the remission of our sins S. Ambros lib. 1. Offic. cap. 48. And in his Exhortations to Virgins he calleth that which is offered on the Altar An healthfull Hoast Idem in Exhort ad V●g by the which the sinnes of the world are taken away Saint CYPRIAN S. Cyprian de Coe●● Dem. in a Scrmon saith That the Eucharist is an Holocaust for the purging of our iniquities Saint HIEROME S. Hiero●an c. 1 ●pist ad ●it If men command the Lay people to abstaine from the company of their wiues that they may pray the better what ought men to thinke of the Bishop which offers to God euery day the Victims without spot for his own sins and the sinnes of the people Saint CHRYSOSTOME S. Chrysost lib 6. 〈…〉 The Priest as Embassadour and Oratour makes intercession to God for all to the end to make him mercifull not onely to the sinnes of the liuing but also of the departed And in his Lyturgie or forme of saying Masse Idem in Lyturg. H. st●a 〈…〉 3. in ep ad ●p●● he prayes to God thus Make vs fit to present to thee gifts and Sacrifices for our sinnes and for the ignorances of the people and oftentimes calleth the Eucharist
as it was the next day by bloudy a effusion on the Crosse And when the holy Fathers did sometimes turne the words of Consecration into the Future tense saying This is my bloud which shall be shed in stead of that is said which is shed they contraried not the sense which we now giue for they all did affirme the Reall Presence of our Sauiours bloud in the Chalice but they referred the words of our Sauiour not onely to that present powring foorth which was then made but also to that which was to bee made as well on the Crosse by bloudy Sacrifice once as in the Eucharist by vnbloudy Sacrifice euen vntill the end of the world Behold how our Sauiour Sacrificed and offered his body to his Father by these words This is my body giuen for you This is my bloud shed for you And this is the new Sacrifice and offering in the Law of Grace which the holy Fathers say was instituted in this mysticall Supper as we shall learne by the ensuing witnesses 7. THE SACRIFICE AND SACRAMENT of our Lords body to haue been instituted in the mysticall Supper declared by the testimonie of Fathers SAint Gregory of Nisse speaking of the institution of the Sacrifice of the Eucharist S. Greg. Niss or 1. de Resur made in the Supper of the Paschall Lambe Our Sauiour saith hee by his ordinance preuenteth the violence of his enemies with a secret manner of Sacrifice ineffable and inuisible to the eyes of mortall men He himselfe offers himselfe for vs Oblation and Victime Priest and Lamb of God together And when was this this was then when hee gaue to his familiars his body to eate and his bloud to drinke Saint CHRYSOSTOME S. Chrysost hom 2. in 2. Tim. Be it Peter be it Paul bee it another Priest of like merits which offereth the holy Oblation this is euer the selfe-same which Iesus Christ in person gaue to his Disciples and that which the Priests yet make daily this heere is no lesse then that there Wherefore Because they are not the men that sanctifie it but it is the same Christ who hallowed it before Saint AMBROSE S. Ambros in Psal 8. We haue seene the High Priest comming to vs and haue heard him offering his bloud for vs Let vs follow him according to our power since that we are Priests to the end to offer Sacrifice for the people we are certainly vnequall in merit but honored by the Sacrifice For albeit that Christ now seemes not to offer he is neuerthelesse offered on the earth then when his body is offered heere Saint AVGVSTINE S. Aug. in Psal 33. cont 2. Psal 109. Iesus Christ hath instituted of his body and bloud a Sacrifice according to the order of Melchisedech AESICHIVS of the same time with Saint Augustine Aesich lib. 2. in Leuit. c. 8. Our Lord God supping with his Apostles did first offer the Lambe which made the Figure and after his owne Sacrifice RVPERT Rupert lib. 2. in Exod. c. 6. Our Saniour extreamely perplexed in the beginning of his Passion first immolated himselfe to his Father with his owne proper hands These passages and the rest that haue been cited in the Types of Melchisedech and of the Paschall Lambe teach how our Sauiour instituted the Sacrifice and Sacrament of his body after the old ceremony of the Paschall Lambe was accomplished which is the Faith that the Church hath euer held and will hold for euer 8. OVR SAVIOVRS TESTAMENT MADE in the Institution of the Sacrifice and Sacra ment of his body IT was in this admirable actiō that our Sauiour made his new Testament of the new Couenant with his Church amending the old and drawing neere to his death it was a time fit and agreeable for him to bequeath and leaue an eternall testimony of his last Will and affection towards his children The words of the Testament Gal. 4.24 Heb. 8.7 vlt. Exod. 24. Matth. 26.28 Marke 14.24 Luke 22 20. Exod. 24.7.8 Heb of the Testator are cleare as also the Ceremony according to S. Matthew and S. Marke our Sauiour said This is my bloud of the new Testament that shall be shed for many vnto the remission of sinnes And according to S. Luke This is the Chalice the new Testament in my bloud which shall be shed for you in the same sense he saith new Testament of his bloud making allusion to the old which he long since had written by the meanes of his seruant Moyses and marked with the bloud of beasts to Figure forth this heere that there was made in the Desart at the foot of the Mount Sinay where Moyses as a royall Notary read the Law and the cenure of the written Testament and gaue the aduertisements of the Father of the Family before seuenty of the Ancients assembled by name and before the people that were to inherit In it the goods also were be queathed to wit the Land of Promise a Figure of Paradise And in Figure the death of the Testator also was interposed for there was Sacrifice offered whereby the death of the future Testator Iesus Christ made Man was represented and promised for confirmation of the Testament to which Ceremony that hath reference which Dauid said Psal 49. Iosue 8.31 Leuit. 23. Gather yee together his Saints vnto him which ordaine 〈◊〉 Testament and alliance with Sacrifice The same Ceremony was practised by Iesus when he renewed the Couenant of this Testament obserued also by the Iewes euery yeare in the Feast of Pentecost and by Salomon 3. Reg. 9.25 three times in one yeare These Victims then after they were offered to God were taken by the Priest and by the people in ordinary refection and the Altar Exod. 24. Heb. 9. and the Booke of the Law was sprinkled with the bloud of them According to the trace of all these Ceremonies Our Sauior made this Testament in this last euening in the desart of this world in Mount Sinay where the old was made but in another part thereof to wit in Sion and Hierusalem part of Sina and adioyning to it as Saint Paul said In Sion more noble then the other part of Sina Gal. 4.24 and in Hierusalem a more liuely Figure of his Church then was the Desart whereof Esay hath written The Law shall goe foorth of Syon Psay 2.3 and the word of God from Hierusalem In it then our Sauiour published in two words his Law and gaue his Aduertisements saying in this same Supper Ioan. 13.34 I giue you a new Commandement that you loue one another A Law of Loue and not of Feare as the Law of the old Testament Matth. 26.28 Marke 14.24 Luke 22.20 1. Cor. 11.24 He made the Recitall of his Testament in these words This is my bloud of the new Testament He made his Legacies and promises to his inheritors not of a Land of Canaan as of old to the Hebrewes but of the