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A00177 Articles to be enquired of, within the archdeaconry of Essexx, by the church-wardens & sworne-men in euery parish, and presentment to be made thereof to the Arch-deacon with partciular [sic] answeres vnto euery article. Church of England. Archdeaconry of Essex. 1615 (1615) STC 10198.5; ESTC S860 12,470 18

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ARTICLES ❧ To be enquired of within the Archdeaconry of Essexx by the Church-wardens Sworne-men in euery Parish And presentment to be made thereof to the Arch-deacon With partciular Answeres vnto euery Article LONDON Printed by EDW ALLDE 1615. The tenor of the Oath ministred to the Church-Wardens and Sworne-men YE shall sweare that all affections fauour hatred hope of reward or gaine or feare of displeasure or malice set aside you shall vpon due consideration of the Atticles giuen you in charge present all and euery such person of or within your Parish as hath committed any offence or fault or made any default mentioned in any of these Articles or which are vehemently suspected or otherwise defamed of any such offence fault or default wherein you shall deale vprightly and according to equitie neither of malice presenting any contrary to Truth nor of corrupt affection sparing to present any and so conceale the Truth hauing in this action God before your eyes with an earnest zeale to maintaine truth and to suppresse vice So helpe you God and his faithfull promises in Christ Iesus ¶ Articles to be enquired of within the Archdeaconarie of Essex for this present yeere of our Lord God 1615. Articles concerning the Church WHether haue you in your seuerall Churches and Chappell 's the Booke of Constitutions or Canons Ecclesiasticall ready to be read by your Minister according to his Maiesties pleasure published by his highnes authority vnder the great Seale of England 2 Whether is there in your Church or Chappell one parchment register Booke prouided for Christnings Marriages and Burialls and whether is the same duely and exactly kept according to the Constitutions in that case prouided and a transcript thereof brought in yearely within one moneth after Easter into my Lord Bishops principall Registers office and whether doth your Minister vpon euery Sunday reade the names of all such as haue béene married christned or buried the wéeke before 3 Whether haue you prouided the Booke of Common Prayer lately commaunded by his Maiesties authority onely to be vsed and the Booke of Homilies and two Psalters and whether haue you in your Church or Chappell a Font of stone set vp in the antient vsuall place a conuenient and decent Communion table standing vpon a frame with a Carpet of silke or some other decent stuffe and a faire Linnen cloth to lay thereon at the Communion time and whether is the same then placed in such conuenient sort within the Chancell or Church as that the Minister may be best heard in his Prayer and administration and that the greater number may communicate and whether are the ten Commaundements set vp on the East end of your Church or Chappell where the people may best sée and reade them and other sentences of holy Scriptures written on the walls likewise for the same purpose 4 Whether haue you a conuenient seate for the Minister to reade seruice in together with a comely Pulpit set vp in a conuenient place with a decent cloth or Cushion for the same a comely large Surples a fayre Communion Cup of Siluer and a couer agreable for the same with all other things and ornaments necessary for the celebration of diuine Seruice and administration of the Sacraments and a strong chest for the almes of the poore with three lockes and keyes and another chest for the kéeping of the ornaments of the Church and Register Booke 5 How many Bells are there at this present hanging in the Belfrée of your parish Church and how many haue there béene heretofore whether any of your said Bells haue béene taken downe and sold or made away and what other Church goods are now wanting in your Church 6 Whether are your Church or Chappell 's with the Chancells thereof and your Parsonage or Vicarage house and all other housing thereto belonging in good reparations and decently and comely kept aswell within as without the seates well maintained your Churchyards well fenced and kept without abuse according to the 85. Canon if not then through whose default and what defects are All these things in these Articles to be prepared according to the Canons vnder the title appertaining to Churches Articles concerning the Clergie VVHether hath your Minister read the Constitutions set foorth by his Maiesty once euery yeare vpon some Sundayes or Holidayes in the afternoone