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B00016 Articles to be enquired of, in the diocesse of Norwich. In the ordinarie visitation of visitation of the reuerend father in God, Francis, Lord Bishop of Norvvich. Anno Domini 1629. Church of England. Diocese of Norwich. Bishop (1629-1631 : White); White, Francis, 1564?-1638. 1629 (1629) STC 10295; ESTC S125656 12,054 16

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admitted to be partaker of the said holy Communion Debarring others without cause 12 Item Whether hath any of your parish beene debarred from the said holy Communion without iust cause and without intimation first giuen to the Ordinary or Bishop of the Dioces and by whose default Articles concerning the Church Titul 3. the Ornaments thereof and the Churches possessions Bookes and ornaments in the Church FIrst Whether haue you in your Church or Chappell the whole Bible of the largest volume and of the last translation the Booke of common Prayer lately set foorth by his Maiesties authority the two bookes of Homilies and Bishop Iewels Apologie all well and fairely bound A Font of stone set vp in the ancient vsuall place A conuenient and decent communion Table with a carpet of silke or some other decent stuffe continually laid vpon the Table at time of diuine Seruice and a faire linnen cloth at the time of administring the Communion Abusing of the Communion Table And whether is the same Table placed conueniently as it ought And whether is it so vsed in or out of time of diuine Seruice or Sermon as is not agreeable to the holy vse of it as by sitting on it and by throwing hats on it or writing on it or is it abused to other prophaner vses Are the ten Commandements set vpon the east end of your Church with other sentences of Scripture about Things appertaining to Churches 2 Item Whether haue you in your said Church or Chappell a couuenient seat for your Minister to read diuine Seruice in together with a comely Pulpit set vp in a conuenient place with a decent cloth or cushion for the same a comely large and fine Surplice a faire communion Cup a Flagon of siluer or pewter with all other things and ornaments necessary for the celebration of diuine Seruice and administration of the Sacraments and whether haue you a Chest for almes with three lockes and keyes and another Chest for keeping the Bookes and ornaments of the Church Register bookes and the Register Booke Haue you a Register Booke in parchment for Christnings Weddings and Burials and is the same kept in all points according to the Canons And haue you a Table set in your Church of the degrees wherein by law men are prohibited to marry Reparations of Churches and parsonage houses 3 Item Whether is your Church or Chappel with the Chauncell thereof and your Parsonage or Vicarage house your Parish Almes-house and Church-house in good reparations and are they imployed to godly and their right holy vses if any bee ruinated and wasted in whom is the default Is your Church Chancell and Chappell decently and comely kept aswell within as without and bee the Seates well maintained the Steeple and Belles preserued the Windowes well glazed or any part of the Church or Chauncell windowes daubed or closed vp with Board Lyme or Stone the floore kept paued plaine and euen and all things in orderly and decent sort without dust Keeping cleane of Churches or any thing that may bee either noysome or vnseemely for the house of God as is prescribed in an Homily to that effect and the 85 Canon 4 Item How often haue you presented vnto the Commissaries and Officers Court the want of reparations of your Church Chancell Chappell or your Vicarage and Parsonage houses What dismission Fees haue you payed to the Register since the last Visitation the faults being not amended Fencing and keeping the Churchyard 5 Item Whether bee your Churchyards well fenced and kept without abuse if not whose default is it hath any person encroached vpon the ground of the Churchyard Haue any vsed a place consecrated to holy vse profanely or wickedly haue any quarrelled or stricken another in Church or Churchyard haue any anoyed your Churchyard or the fence thereof by putting in of cattell by banging of cloathes or by laying there any dust dung or other filthinesse Churches vacant 6 Item Whether is your Church full or vacant of an Incumbent if vacant who receiueth the fruits thereof and who serueth the Cure and by what authoritie And whether is it a Parsonage Vicaridge or Donatiue or Appropriation Concealing of Church goods 7 Item What legacies haue beene giuen to the vse and benefite of your Church how they haue beene bestowed who receiued them and deteineth them without due imployment Doeth any detaine or embezel any