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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A23830 A preparation for the Lord's Supper to which are added Maxims of true Christianity / written originally in French, by P. Allix ; Englished by P. Lorrain.; Préparation à la Sainte Cène. English Allix, Pierre, 1641-1717.; Lorrain, P. (Paul), d. 1719. 1688 (1688) Wing A1226; ESTC R5280 40,002 130

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shedding Tears of a true Repentance And what may then be expected from a Sinner who in the Sacrament of the Eucharist has all the Ideas of his Agony Sufferings and Death most lively delineated to Him What an irreconcilable Aversion ought not he to conceive for his Sins What Resolutions ought not he to take of leaving and forsaking them for ever AND to this we find our selves still more indispensably oblig'd by the Nature of this Sacrament For in the fifth Place it is as I have said before the Memorial of CHRIST'S Blood by virtue whereof GOD has made a New Covenant with Sinners In which He has assured us that He will forgive us our Sins and bestow the Glory of his Kingdom upon us But the Condition without which we cannot be made Partakers either of the Remission of Sins or of the Glory of Heaven is the Repenting of our Iniquities and applying our selves to the Study of Sanctification to our Life's End. The Benesit of this New Covenant is That God remembers our Transgressions no more but the Condition He requires of us is That whereas the Jews laid up his Laws in the Ark without having them in their Hearts we must always have them written in ours in order to a continual Religious Observance of them Now as it is his Will that we should daily beg of Him the Pardon of Our Sins which plainly shews He is ready to grant it us so the Only Command He lays upon us is That for the time to come we sin no more lest a worse thing befall us And indeed is it not exceedingly unaccountable that Men who would pass for Children of GOD should live the life of Devils That they who look upon themselves as Confederates with CHRIST should continually violate the Conditions of this Covenant GOD reminded the Jews of their Obligation to Holiness upon the account of his being their GOD. Moses implies thus much in the 24. Chap. of Exodus where the People having accepted of the Laws which he had propounded to them from GOD after he had wrote them in a Book and read the same in the Audience of the Congregation they answer'd All that the Lord has said will we do and be obedient Whereupon Moses sprinkled the Blood on the People and said Behold the Blood of the Covenant which the Lord has made with you concerning all these Words And shall Christians believe that GOD will own them for his People while they remain in their Bondage to Sin The Meaning of the Covenant we have made with GOD has been clearly expressed by a Pagan viz. Pliny who in his Epistle to the Emperour Trajan Lib. 10. Ep. 97. thus explains the Notion Christians had of this Glorious Covenant they were enter'd into with GOD They bind themselves says he by a Sacrament or Oath not to commit any such Crimes as are falsly reported of them but to abstain from Robbery Theft and Adultery to be as good as their Word and Faithful to their Trust c. He plainly shews that Believers looking upon themselves as Confederates and Parties in the same Covenant with GOD banished all manner of Divisions from the midst of them And further intimates that as they did all eat of the same Bread so they were of one Heart and Mind and united to GOD by their resemblance of Him and imitation of his Holiness Now since that time the Gospel is not alter'd for its Maxims are unchangable Neither is it only with respect to the Prophecies or Promises therein contained that it abides to Eternity without any possibility that so much as one tittle of it should ever fall to the Ground but the same must be understood of it as it is the Rule of our Life and Manners prescribed to us by our Lord and Master LAST of all Since JESUS CHRIST has in this Sacrament united the Memorial of his Coming in Glory to the Remembrance of his Humiliation even unto Death will not this Consideration most naturally inspire us with powerful Encouragements to Piety and an indefatigable Perseverance in that Fidelity we owe to Him In commemorating our Saviour's Passion we are oblig'd to deny our selves and to be ready to lay down our Lives whensoever it shall please God to require it in order to the advancement of his Glory JESUS CHRIST tells us that he is unworthy of Him who is not willing to leave all to follow Him. He has given his own Life for us and calls us to a like Abnegation of our selves They who seek their own Pleasures desire to be Rich But CHRIST chose a Voluntary Poverty They are Ambitious of Honours whereas He refused to be made a King. They fear Death but He freely submitted Himself to it They abhor the Cross that ignominious and painful way of Dying whereas He declined not to be Crucified We can commit no Sin but so far as we desire the things which He despised or endeavour to avoid those He so willingly underwent Certainly the sight of this Example ought powerfully to oblige us to an imitation of it It was a Saying of St. Cyprian's Epist 30. That Men are not fitted for Martyrdom when they are not furnished for the Fight out of the Church's Magazine and that the Soul is apt to faint when it is not strength'ned by a frequent Communion This Father was in the right and his Reason for it is the more Solid because the Eucharist immediately after it has exhibited to us the Representation of our Lord's Death which arms us with constancy shews us the Reward of Believers by setting before our Eyes his Coming again from Heaven to glorify them 'T is this Return of our Lord that will prove the great Comfort of the Righteous and at the same time a dread and trouble to the Wicked JESUS CHRIST by thus reminding us of his Glory while we are meditating upon his Sufferings does much the same thing He did upon the Cross where he accepted of the Repentance of the Converted Thief approved of the Acts of his Faith the Marks of his Love and Tokens of his Zeal for the Innocence and Glory of this JESUS whom he now look'd upon as his Saviour CHRIST kindly received and rewarded the evident Expressions of his Hopes But on the other hand punished the Unbelief and Impenitence of his Companion He assured the former that he would admit Him into his Kingdom because He saw in his Heart the Character of a sincere Believer and all the generous Inclinations of a Martyr but left the latter to the just deserts of his Iniquities A true Penitent meets with the greatest Comforts imaginable in the Eucharist where the Impenitent who treads under foot the Blood of the Covenant and discerns not the Lord's Body receives his own Damnation 'T is absolutely impossible this Sacrament should not have such different Effects upon these two sorts of Communicants For from it proceeds a Voice that proclaims Pardon to penitent Sinners and in it we plainly see the Solid