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A02947 Yet a course at the Romyshe foxe A dysclosynge or openynge of the Manne of synne, co[n]tayned in the late declaratyon of the Popes olde faythe made by Edmonde Boner bysshopp of London. wherby wyllyam Tolwyn was than newlye professed at paules crosse openlye into Antichristes Romyshe relygyon agayne by a newe solempne othe of obedyence, notwythsta[n]dynge the othe made to hys prynce afore to the contrarye. An alphabetycall dyrectorye or table also in the ende thereof ... Compyled by Iohan Harryson. Bale, John, 1495-1563.; Seton, Alexander, d. 1542. Declaracion made at Poules Crosse in the cytye of London. 1543 (1543) STC 1309; ESTC S100631 110,140 234

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which_o car_n rye_n his_o lyverye_n 7._o catholyck_n they_o call_v the_o faith_n of_o their_o church_n which_o term_v the_o scripture_n have_v not_o and_o it_o may_v well_o be_v for_o catholyck_a be_v as_o moche_v to_o say_v as_o nus_fw-la unyversall_a or_o admytting_a all_o for_o in_o deed_n they_o allow_v all_o manner_n of_o faith_n that_o faith_n only_o except_v which_o they_o owght_fw-mi to_o allow_v most_o of_o all_o no_o jewyshe_a ceremonye_n refuse_v they_o nor_o yet_o heythen_a supper_n stycyon_n so_o long_o as_o the_o gospel_n be_v not_o trewlye_o preach_v their_o faith_n be_v good_a ynowgh_n for_o it_o be_v catholyck_a vniversal_o papist_n all_o false_a beleve_v and_o wicked_a worshyppynge_n contrary_a to_o god_n prescripcyon_n it_o allow_v no_o kind_n of_o idolatrye_a and_o supersticyon_n reject_v neither_o have_v this_o generation_n since_o the_o beginning_n reprove_v pylgrymage_n nor_o pardon_n rellycke_n nor_o false_a reverence_n sensynge_n nor_o candle_n sacrifice_n la●●yn_v buss_v nor_o lyppe_n seruyce_n dead_a shadow_n nor_o idel_n obseruacyon_n mischief_n with_o soche_n like_o pylde_n pedlarye_a and_o romyshe_a ware_n for_o it_o be_v there_o own_o proper_a good_a and_o that_o will_v plentuouslie_o apere_fw-la here_o after_o in_o this_o present_a declaratyon_n wherein_o this_o poor_a man_n be_v more_o depelye_o compel_v to_o accuse_v himself_o the_o man_n of_o sin_n ¶_o 1_n and_o also_o that_o i_o have_v be_v a_o great_a favourer_n defender_n maintener_n and_o receptour_fw-fr of_o heretyques_n 2._o acustome_v also_o to_o have_v in_o my_o custodye_n 3._o book_n of_o heresy_n and_o other_o unlaw_n full_a work_n 4._o forbid_a by_o the_o king_n magestee_n proclamacyon_n and_o ordinance_n 5._o and_o also_o contrary_a to_o the_o decree_n and_o inhybycyon_n of_o my_o ordynarye_n ¶_o his_o dysclose_v for_o favour_a mainteyninge_v and_o defend_n christ_n godly_a verity_n be_v steven_v as_o a_o blasphemer_n stone_v unto_o death_n at_o jerusalem_n antipas_n the_o 2._o faithful_a wytnesse_n of_o the_o lord_n be_v slay_v at_o pergamo_n and_o christ_n apostle_n be_v dyverselye_o afflyct_v the_o world_n over_o 17._o by_o this_o viperous_a generation_n jason_n for_o receyve_a paul_n and_o sylas_n with_o other_o dysciple_n and_o teacher_n of_o the_o gospel_n be_v bring_v before_o the_o cownsell_n at_o thessalonica_fw-la and_o accuse_v for_o a_o sedycious_a traitor_n ageyn_v caesar_n no_o maruele_n therefore_o thowgh_a this_o poor_a man_n be_v vex_v of_o the_o