before diuine seruice according as by the Canons he i● bound 2 Whether doth your Minister vse to pray for the Kings Maiesty King Iames and for the Quéenes Maiesty Prince Charles Fredericke Count Palatine of the Rheine with the Lady Elizabeth his Wife giuing vnto his highnesse such stile and title of Supreme Gouernour of all causes and ouer a●l persons as well Ecclesiasticall as temporall as by lawe are due vnto him exhorting their Parishioners to yealde him obedience according to the same and also in their said Sermons doe pray for all Arch-bishops Bishops a●● other Ecclesiasticall persons according to the 55. Canon 3 Whether is the prescript forme of diuine seruice vsed by your Minister vpon Sundayes Holydayes Wednesdayes and Fridayes according to t●● booke of Cōmon prayer And whether doth your Minister duly obserue all t●● orders rites and ceremonies prescribed in the said booke of Common Praye● as well in reading publike prayers the Letany as also in administring t●● Sacraments in such manner and forme wearing the Surples as by the boo● of Common Prayer by law now established is inioyned 4 Whether doth your Minister administer the holy Communion often and at such times as that euery Parishioner may receiue the sam● at the least thrice euery yeare whereof one at Easter as by the booke of Common Prayer is appointed And whether doth your Minister receiue the same himselfe on euery day that he administreth it to others knéeling at the same and administreth it to none but to such as doe knéele at the receiuing thereof and vse the words of the Institution according to the Booke at euery time that the bread and wine is receiued in such manner and forme as by the prouiso of the 21. Canon is directed or wherein is he ●aulty and whether is warning giuen by him before hand for the Commuion as the 22. Canon requireth 5 Whether hath your Minister admitted any notorious offenders or Schismatickes to the Communion contrary to the 26. and 27. Constitutions without satisfaction by due course of law before enioyned them or reiected any from the Communion who were not by publike presentment or other open scandall infamous and detected of some notorious crime by common fame published in the Parish 6 Whether the Minister together with the Church wardens and Quest-men doe take diligent héed and care that not onely all and euery of your owne Parishioners doe receiue thrice in euery yeare as aforesaid but also that no strangers of any other Parish doe forsake their owne Minister and Parish to receiue with you contrary to the 28. Canon 7 Whether doth your Minister vse to signe
the Children with the signe of the Crosse when they are baptized according to the booke of Common Prayer and the 30. Canon and whether he hath deferred or wilfully refused to baptize any infant in his Parish being in danger hauing béene duely informed of the weaknesse thereof and whether the childe hath died by his default without baptisme contrary to the 68. and 69. Canons 8 Whether is your Minister continually resident with you vpon his benefice or for how long time hath he béene absent and where is he resident for the most part and what other benefice hath he 9 Whether doth your Minister being a Preacher preach vsually according to the constitutions eyther in his owne cure with you once euery sunday or else in some other Church or Chappell néere adioyning where no Preacher is according to the 45. Canon or how hath he béene negligent in that behalfe 10 Whether is your Minister a Preacher allowed if yea then by whome if no whether doth he procure Sermons to be preached among you once in euery moneth at the least by such as are lawfully licensed according to the 46. Canon or doth contribute toward a licensed Preacher if his liuing will beare it 11 Whether hath your Minister another benefice and whether doth he supply his absence by a Curate that is sufficiently licensed to preach in that cure of his whereon he himselfe is not resident or otherwise in case he doe not finde a preaching Minister there by reason of the smalnesse thereof whether doth he preach at both his benefices vsually himselfe according to the 47. Canon 12 Whether is your Preacher or Curate licensed to preach or serue the Cure by the Bishop of this Dioces or by any other and by whom whether doth your Minister or Curate serue more cures then one contrary to the 48. Canon If yea then what other cure doth he also serue 13 If your Minister be not licensed to preach as aforesaid whether doth he reade Homilies or rather take vpon him to expound the Scriptures either in his owne cure or elsewhere contrary to the 49. Canon If yea then you are to present him and specifie the place where he so hath preached 14 Whether hath any person béen