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A04026 Informations, or a protestation, and a treatise from Scotland Seconded with D. Reignoldes his letter to Sir Francis Knollis. And Sir Francis Knollis his speach in Parliament. All suggesting the vsurpation of papal bishops. Knollys, Francis, Sir, d. 1643.; Rainolds, John, 1549-1607.; Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. 1608 (1608) STC 14084; ESTC S107421 32,696 102

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INFORMATIONS OR A PROTESTATION AND A Treatise from Scotland SECONDED WITH D. REIGNOLDES HIS LETTER TO SIR Francis Knollis AND Sir Francis Knollis his speach in Parliament ALL Suggesting the vsurpation of Papal Bishops 1. Cor 12. 5. There are diversities of Administrations but one Lord. Math. 15. 13. Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted out Imprinted 1608. The Printer to the Reader WHereas it hath pleased God to hide me as he did Ieremy and Baruch on this side the seas notwithstanding the Archbishop of Canterbury sent over two men to seeke me of whom I hard after they were gone hencee and I doubt not but the same God will hide me still untill I haue done his heavenly Maiestie all that servicc which in his counsell he hath appoynted me to do here I am resolved through his grace to be as helpfull as I can in pulling downe the tower of Babel Which to do I am perswaded every christian is as well bound in conscience as to build up the tower of Sion Promising withall in the presence of God to giue over this course and humbly to submit my selfe to the censure of authority for the manifesting of my repentance when I shall learne that Diocesan Bishopps are by the ordinance of God and as heretofore so hear after with all diligence and humility to informe my selfe touching that question most necessary to be knowne in these times of all those that esteeme the kingdome of Christ. If I be demaunded whither I haue not heard of or sene D. Downams Sermon at Lambith I answer I heare that many sound divines doe greiue that so learned a man should discover such weaknes But they thinke that the sermon especially the Epistle was by the instructions of the Archbishop whose chaplaine he is And I see that he doth not answer M. Iacobs reasons though he be carping at his booke and one other thing of note which was never yet heard of viz. That not one Minister of such a perticular congregation as may and ought to come togither on the Sabbath is once named or specially mentioned in all the New Testament but onely Diocesan Bishops from which Bishops those Ministers are sent as governours are sent from the King So that Mimisters are but curates to the Bishops as to those who onely hold their calling immediatly from Christ. Therefore if this Doctrine be true me thinkes one prayer in the Communion Booke should be put out viz. Almighty God who only workest great mervailes send downe vpon our Bishops and curates the healthfull spirit of thy grace For though heretofore it might seeme to us a mervaile if God blessed Diocesan Bishops and Ministers as being their curates because they were not as yet knowne to be by Gods Ordinance yet now if this doctrine be true that all having charge of congregations be either Diocesan Bishops or their curates we are not to mervaile if God blesse his owne ordinance But I hope that this doctrine and the whole Sermon and consequently the vsurpation of Papall Bishops will be impleaded at the barre of their conscience who haue a minde to reade and understanding to iudge what shal be written In meane while I thought it convenient to pubthese Informations praying the brethren of Scotland not to be offended if their be any errors in the Protestation or Treatise of Kirk governement but to consider that I received them from Englishmen who haue not belike perfect intelligence of Scottish affaires but as thinges goe from hand to hand As may appeare by naming Leith to be the place where the Sermon was preached for which M. Murray is imprisoned notwithstanding the Provinciall Synod before which it was preached as I heare approved the same But that it was preached by M. Murray and at Edinburgh I heard not till after the sermon was imprinted As for the Letter and Speach mentioned in the Title page of this booke I ioyne them with the other because they likewise informe the Church of the usurpation of Papal Bishops And the rather because the Letter doth not onely make good that which towards the end of the second part of the Treatise is sayd to this effect viz That the most learned defendours of the trueth against the Romaine Antichrist condemne the said usurpation but also it confuteth sondry