same_o 2._o sort_n mainteininge_v the_o same_o doctrine_n and_o favour_v the_o teacher_n thereof_o be_v there_o any_o other_o reward_n follow_v the_o true_a servant_n of_o god_n now_o then_o have_v be_v afore_o no_o sure_o unless_o christ_n have_v now_o of_o late_o change_v his_o former_a promise_n and_o be_v now_o become_v a_o speaker_n ageyn_v himself_n which_o be_v so_o unpossible_a as_o he_o not_o to_o be_v god_n if_o they_o have_v persecute_v he_o 21._o needs_o must_v they_o persecute_v his_o member_n if_o they_o have_v call_v the_o master_n of_o the_o house_n belzebub_n so_o will_v they_o do_v he_o how_o shall_v you_o schall_n be_v hate_v of_o all_o man_n say_v christ_n for_o my_o name_n sake_n it_o be_v no_o new_a thing_n to_o see_v poor_a man_n thus_o handle_v blaspheme_v and_o open_o schamed_a without_o reasonable_a cause_n 2_o for_o heretic_n must_v they_o be_v take_v which_o follow_v not_o their_o tradycyon_n nor_o regard_n there_o sacred_a sorcerye_n thus_o may_v man_n they_o call_v christ_n a_o heretyke_a also_o for_o he_o never_o allow_v their_o ceremony_n he_o never_o go_v processyon_n with_o cope_n cross_n and_o candelstyck_a he_o never_o sense_v image_n nor_o sing_v lattyn_a seruyce_n he_o never_o give_v order_n nor_o sit_v in_o confession_n he_o never_o preach_v of_o purgatorye_n nor_o pardon_n he_o never_o honour_v saint_n nor_o pray_v for_o the_o dead_a he_o never_o say_v mass_n matin_n nor_o ▪_o evensonge_n he_o never_o fast_v frydaye_n nor_o vygyll_n lend_v nor_o advent_n he_o never_o hallow_v church_n nor_o chalyce_n ash_n nor_o palm_n candle_n nor_o bell_n he_o never_o make_v holy_a water_n nor_o holy_a breed_n with_o soche_n like_o but_o soche_v dumb_v ceremony_n not_o have_v the_o express_a commandment_n of_o god_n he_o call_v the_o leven_a of_o the_o pharysee_n 4._o and_o damnable_a hypocrisy_n admonyshinge_v his_o dyscyple_n to_o be_v ware_n of_o they_o he_o curse_v all_o they_o that_o add_v unto_o his_o word_n soche_n beggerlye_v shadow_n wipe_a their_o name_n clean_o out_o of_o the_o book_n of_o life_n saint_n paul_n testyfy_v they_o to_o have_v no_o porcyon_n in_o christ_n which_o wrap_v themselves_o ageyne_a with_o soche_n yoke_n of_o bondage_n 3_o book_n of_o heresy_n must_v all_o those_o work_n be_v which_o rebuke_v any_o of_o the_fw-mi abusvons_fw-fr be_v they_o never_o so_o godly_a that_o cause_v they_o so_o long_o time_n to_o lock_v up_o 5._o the_o scripture_n in_o a_o strange_a language_n and_o under_o a_o unknown_a speech_n lest_o the_o peple_n by_o read_n of_o they_o schuld_v perseyve_v their_o work_n to_o be_v nowght_fw-mi and_o so_o rebuke_v they_o yea_o they_o have_v not_o be_v ashamed_a of_o late_a year_n to_o call_v the_o prophecy_n of_o the_o old_a law_n the_o four_o gospel_n paul_n epystle_n and_o the_o holy_a apocalypse_v with_o other_o treatyse_n of_o the_o sacred_a bible_n most_o heresy_n detestable_a book_n of_o heresy_n and_o to_o burn_v many_o good_a godly_a and_o innocent_a creature_n for_o have_v they_o in_o their_o house_n and_o for_o read_v of_o they_o unto_o other_o and_o all_o under_o the_o tyttle_a and_o auctoryte_n of_o prince_n law_n in_o the_o mean_a season_n also_o have_v they_o boast_v themselves_o for_o the_o peculyar_fw-mi peple_n of_o god_n for_o