of the Church goods or any other gifts giuen to charitable vses Erecting vp seats and pues 8 Item Whether is there any execting of pewes or innouating of seats in your Church by any priuate man of his owne authoritie and what seats haue beene so built and by whose procurement and by what authoritie Defacing of seemely Ornaments 9 Item Whether hath any in your parish defaced or caused to bee defaced any monuments or ornaments in your Church Burying of Popish Recus●nts 10 Item Whether hath any Popish Recusant being lawfully excommunicate beene enterred or buried in your Church or Churchyard before absolution of that censure and excommunication if yea then by whom and when Alienation of tithes and profits of the Church 11 Item Whether bee not the profits tithes and other commodities Ecclesiasticall impiously and wickedly to the dishonour of Almighty God and preiudice of the sacred Ministery conuerted to the vse and benefit of couetous Patrons and by them receiued and detained and how long haue they beene so vsed to your knowledge A Terrier of Glebelands and other possessions of the Church 12 Item Whether you haue the Terrier of all the Gleab-lands meadowes gardens orchards houses stockes implements tenements and portions of Tythes whether within your Parish or without belonging vnto your parsonage or Vicaridge taken by the view of honest men in your said Parish And whether the said Terrier bee laid vp in the Bishops Registry and in whose hands are any of them now And if you haue no Terrier already made in parchment you the Church-wardens and Sidemen together with your Parson or Vicar or in his absence your Curate are to make diligent enquirie and presentment of the premises and make subscribe and signe the said Terrier as aforesaid Articles concerning Ministers Titul 4. and Preachers of Gods holy Word Degrees of Ministers FIrst Whether is your Minister Parson Vicar or Curate a Graduate in either of the Vniuersities or no if yea then of what degree Is hee a publike preacher of Gods word and by whom is hee so licensed Obseruation of the forme and time of common Prayer and the Sacraments 2 Item Whether doth your Minister distinctly and reuerently say Diuine Seruice vpon Sundayes and Holydayes and other dayes appointed to bee obserued by the booke of Common Prayer as Wednesdayes and Fridayes and the Eues of euery Sunday and Holyday at fit and vsuall times And doth your Minister duely obserue the orders Rites and Ceremonies prescribed in the said booke of
ARTICLES TO BE ENQVIRED of in the Diocesse of Norwich In the ordinarie Visitation of the Reuerend Father in God FRANCIS Lord Bishop of NORVVICH Anno Domini 1629. ❧ Imprinted at LONDON by IOHN BILL 1629. The forme of the Oath to bee ministred vnto the Church-wardens and Side-men YOu shall sweare that you and euery of you shall duely consider and diligently enquire of all and euery of these Articles giuen you in charge and that all affection fauour hope of reward and gaine or feare of displeasure or malice set aside you shall present all and euery such person of or within your Parish as hath committed any offence or made any default mentioned in these or any of these Articles or which are vehemently suspected or defamed of any such offence or default wherein you shall deale vprightly and fully neither presenting nor sparing to present any contrary to trueth hauing in this action God before your eyes with an earnest zeale to maintaine trueth and vertue and to suppresse vice So helpe you God and the holy Contents of this Booke ARTICLES TO BE ENQVIRED OF IN the Diocesse of NORVVICH ANNO DOM. 1629. Articles concerning Religion and Doctrine Titul 1. Hereticall opinions 1WHether be there any abiding or resorting to your Parish that haue wilfully maintained and defended any heresies errours or false opinions contrary to the faith of Christ and holy Scripture Absence from Church 2 Item Whether doth any in your parish being 16. yeres of age or vpwards or others lodging or commonly resorting to any house in your Parish wilfully absent themselues from your Parish Church Chappell or Oratorie vpon Sundayes and Holy-dayes and other dayes appointed at Morning and Euening prayers Or who come late to Church and depart from Church before diuine Seruice and Sermon be ended Or whether be there any that perswade others to forbeare and abstaine comming to Church to heare diuine Seruice and receiue the holy Communion according to his Maiesties Lawes in that behalfe enacted Vnlawfull Conuenticles 3 Item Whether be there any in your Parish that hath beene or is vehemently suspected to haue beene present at any vnlawfull assemblies conuenticles or meetings vnder colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion or doeth