pointes of D. Downams Lambith Sermon And secondly Because the Letter togither with the Speach of so worthy a Counsailor of this State should be some Incitation to his Maiesties most Honorable privie Councell now being not to depend upon the mouthes of Bishops and their Chaplaines who in this case are rather to be mistrusted of godly wise men as Achabs 400. Prophets were of King Iehoshaphat but closely to sound the iudgment of learned men such as doe not'aspire to dignities and therfore doe not studie to please the mightie and then to pleade not for Baal but for Christ his Kingdome in his Church which he purchased with his most precious bloud A PROTESTATION OFFERED TO THE PARLIAMENT at S. Iohnstons 1. Iulij 1606. THe earnest desire of our hearts is to be faithfull and in case we could haue been silent and faithfull at this time when the undermined estate of Christ his Kirke craues a dutie at our handes we should haue locked up our hearts with patience and our mouthes with taciturnitie rather than to haue impeshed any with our admonition But that quhilk Christ commandeth necessitie urgeth and duetie wringeth out of us to be faithful office bearers in the Kirke of God no man can justly blame us to doe it Providing we hold our selues within the bounds of that Christian moderation quhilk followeth God without injurie done to any man specially those whō God hath lapped up within the skirts of his owne honorable stiles and names calling them Gods upon earth Now therfore my Lords convened in this present Parliament under the most High excellēt Majestie of our dread Soveraigne to your Honors is our exhortation that yee would indever with all singlenes of heart loue zeale to advāce the building of the house of God reserving alwayes into the Lord his owne hands that glorie quhilk he will communicate neither with man nor Angell to wit to prescribe from his holy mountaine a liulie patterne according to which his owne Tabernacle should be formed Remembring alwayes that there is no absolute and unbounded authority in this world except the Soveraigne authoritie of Christ the King to whō it belongeth as properly to rule the Kirke according to the good pleasure of his owne will as it belōgeth to him to saue his Kirke by the merit of his owne sufferings All other authoritie is so intrēched within the marches of divine commandement that the least overpassing of the bounds set by God himselfe bringeth men vnder the fearfull expectation of temporall and eternall judgmentes For this cause my Lords let that authority of your meeting in this present
one Kirk alone but over many in one or moe Dioceses quhilk injquity hath flowed also frō the Antichrist of Rome and thence is derived to the Orders of his Cleargie Archbishopes Bishops Arch-Deanes Deanes c. setting up by the devise of Satan ane Hierarchie that is a Spirituall principalitie in the Kirke of God overthrowing altogither the Ordināce of Christ Iesus in ordering his Kirke officers whairof hath bene spoken more at large in the first Treatise and in place thereof intruding upon the Kirk Satanicall and Antichristian devises and Traditions whereupon this conclusion groweth like unto the former Whosoever leaving the Institution of Christ expressed in his word vsurpe spirituall authoritie and iurisdiction togither with civil power in the Kirk They communicate with Antichrist and their usurpation is Antichristian But Papal Bishops and Prelates practise this Antichristian iniquitie against the Institution of Christ his word Therefore they communicate with the Antichrist and the practise and usurpation is Antichristian The Assumption we haue to proue Quhilk is playne by scripture expresly condemning in Ministers of the word both civil power as we heard before and spirituall authority or power aboue the rest of the Ministers and disposers of the word as inferiors to thē Quhilk we proue as followes 1. Christ comming into the world taking upō him the shape or forme of ane servant Philip. 2. 7. witnesseth that he as Minister of the Gospell cam not to be served but to serue Math 20 28. and no servant is aboue his Master Math 10. 24. 2. Christ recommending to his Disciples humilitie with Paritie and equa litie expresly forbiddeth among them Superioritie or Domination Math 20. 25. etc. and 23. 8. 11. Marke 10. 43. etc. Luc. 22. 25. etc. 3. Christ giveth unto his Apostles Disciples alike the Keyes of the kingdome of heaven and they resaue alike power Math 18. 18. Ioh 20. 23. 4. The Disciples and Apostles observing their Masters command equall themselues not one clayming superioritie or Primacie aboue the rest but all professing equalitie call them selfe servantes 2. Cor 4. 