the_o holy_a church_n the_o consecrate_v shorlynge_v nombre_fw-fr the_o spirytuall_a sort_n the_o catholyck_a doctor_n the_o choose_a person_n the_o godly_a company_n the_o religious_a brether_z heed_n the_o wyvelesse_a vyrgyn_n the_o good_a gostlye_o father_n and_o that_o they_o have_v do_v nothing_o but_o in_o the_o zealous_a quarrel_n of_o the_o lord_n but_o nomore_o be_v they_o of_o his_o kingdom_n than_o be_v phassur_n and_o semeias_fw-la 3._o which_o persecute_a hieremye_n jannes_n and_o jambre_n which_o resy_v moses_n cayphas_n and_o annas_n which_o put_v christ_n unto_o 4._o death_n and_o vex_v his_o apostle_n with_o soche_n like_o bludthurstye_a prelate_n and_o malycyous_a mourtherer_n for_o his_o church_n or_o kingdom_n be_v a_o congregation_n of_o simple_a 5._o meek_a sprete_v lowlye_o pytefull_a and_o gentyll_a teacher_n and_o not_o of_o proud_a glotton_n glorious_a lechour_n cruel_a byteshepe_n and_o ravenouse_a robber_n as_o they_o be_v never_o schall_n you_o see_v they_o trewlye_o ground_n their_o do_n upon_o god_n holy_a word_n but_o either_o upon_o their_o own_o filthy_a tradycyon_n or_o upon_o the_o crooked_a custom_n of_o the_o 145._o cuntre_n bring_v in_o first_o of_o all_o by_o their_o curse_a counsel_n or_o upon_o the_o auncyentnesse_n of_o their_o father_n or_o holiness_n of_o their_o doctor_n or_o else_o most_o chefelye_o upon_o the_o mighty_a auctoryte_n of_o prince_n 4_o mark_v how_o the_o byssoppe_n of_o london_n layeeh_o forth_o here_o the_o king_n proclamacyon_n and_o ordynaunce_n ageyn_v this_o poor_a mamnne_n for_o have_v in_o his_o custodye_n devyll_n book_n ageyn_v the_o bysshoppe_n of_o rome_n and_o how_o he_o do_v couple_v they_o with_o his_o own_o antichristiane_n decree_n and_o inhybycyon_n yea_o consider_v how_o blasphemouslye_o and_o trayterouslye_o he_o do_v here_o abuse_v they_o to_o the_o abhor_a of_o all_o christen●ares_n and_o the_o great_a dolour_n of_o all_o faithful_a heart_n here_o be_v not_o the_o true_a preaching_n of_o the_o gospel_n call_v upon_o by_o the_o king_n proclamacyon_n to_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n neither_o be_v here_o sowght_fw-mi the_o adolishment_n of_o the_o bysshoppe_n of_o room_n usurp_v pour_v pope_n nor_o yet_o the_o layenge_a aside_o of_o devylyshe_a supersticyon_n which_o be_v all_o effectual_o require_v in_o his_o godly_a ordinance_n for_o they_o be_v not_o the_o thing_n that_o mi_fw-mi lord_n seek_v to_o uphold_v but_o here_o be_v sore_o complain_v of_o the_o slackness_n in_o go_v of_o procession_n falling_n at_o evensonge_n in_o the_o sa_n of_o romy_n she_o hour_n in_o the_o make_n of_o holy_a water_n and_o holy_a breed_n and_o what_o make_v these_o to_o the_o christian_a erudycyon_n or_o to_o any_o other_o godly_a purpose_n what_o be_v these_o ●oyes_n either_o to_o the_o mayntenaunce_n of_o faith_n or_o of_o any_o common_a welthe_n must_v so_o many_o idle_a bysshoppe_n and_o preste_n be_v ma_v up_o so_o fat_a to_o the_o great_a hyndraunce_n of_o the_o public_a welthe_n for_o the_o uphold_n feat_n of_o thing_n of_o so_o small_a profyght_n alac_n that_o ever_o the_o price_n auctorite_n schuld_v thus_o be_v use_v to_o the_o blasphemye_n of_o god_n and_o to_o his_o gre●t_a dyshonour_n this_o