any affirme and maintaine such meeting to be lawfull contrary to his Maiesties Statutes in that behalfe Impugners of the Kings Supremacie 4 Item Whether be there any within your Parish that deny or perswade any to deny withstand and impugne the Kings Maiesties authority and Supremacie in causes Ecclesiasticall within his Realme Popish Recu●●●●● 5. Item Whether be there any abiding or resorting to your Parish that be or are commonly reputed to bee ill affected in matters of Religion professed in our Church or taken to bee Recusant Papists refusing to repaire vnto the Church to heare diuine Seruice and receiue the holy Communion and being disobedient to his Highnesse Lawes in that behalfe prouided Or doe any publish sell or disperse any superstitious bookes or writings or other bookes libells or writings of any lectuaries touching the Religion State or Ecclesiasticall gouernement of this Kingdome of England Present their names qualities and conditions Doeth any Papist keepe a Schoolemaster in his house which commeth not to Church as is required What is his name and how long hath he taught there or else where Articles concerning publike Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments Titul 2. ●●●rauing the Booke of Common prayer and ●●●●●monies FIrst Whether hath any of your Parish spoken or declared any thing in the derogation or deprauing of the forme of Gods worship in the Church of England and Administration of the Sacraments Rites and Ceremonis set foorth and prescribed in the Booke of common Prayer by the Kings Maiestie authorised and confirmed Doe any preach speake or declare that it conteineth any thing which is not agreeable to the holy Scriptures ●●●●wading any ●ister to alter forme of ●●mon prayer 2. Item Whether hath any in your Parish caused procured or maintained any Minister to say any common or publike Prayer or to administer either of the Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper otherwise or in any other manner and forme then is mentioned in the said Booke of Common Prayer Or whether hath any interrupted hindred let or disturbed the Minister to reade diuine Seruice and administer the Sacraments in such manner and forme as is mentioned in the said Booke or interrupted him in his Preachings and Sermons ●●ruation of ●orme of ●●●●●sme and ●●●e 3. Item Whether is the Sacrament of Baptisme rightly and duely administred a cording to the prescript Forme expressed in the booke of Comon Prayer with due obseruation of all Rites and Ceremonies prescribed in the administration of the same without adding or altering any part or parcell of any prayers interrogatories or not vsing the signe of the Crosse in the administration of the same Deferring of Baptisme 4 Item Whether is the administration of the Sacrament of Baptisme deferred longer then the next Sunday or Holiday immediately following the birth of the Childe Children refused to be baptized or dying without Baptisme 5 Item Whether is the Sacrament of Baptisme refused to bee administred to any children borne in or out of wedlocke their birth being made knowen to the Minister of the parish and offered vnto him to be baptized or haue any such children died vnbaptized Parents of children admitted Godfathers 6 Item Whether bee the Parents of any child to bee baptized admitted to be godfathers and godmothers to the same Priuate Baptisme 7 Item Whether haue there any children beene baptized in priuate houses by any Lay person or midwife or Popish Priest or by any other Minister but vpon vrgent occasion when the child was in danger of death Baptizing of Papists children 8 Item Whether haue the children which haue beene borne to any Popish Recusants or begotten by them in your parish beene publikely baptized in your parish Church by your Parson Vicar or Curate or by whom were they baptized or where to your knowledge Receiuing of the Lords Supper thrice a yeere 9 Item Whether hath the blessed Sacrament of the Lords Supper beene duely and reuerently administred euery moneth or thrice euery yeere at least whereof once at Easter within your Parish Church to euery parishioner being of sixteene yeeres of age or vpwards Kneeling at the Communion 10 Item Whether is the said holy Sacrament deliuered vnto or receiued by any of the Communicants within your Parish that vnreuerently sit or stand or doe not deuoutly and humbly kneele vpon their knees Notorious offenders admitted to the Communion 11 Item Whether hath any of your parish which be openly knowen to liue in notorious sinne without repentance or excommunicate persons or Schismatikes common and notorious deprauers of the Religion and gouerment of this Realme without vnfained sorrow showen for their impiety and wickednesse beene