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Looking unto Jesus a view of the everlasting gospel, or, the souls eying of Jesus as carrying on the great work of mans salvation from first to last / by Isaac Ambrose ...
Ambrose, Isaac, 1604-1664.
Wing A2957; ESTC R33051
understanding of this we shall examine these particulars 1. whether the Law was delivered in a Covenant-way 2. In what sense is the Law a Covenant of grace 3. How may it appear that the Law in any sense is a Covenant of grace 4. Why should God in the Law deal with us in a Covenant-way rather then a meer absolute supream way 5. What are the good things promised in this expressure of the Covenant 6. What is the condition of this Covenant on our part as we may gather it hence 7. Who was the Mediator of this Covenant 8. What of Christ and his death do we find in this manifestation of the Covenant For the first whether the Law was delivered in a Covenant-way it is affirmed on these grounds 1. In that it hath the name of a Covenant 2. In that it hath the real properties of a Covenant 1. The name of a Covenant as it appears in these Texts And the Lord said unto Moses âd 34.23 write these words for after the tenor of these words I have made a Covenant with thee and with Israel and he was there with the Lord forty dayes and forty nights he did neither eat bread nor drink water and he wrote upon the tables the words of the Covenant ât 4 13 the ten Commandments And he declared unto you his Covenant which he Commanded you to perform even the ten Commandments and he wrote them upon two tables of stone âut 9 9 When I was gone sayes Moses up into the Mount to receive the two tables of stone even the tables of the Covenant which the Lord made with you then I abode in the Mount forty dayes and forty nights â 11. I neither did eat bread nor drink water And it came to pass at the end of forty dayes and forty nights that the Lord gave me the two tables of stone â 15. even the tables of the Covenant So I turned and came down from the Mount and the mount burned with fire and the two tables of the Covenant were in my two hands It appears plainly and expresly in these Texts that the Law is a Covenant 2. The Law hath the real properties of a Covenant which are the mutual consent and stipulation on both sides You may see a full relation of this in Exod. 24.3 4 5 6 7 8. ââod 24 3 4 6 7 8. And Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord and all the judgments and all the people answered with one voice all the words which the Lord hath said will we do and Moses wrote all the words of the Lord and rose up early in the morning and builded an altar under the hill and twelve pillars according to the twelve tribes of Israel and he sent young men of the Children of Israel which offered burnt-offerings and sacrificed peace-offerings of oxen unto the Lord and Moses took half of the blood and put it in basons and half of the blood be sprinkled on the Altar and he took the book of the Covenant and read in the audience of the people and they said all that the Lord hath said will we do and be obedient and Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people and said Behold the blood of the Covenant which the Lord hath made with you concerning all these words This very passage is related in the Epistle to the Hebrews âeb 9.19 20 when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the Law he took the blood of calves and goates with water and scarlet-wooll and hissop and sprinkled both the book and all the people saying this is the blood of the Testament or Covenant which God hath enjoyned unto you In the words you may observe these properties of a Covenant 1. That God on his part expresseth his consent and willingness to be their God this will appear in the preface of the Law of which hereafter 2. That the people on their part give their full consents and ready willingness to be his servants Both these appear in that 1. Moses writes down the Covenant Covenant-wise 2. He Confirms the Covenant by outward signs as by the blood of Calves and Goats whereof one half he puts in basons to sprinkle it on the people and the other half of the blood he sprinkles on the Altar that sprinkling on the people signified their voluntary Covenanting with God and the blood sprinkled on the Altar signified Gods entering into Covenant with the people Thus we have reall Covenanting when the Law is given 2. In what sense is the Law a Covenant of Grace I answer The Law may be considered in several senses as 1. Sometimes it signifies largely any heavenly doctrine whether it be promise or precept âom 3 27 and in this sense the Apostle tells us of the Law of works and of the Law of faith 2. Sometimes it signifies any part of the old Testament in which sense Jesus answered the Jews âh 12 34 âal 82 6 Is it not written in your Law I said ye are gods Now where was that written but in the book of the Psalms 3. Sometimes it signifies the whole oeconomy and peculiar dispensation of Gods worship unto the Jews according to the moral ceremonial âk 16.16 âal 5.23 and Judicial Law in which sense it is said to continue until John the Law and the Prophets were until John but since that time the Kingdom of God is preached 4. Sometimes it is taken synechdochically for some acts of the Law onely against such there is no Law âeb 10.1 5. Sometimes it is taken only for the Ceremonial Law the Law having a shadow of good things to come 6. Sometimes it is used in the sense of the Jews as sufficient to save without Christ and thus the Apostle generally takes it in his Epistle to the Romans and Galathians 7. Sometimes it is taken for that part of the Moral Law which is meerly mandative and preceptive without any promise at all 8. Sometimes it is taken for the whole moral Law with the preface and promises added to it and in this last sense we take it when we say it is a Covenant of grace âxod 19 5 6 3. How may it appear that the Law in this sense is a Covenant of grace it appears 1. By that contract betwixt God and Israel before the promulgation of the Law If ye will obey my voice indeed and keep my Covenant then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people âer 11.4 for all the earth is mine and ye shall be unto me a Kingdom of Priests and an holy nation Whereunto the Prophet Jermy hath reference saying obey my voice and do them according to all which I command you so shall you be my people and I will be your God Both these Scriptures speak of the moral Law or ten Commandments containing the preface and promises and how should that Law be any other but