yet_o a_o course_n at_o the_o romyshe_a fox_n ☞_o a_o dysclose_v ☞_o or_o open_v of_o the_o man_n of_o sin_n contain_v in_o the_o late_a declaratyon_n of_o the_o pope_n old_a faith_n make_v by_o edmonde_n boner_n bysshopp_n of_o london_n whereby_o wyllyam_n tolwyn_n be_v than_o new_o profess_v at_o paul_n cross_n open_o into_o antichristes_n romyshe_a relygyon_n again_o by_o a_o new_a solemn_a oath_n of_o obedience_n notwythstand_v the_o oath_n make_v to_o his_o prince_n afore_o to_o the_o contrary_n ¶_o a_o alphabetycall_a dyrectorye_n or_o table_n also_o in_o the_o end_n thereof_o to_o the_o spedye_n find_v out_o of_o the_o pryncypall_a matter_n therein_o contain_v compile_v by_o johan_n harryson_n 2._o thes_n 2._o before_o the_o lord_n come_v schall_n the_o man_n of_o sin_n be_v open_v esa_n 11._o with_o the_o breath_n of_o his_o mouth_n schall_n the_o lord_n slay_v that_o wicked_a one_o ¶_o a_o preface_n to_o the_o christian_a reader_n since_o the_o world_n beginning_n dear_a friend_n in_o the_o lord_n have_v inyquyte_v have_v his_o froward_a course_n and_o schall_n so_o have_v still_o to_o the_o latter_a end_n thereof_o in_o 6._o the_o very_a angel_n or_o spretes_n of_o heaven_n dead_a god_n find_v a_o untowarde_a stubbernesse_n and_o a_o obstynate_a crokednesse_n what_o he_o have_v have_v in_o the_o ungodlye_a child_n of_o man_n since_o the_o day_n of_o cain_n till_o this_o present_a age_n it_o be_v moche_n to_o write_v of_o that_o be_v sumtyme_o the_o church_n of_o christ_n have_v it_o make_v the_o synagoge_n of_o sathan_n ever_o since_o that_o adversarye_n be_v set_v at_o large_a after_o 2._o the_o thousand_o year_n and_o sumwhat_o afore_o who_o malygnaunt_a member_n undre_a title_n of_o a_o spirytualte_n be_v always_o filthy_a who_o remonger_n murderer_n thief_n ravener_n idolatour_n liar_n dog_n swine_n wolf_n abominable_a worker_n adversaries_n to_o god_n and_o very_a devyls_n incarnate_a of_o who_o curse_a cruel_a number_n one_o be_v 143._o edmonde_n boner_n now_o bysshopp_n of_o london_n a_o very_a fierce_a furyouse_a angel_n of_o the_o bottonlesse_a pytt_n as_o his_o daily_a fruit_n declare_v he_o specyal_o this_o declaration_n of_o his_o here_o follow_v who_o he_o malycyouslye_o enforce_v wyllyam_n tolwyn_n the_o person_n of_o saint_n antonyne_v open_o to_o proclaim_v before_o the_o audience_n at_o paul_n cross_n the_o year_n afore_o this_o to_o the_o terror_n of_o their_o tymerouse_a conscyence_n and_o confusyon_n of_o 9_o their_o soul_n mark_v the_o doctrine_n therein_o contain_v and_o prove_v the_o spirit_n and_o vein_n thereof_o by_o the_o scripture_n and_o you_o schall_n fyn_n de_fw-fr it_o no_o less_o than_o the_o filthy_a foam_n smoke_n of_o the_o insacyable_a chaos_n or_o pytt_n without_o bottom_n neither_o be_v god_n therein_o seek_v nor_o yet_o any_o godliness_n for_o in_o nation_n the_o whole_a process_n be_v not_o he_o one_o name_v but_o to_o condemnation_n i_o think_v sens_fw-fr cristes_fw-fr ascencyon_n be_v not_o soche_v a_o monstruouse_a thing_n scene_n as_o it_o be_v thus_o offer_v to_o the_o peple_n for_o a_o necessary_a doctrine_n of_o faith_n no_o not_o undre_a the_o most_o wicked_a tyrant_n glande_n in_o the_o most_o pestylent_a time_n of_o papystrye_n be_v not_o soche_v a_o perverse_a professyon_n make_v