admitted to preach within your Church or Chappell but such as you haue well knowne to be sufficiently licensed 〈◊〉 whome haue you so admitted you shall present their names and how often haue any such béene admitted to preach and by whose procurement and whether haue you caused euery strange Preacher licensed or not licensed to subscribe his name together with the day when he preached according to the 50. and 51. Canons and if he were licensed then by whom he was licensed And whether haue they or any other preached in your Church not being soberly and decently apparrelled according to the 47. Canon 15 Whether doth your Lecturer and Preacher reade diuine Seruice and administer the Sacraments in his owne person twice euery yeare obseruing all the Ceremonies in the booke of Common Prayer established according to the 56. Canon 16 Whether doth your Minister weare the Surples whilest he is saying the publike prayers and administring the Sacraments And if he be any Graduate whether then doth he also weare vpon his Surples during the times aforesaid such a hood as by the orders of his Vniuersitie is agréeable to his degrée according to the 58. Canon 17 Whether doth your Minister euery Sunday and Holyday before Euening Prayer for halfe an houre or more examine and instruct the youth and ignorant persons of his Parish in the ten Commandements the Articles of beliefe and the Lords Prayer as also in the Catechisme last set forth in the booke of Common prayer whereby the children of the Parish may be prepared for confirmation according to the 90. Canon 18 Whether hath your Minister without license from the Archbishop the Bishop of the Diocesse or his Chancelor or without Lycence vnder the seale of office of the Archdeacon or his Officiall solemnized mariage betwixt any parties the Banes not being three seuerall Sundayes or Holly-dayes first ●ublished in time of diuine seruice in the seuerall Churches or Chappels of ●●eir seuerall abode according to the booke of common Prayer And the 62. Canon and that also betwixt the houres of eight and twelue in the fore●●one contrary to the 102. Canon And whether hath your minister in the ●●mes prohibited marryed any without such Licence notwithstanding the ●●●es haue bene asked as you doe knowe beléeue or haue heard say 19 Whether hath your Minister since the last Canons published so●●●●ized any marryage betwixt any persons being vnder the age of 21 ●●ares although the Banes be thrice asked before such time as the parents ●●ue made knowne vnto him their consent thereunto contrary to the 99. and ●00 Canons and whether hath he married any of another Diocesse and ●ho are they and by what authoritie and when 20 Whether doth your Minister vpon Sundayes at morning prayer ●●clare vnto the Parishioners what holy dayes and fasting dayes are ap●ointed to be kept the weeke following according to the 64. Canon where●● they may be put in minde to prepare themselues accordingly and to re●aire to the Church to publike prayer as by law they are bound 21 Whether doth your Minister in the Rogation dayes vse the peram●ulation of the circuit of the parish appointed by law and in the same per●mbulation moue the people to giue thankes to God for his benefits vsing such Psalmes Prayers Homilies as are to that end set forth 22 Whether doth any man being neither Minister nor Deacon reade Common-prayer openly in your Church or Chappell or administer the Sacrament of Baptisme or solemnize Matrimonie or take vpon him to practise any other ministeriall dutie in the Church that is prescribed to be executed particularly by such as are either Ministers or Deacons and what is his name that so doth 23 Whether doth your Minister euery sixe moneths denounce in his parish all such of his parish as doe perseuer in the sentence of excommunication not seeking to be absolued and whether hath he admitted any person excommunicate into the Church without a Certificate of his absolution from the Ordinarie or other competent Iudge vnder his seale according to the Canons 24 Whether doth your Minister being a Preacher endeuour and labour diligently with mildenes and temperance to conferre with and thereby to reclaime the Popish Recusants in his parish from their errours if there be any such there being and whether is he painefull in visitation of the sicke according to the booke of Common-prayer and the Canons in that case prouided 25 Whether is your Parson Vicar Lecturer or Curate too much frequent or ouer conuersant with or a fauourer of Recusants whereby he may be suspected not to be sincere in Religion 26 Whether hath your Minister or any other taking vpon him the place of a Minister preached baptized children vnlesse in case of necessitie solemnized marriage churched