Obedience God hath ever the first work as first Jer. 31.33 Eze. 36 26 31 Ezek. 36.25 Ezek. 36.27 Zech. 12.10 I will be your God and then ye shall be my People first I will take away the stony heart and give an heart of Flesh and then you shall loath your selves for your iniquities and for your abominations first I will sprinkle water upon you and then ye shall be clean from all your filthiness first I will put my Spirit into you and cause you to walk in my Statutes and then ye shall keep my Judgments and do them first I will pour out my Spirit of Grace and supplication upon you and then ye shall mourn as a man mourning for his only Son first I will do all and then ye shall do something A perplexed troubled spirit is apt to cry out O! alas I can do nothing I can as well dissolve a Rock as make my heart of stone a heart of flesh Mark now how the Covenant stands well ordered like an Army I will do all saith God and then thou shalt do something I will strengthen and quicken you and then ye shall serve me saith the Lord. 4. It is well ordered in respect of the end and aim to which all the parts of the Covenant are referred Eph. 1.6 the end of the Covenant is the praise of the Glory of his Grace the parts of the Covenant are the Promise and the Stipulation the Promise is either Principal or Immediate and that is God and Christ or secondary and consequential and that is Pardon Justification Reconciliation Sanctification Glorification and the Stipulation on our parts are Faith and Obedience we must believe in him that Justifies the ungodly and walk before him in all well pleasing Observe now the main design and aim of the Covenant and see but how all the streams run towards that Ocean God gives himself to the Praise of the Glory of his Grace God gives Christ to the Praise of the Glory of his Grace God gives pardon justification sanctification salvation to the praise of the Glory of his Grace and we Believe we Obey to the Praise of the Glory of his Grace and good reason for all is of Grace and therefore all must tend to the Praise of the glory of his grace it is of Grace that God hath given himself Christ pardon justification reconciliation sanctification salvation to any Soul it is of grace that we believe By grace ye are saved through faith Eph. 2.8 not of your selves it is the gift of God O the sweet and comely order of this Covenant All is of Grace and all tends to the praise and glory of this grace and therefore it is called a Covenant of grace Many a sweet soul is forced to cry I cannot believe I may as well reach heaven with a finger as lay hold on Christ by the hand of faith but mark how the Covenant stands like a well marshalled army to repel this doubt Phil. 1.29 if thou canst not believe God will enable thee to believe to you it is given to believe O the Covenant of Grace is a gracious Covenant God will not only promise good things but he helps us by his Spirit to perform the condition He works our hearts to believe in God and to believe in Christ all is of Grace that all may tend to the praise of the glory of his grace 5. Wherein is the Covenant sure I answer it is sure in the performance and accomplishment of it Isa 55.3 Hence the promises of the Covenant are called the sure Mercies of David not because they are sure unto David alone but because they are sure and shall be sure unto all the Seed of David that are in Covenant with God as David was the Promises of Gods Covenant are not Yea and Nay various and uncertain but they are Yea and Amen 2 Cor. 1.20 sure to be fulfilled Hence the stability of Gods Covenant is compared to the firmness and unmovableness of the mighty Mountains nay Mountains may depart and the hills be removed by a Miracle but my kindness shall not depart from thee neither shall the Covenant of my peace be removed Isa 54.10 saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee Sooner shall the Rocks be removed the Fire cease to burn the Sun be turned into darkness and the very heavens be confounded with the earth than the promise of God shall fail psal 19.7 The testimony of the Lord is sure saith David Christ made it and writ it with his own blood to this very end was Christ appointed and it hath been all his work to ensure Heaven to his Saints Some question whether it be in Gods present power to blot a name out of the Book of Life We say no his deed was at first free but now it is necessary not absolutely but ex Hypothesi upon supposition of his eternal Covenant Hence it is that the Apostle sayes If we confess our Sins He is Faithful 1 John 1.9 and Just to forgive us our Sins It is Justice with God to pardon the Elect's Sins as the Case now stands Indeed Mercy was all that saved us primarily but now Truth saves us and stands engaged with Mercy for our Heaven And therefore David prayes Send forth Mercy and Truth and save me We find it often in the Psalms as a Prayer of David Psâl 57.3 Ps 31.1 3 24. Deliver me in Thy Righteousness and Judge me according to Thy Righteousness and Quicken me in Thy Righteousness and In Thy Faithfulness answer me and In Thy Righteousness Now if it had not been for the Covenant of Grace surely David durst not have said such a word The Covenant is sure in every respect Isa 55.3 I will make an Everlasting Covenant with you saith God even the sure Mercies of David 6. Whether is Christ more clearlier manifested in this Breaking-forth of the Covenant than in any of the Former The Affirmative will appear in that we find in this Manifestation these Particulars 1. That He was God and Man in One Person David's Son and yet David's Lord The Lord said unto my Lord Sit Thou on My Right Hand Psal 110.1 until I make Thine Enemies Thy Foot-stool 2. That He suffered for us and in His Sufferings How many Particulars are discovered As first His Cry My God My God Why hast Thou forsaken Me Secondly Psal 22.1 Mat. 27.46 Psal 22.8 Mat. 27.43 Ps 22.16 17 18. Mat. 27.35 Psal 16.10 Acts 2.31 Psal 68.18 Ephes 4.8 The Jews Taunts He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him let Him deliver Him if He delight in Him Thirdly The very Manner of His Death They pierced My Hands and My Feet I may tell all My Bones they look and stare upon Me they part My Garments among them and cast Lots upon My Vesture 3. That He Rose again for us Thou wilt not leave My Soul in Hell neither wilt Thou suffer Thine