unto_o antichristes_n ragged_a rewle_v as_o this_o be_v here_o if_o it_o be_v thorough_o weigh_v i_o have_v read_v dyverse_a recantacyon_n make_v in_o johan_n wycleve_v time_n of_o phylyp_n repyngdon_n heresium_fw-la johan_fw-mi purvey_v rycharde_n with_o nycolas_n herforde_v harrye_o crompe_n wyllyam_n swynderbye_o robert_n rig_v walter_n dash_n johan_n hunteman_n thomas_n britwell_n and_o other_o but_o non_fw-la soche_n as_o this_o be_v neither_o so_o folyshe_a nor_o yet_o so_o devylyshe_a 15._o saint_n paul_n hold_v he_o accurse_v of_o god_n that_o tech_v any_o other_o doctrine_n than_o the_o gospel_n or_o the_o sacred_a scripture_n of_o the_o bible_n though_o he_o be_v a_o angel_n from_o heaven_n moche_n more_o must_v he_o be_v accurse_v than_o which_o mynyster_v nothing_o but_o wickedness_n 5._o nothing_o be_v here_o teach_v but_o the_o doctrynes_n of_o man_n the_o beggerlye_o tradycyon_n and_o dyrtye_n dregs_n of_o the_o pope_n as_o holy_a water_n make_v processyon_n go_v sense_v of_o image_n and_o latin_a wawl_v in_o the_o temple_n with_o other_o like_a filthy_a fantasye_n which_o be_v soche_o vain_a worshyppynge_n as_o god_n do_v abhor_v extremyte_v and_o with_o tyranny_n be_v they_o here_o extort_a by_o open_a rebuke_n and_o shame_n of_o the_o world_n of_o so_o many_o traitor_n as_o the_o bysshoppe_n and_o preste_n have_v know_v of_o the_o ve_n manqueller_n idolatour_n whoremon_n ger_n swearer_n and_o sodomyte_v never_o bring_v they_o one_o yet_o to_o paul_n cross_n there_o to_o do_v open_a penance_n but_o for_o sekyn_n ge_fw-mi to_o have_v the_o verity_n syncerelye_o preach_v god_n accord_v to_o the_o wholesome_a commandment_n of_o christ_n and_o the_o king_n be_v this_o poor_a man_n ponnissh_v before_o all_o the_o cyte_n and_o enforce_v for_o the_o same_o to_o proclaim_v himself_o a_o heretyque_a nauclerus_a even_o soche_v a_o other_o part_n have_v my_o lord_n of_o london_n play_v here_o with_o tolwin_n as_o dioclecianus_fw-la play_v with_o marcellinus_n the_o bysshopp_n for_o like_a as_o he_o compel_v he_o open_o to_o renounce_v christ_n and_o to_o do_v sacrifice_n to_o the_o idol_n after_o the_o heythen_a manner_n so_o do_v my_o lord_n here_o constrain_v tolwyn_n to_o forsake_v his_o verity_n and_o swe_n be_v to_o the_o observation_n of_o papistrye_n which_o 5._o be_v of_o the_o same_o stynk_v leven_v to_o deny_v christ_n which_o be_v all_o one_o with_o his_o word_n before_o man_n have_v he_o most_o cruel_a lie_v enforce_v this_o poor_a innocent_a man_n so_o puttinge_v he_o in_o danger_n of_o his_o denial_n again_o before_o his_o eternal_a father_n which_o be_v everlasting_a damnation_n be_v he_o not_o the_o more_o merciful_a unto_o he_o for_o if_o he_o beleve_v that_o denyenge_a the_o verity_n with_o mouth_n on_o lie_n he_o be_v out_o of_o that_o apparel_n of_o soul_n so_o lon_n ge_fw-mi as_o he_o still_o retain_v it_o in_o his_o hart_n he_o epiphanius_n be_v sore_o deceyve_v as_o be_v the_o helchesayte_n ageyn_v who_o write_v both_o origene_a and_o epiphanius_n the_o bysshopp_n of_o salamyne_n in_o cypress_n confutinge_v that_o opynyon_n oft_o she_o as_o a_o most_o detestable_a heresy_n there_o covenaunt_n with_o god_n say_v saint_n 118._o austyn_n do_v not_o they_o observe_v but_o be_v come_v therein_o