5. Ministers and Dispensators 1 Cor 4. ver 1. 5. Messengers 2 Cor 5. 20. etc. And no place there is to be foūd whair they are called Princes Lords or by any such name soūding to superiority or dominatiō in any wise 5. The practise of the Apostles sending by like authoritie Peter and Iohn as Messengers and erand bearers to Samaria Act 8. 14. Quhilk the Apostles wald never haue cōmanded if Christ had not given them a like power neither Peter whom some make to be Prince of the Apostles would haue obeyed if Christ had given him Primacie or Superioritie aboue the rest 6. Peter himselfe disclaiming all such Primacie and Superioritie equaleth himselfe with the Ministers Elders of Kirke calling himselfe fellow Elder 1. Pet 5 1. expresly forbidding Ministers and Elders to take domination as Lords aboue the heritage of God ver 3. 7. The Apostle Iohn sharply cheeketh and rebooketh Diotrephes clayming to him prioritie or preferment aboue the rest Iohn Epist. 3. ver 9 10. 8. Against the spirituall superioritie of Papal Bischops doe serue all those places afore cited wherein the name power office properties and dueties of a Bishope are communicate with Pastors Teachers and Elders Act 20. 17. 1. Pet 5. 2. Phil 1. 1. Tit 1. 5. 7. 1 Tim 3. 2. 3. 4. c. Quhilk places are plane pithie sufficient alone to overthrowe pretended prioritie of Papal Bishopps Praelates c. With scripture agreeth learned and sinceire Antiquity in ancient Christian Kirkes wherof we shall bring a few for exemple speaking most clerely in this purpose Cyprian lib de simplicit praelat The office of a Bishop is one and vndivided parte whereof is absolutly held of every Bishop Idem Cypr lib. Epist 3. Every Bishop doth rule and governe his owne portion of the Lords flocke being to give an account of his doings to God Athanasius Epist. ad Liberium Episcop Romanum All the blessed Apostles were indued with the fellowship of equall honour and power Chrysost Hom 43. in Math What Bishop soever shall desire primacy in earth shall finde confusion in heaven and he who shall covet to be first shall not be in the nūber of Christ his servantes Hieron in Epist ad Evagrium Where soever a Bishop shall be either at Rome or Evgubium or Constantinoble or Rhegium he is of the same worth and of the same preisthood Idem ad Tit cap 1. After the age of the Apostles one of the Bishops was set aboue the rest whom they peculiarly called a Bishop But this was rather by custome than by the truth of the Lords disposing That it may further appeare even by Hierom himselfe that the usurpation of Papal Bishops prevayled by custome against the truth marke well what he writeth vpon Heb 13. 17. viz He divideth the care of the Kirke equally amongst many In saying obey them that are set over you Besides these and others a fore cited against the authority practise of Papall Bishops many mo testimonyes may be drawne out of the same Fathers and Doctors with others also of the same judgmēt quhilk are alledged be menteners of Christian Discipline against authority of Papal Bishops as out of Cyprian lib3 Epist 10. 14. 27. Tertullian de Ieiun August lib 19. cap 19. de Civitate Dei Item lib de opere Monach Hierom ad Oceanum et in Tit 1. Ambrose lib Epist 5. et 33. Chrysost hom 2 in epist ad Philip Hilar adver Constan. Nazian orat ad Maxim Bernard de consid lib 2. ad Evgenium Papam For this same purpose are alledged some testimonies of Councels as Carthage Chalcedon Constan c. Siclik against the authority and prac tise of Papal Bishops do witnes all Protestant Kirkes in France Helvetia Polonia Hungaria Bohemia c. and in any Nation truly professing the Gospel in all the world onely England excepted And among the late writers the most learned and notable professors defenders of the truth against the Romāe Antichrist all writing against the Lordly usurpation of Civil and spirituall power in Ecclesiasticall persons as may be seene by their severall writtings Lastly out of English writers evē some of them of the other side matter may be fetched against the Lordship of Papal Bishops Iewel in defen Apolog adversus Harding page 714. D Bilson in his Booke in quarto page 126. D Bridges of the Prince Supremacy page 926. M. Elmar Bishop of London in his book printed at Straesborogh See a Petition directed to Her Maiestie pa. 7. 8. 9. quhilk we bring to proue rheir consent and witnessing unto the truth Although as Cyprian sayth Humane testimonies are not to be expected when Divine suffrages goe before Cyprian Epist 5. lib 2. As for objections in the contrary what can be moved to moue any of the simplest against such cleare light of holy scripture and so many testimo nies of Divine