unfaythfull_a which_o for_o avoy_n ding_v persecution_n go_v back_o from_o his_o true_a testymonye_n moche_n after_o this_o sort_n 34_o recant_v theodocyon_n the_o ephesiane_n con_v fess_v with_o the_o hebyonite_n and_o jew_n christ_n alone_o to_o be_v man_n after_o that_o he_o have_v ▪_o godly_a interpret_v the_o scripture_n and_o in_o thus_o do_v he_o think_v himself_o also_o discharge_v in_o conscyence_n for_o that_o he_o dead_a it_o of_o fear_n and_o because_o he_o therein_o name_v not_o god_n many_o be_v now_o in_o england_n which_o walk_v undre_v these_o subtle_a shadow_n england_n but_o if_o they_o think_v so_o to_o avoid_v the_o danger_n of_o god_n indygnation_n they_o sore_o deceyve_v themselves_o sebastianus_n the_o holy_a martyr_n persevinge_v marcellus_n and_o marcus_n two_o brother_n at_o that_o parelouse_a point_n of_o 42_o their_o soul_n destruction_n offer_v himself_o unto_o the_o death_n to_o hold_v they_o still_o stead_n fast_o in_o the_o true_a christian_a believe_v lest_o they_o schuld_v so_o have_v perysh_v for_o ever_o when_o james_n the_o less_o be_v settup_n at_o hieru_fw-la 18._o salem_fw-la in_o the_o common_a preaching_n place_n by_o the_o pharysee_n and_o scribe_n to_o revoke_v again_o that_o doctrine_n of_o saluacyon_n which_o he_o have_v teach_v he_o deed_n not_o only_o affirm_v it_o a_o fresh_a but_o also_o with_o a_o moche_n large_a circumstance_n more_o it_o without_o fear_n of_o death_n and_o therefore_o have_v it_o be_v a_o honour_n cesariensis_fw-la unto_o he_o ever_o since_o besides_o his_o everla_a reward_n with_o god_n where_o as_o it_o be_v to_o they_o that_o renounce_v it_o perpetual_a shame_n and_o confusion_n in_o the_o primative_a church_n platina_fw-la be_v they_o put_v to_o penance_n among_o the_o unbaptysed_a believer_n that_o have_v in_o persecution_n forsake_v the_o truth_n and_o be_v not_o receyve_v again_o unto_o the_o christian_a communion_n but_o after_o great_a repentance_n and_o prayer_n nolesse_n plague_n limyte_v the_o scripture_n unto_o they_o that_o so_o cowardlye_o recant_v 12._o than_o the_o racinge_n of_o their_o name_n out_o of_o the_o book_n of_o life_n he_o that_o be_v ashamed_a of_o i_o say_v christ_n and_o of_o my_o word_n in_o this_o advouterouse_a generation_n before_o man_n of_o he_o will_v i_o be_v ashamed_a before_o the_o mageste_v seat_n of_o my_o eternal_a father_n what_o schuld_v you_o fear_v they_o that_o
devylyshnesse_n like_v unto_o they_o in_o every_o point_n do_v they_o 3._o show_v themselves_o the_o very_a adversaries_n of_o god_n and_o the_o rebelling_n sede_fw-la of_o the_o serpent_n christ_n at_o his_o departure_n from_o this_o world_n command_v only_o preaching_n 16._o and_o baptyme_n to_o his_o apostle_n and_o neither_o se_a nor_o sense_v holy_a watte_fw-mi ring_v nor_o mass_v this_o do_v they_o with_o all_o threttenynges_n inhybytt_n as_o be_v here_o specyfy_v obey_v for_o tolwyn_n be_v here_o command_v from_o hence_o forth_o neither_o to_o preach_v nor_o to_o teach_v upon_o soche_n peyne_n and_o penaltee_n as_o be_v due_a to_o heretyque_n which_o be_v no_o less_o than_o burning_a in_o smythfeld_v or_o hang_a in_o the_o lollars_n tower_n at_o mydnyght_n when_o man_n be_v a_o sleep_v woe_n be_v unto_o i_o say_v saint_n paul_n or_o dampnacyon_n 1_o to_o my_o soul_n if_o i_o preach_v not_o the_o gospel_n christ_n have_v not_o send_v i_o to_o baptyse_v but_o to_o publyshe_a the_o glad_a tydynge_n of_o helthe_n moche_n less_o than_o to_o go_v processyon_n or_o to_o say_v a_o popysshe_a mass_n this_o necessary_a commastd_v mynystracyon_n in_o the_o word_n which_o christ_n have_v ordain_v do_v they_o like_o antichriste_n condemn_v the_o wholesome_a offyce_v of_o preaching_n that_o he_o have_v command_v do_v they_o most_o streyghtlye_o inhybitt_v ryghtlye_o therefore_o dead_a christ_n declare_v they_o contempner_n of_o his_o father_n heavenlye_a ordynaunce_n for_o their_o own_o filthy_a tradycyon_n and_o custom_n which_o be_v most_o abominable_a blasphemye_n 2_o but_o here_o paraventure_fw-fr my_o lord_n will_v allege_v for_o himself_o that_o his_o present_a inhy_n gospel_n bycyon_n concern_v the_o only_o preaching_n of_o heresye_n and_o error_n which_o he_o will_v in_o no_o wise_n have_v teach_v in_o his_o dyoces_n if_o my_o lord_n have_v so_o well_o assertayn_v we_o what_o a_o heresy_n be_v as_o he_o have_v here_o set_v out_o tolwyn_n for_o a_o heretyque_a we_o schuld_v moche_v not_o better_a have_v understande_v he_o but_o sure_o if_o heresy_n be_v a_o contrary_a doctrine_n to_o the_o wholesome_a doctrine_n of_o chryst_n my_o lord_n be_v here_o the_o most_o rank_n herety_n qne_n and_o wit_n less_o antychry_v that_o cuer_v i_o hear_v of_o and_o as_o for_o christ_n here_o be_v no_o manner_n of_o mencyon_n of_o he_o he_o be_v not_o so_o moche_v as_o one_o name_v name_v in_o all_o this_o frantic_a declaracyon_n he_z re_z be_v not_o one_o thing_n that_o the_o scrypture_n of_o god_n can_v just_o maintain_v so_o babylonyshe_a heythr●ysse_n and_o hellyshe_a be_v it_o and_o therefore_o it_o be_v no_o doctrine_n of_o he_o but_o all_o ageyn_v he_o my_o lord_n thynk_v that_o there_o an_v be_v non_fw-fr other_o heresye_n but_o those_o which_o rebuke_v the_o superstycyon_n of_o his_o popyshe_a church_n non_fw-fr other_o error_n but_o that_o speak_v ageyn_v there_o ambycyouse_a pride_n and_o vain_a glory_n non_fw-fr other_o noughtye_a opynyon_n but_o soche_n as_o towch_v their_o covetouse_n cloyn_v and_o insacyable_a avaryce_n then_o doctor_n thynk_v he_o only_o heretyque_v with_o thomas_n bonaventure_n don_n bachonthorpe_n and_o other_o sentencyoner_n which_o dysobey_v the_o rome_n churhe_n he_o remember_v not_o that_o accord_v to_o christ_n promise_n the_o holy_a ghost_n at_o his_o come_v schuld_v reprove_v the_o world_n of_o sin_n ryghtousnesse_n 4._o and_o judgement_n which_o betoken_v infydelyte_n hypocryse_v and_o manny_n wysdome_n for_o he_o find_v it_o not_o in_o his_o portifolium_fw-la nor_o yet_o in_o owr_a lady_n matin_n and_o therefore_o when_o soche_n strange_a voice_n sound_v in_o his_o ear_n for_o lack_v of_o a_o through_o acquaintance_n with_o they_o he_o take_v they_o for_o 4._o heresye_n error_n and_o noughtye_a opynyon_n thus_o may_v he_o also_o judge_v esaie_n hieremie_n ezechiel_n and_o daniel_n with_o the_o other_o prophet_n christ_n johan_n baptyst_n paul_n and_o peter_n with_o the_o other_o apostle_n to_o be_v heretyque_n for_o all_o their_o prophecy_n and_o wrytynge_n be_v full_a of_o soche_n heresye_n 3_o every_o where_o be_v they_o contrary_a to_o the_o catholyke_a faith_n of_o your_o church_n which_o be_v the_o worshyp_a of_o idol_n the_o calling_n upon_o man_n that_o be_v depart_v and_o the_o gaze_v upon_o god_n that_o be_v scene_n with_o the_o eye_n every_o where_o be_v idol_n they_o ageyn_v that_o holy_a mother_n of_o you_o in_o opynyon_n faythey_a and_o doctrine_n no_o christian_a believe_v fatch_v their_o dyscyple_n and_o scoler_n from_o your_o lay_n mennys_n calendar_n your_o dead_a book_n of_o image_n nor_o yet_o from_o iour_fw-fr latin_a seruyce_n who_o they_o understande_v not_o but_o from_o the_o lyve_a word_n of_o the_o lord_n god_n there_o faith_n be_v a_o substance_n of_o thing_n unseane_v and_o not_o of_o gaud_n and_o fable_n apere_v to_o the_o eye_n in_o spirit_n and_o verity_n do_v they_o worship_n there_o eternal_a father_n and_o not_o in_o outward_a shadow_n and_o toy_n unholy_a do_v they_o judge_v that_o mother_n which_o bring_v forth_o daily_o so_o many_o proud_a porkelynge_v so_o many_o covetouse_n 105._o charmer_n so_o many_o idle_a hypocryte_n oil_a idyote_n shear_v belly_n god_n wedlock_n breaker_n defyler_n of_o maydenhe_n de_fw-fr open_a persecuter_n of_o the_o truth_n sleer_v of_o innocent_n sodomyte_v and_o beast_n of_o fere_v themselves_o up_o for_o astynkige_v sacryfyce_n unto_o belphegor_n in_o the_o filthy_a fire_n 4._o of_o concupyscence_n burn_v heat_n of_o their_o lust_n and_o unsacyable_a desire_n of_o their_o lueshe_n with_o a_o desperate_a conscyence_n contempn_v the_o just_a ordinance_n of_o god_n to_o observe_v there_o papystycall_a vow_n 4_o the_o catholyke_a faith_n of_o this_o malygnaunt_a madam_n the_o church_n of_o anti_fw-la 〈…〉_o st_o the_o mother_n of_o mischief_n which_o be_v abominable_a whoryshnesse_n have_v tolwyn_n promise_v to_o his_o simple_a power_n to_o hypocrysye_n maintain_v with_o holy_a water_n make_v to_o defend_v with_o error_n and_o lie_n in_o hypo_n crysye_a and_o to_o avaunce_v with_o the_o holy_a docrysye_n of_o devyls_n accord_v to_o his_o new_a make_v oath_n and_o professyon_n in_o my_o lord_n prevye_a closet_n for_o the_o scripture_n will_v not_o thereto_o serve_v he_o they_z knowledge_n non_fw-la other_o church_n of_o christ_n but_o the_o king_n daughter_n which_o be_v from_o within_o as_o david_n do_v large_o descrybe_n she_o in_o his_o 12._o 44_o psalm_n and_o be_v therefore_o call_v the_o kin_n gedome_n of_o heaven_n which_o neither_o have_v mitre_n nor_o cope_n matin_n nor_o mass_n shave_a crown_n nor_o anoint_v 5_o to_o this_o new_a professyon_n and_o solemn_a oath_n of_o tolwyn_n that_o he_o schall_n during_o his_o life_n maintain_v defend_v and_o avaunce_v the_o pope_n old_a relygyon_n or_o antychristes_fw-fr whether_o you_o will_v for_o it_o be_v none_o of_o christes_fw-la the_o worshipful_a cyte_n of_o london_n it_o my_o lord_n mayer_n the_o shryve_v and_o the_o whole_a commynnalte_n must_v bear_v record_n that_o they_o may_v also_o obey_v the_o same_o though_o they_o have_v both_o god_n law_n and_o their_o king_n act_n to_o the_o contrary_n be_v not_o this_o think_v you_o a_o bold_a enterpry_a fe_o and_o a_o wonderful_a spectacle_n unto_o man_n soche_v a_o thing_n to_o be_v do_v in_o the_o face_n of_o the_o peple_n the_o pope_n so_o latelye_a put_v down_o face_n the_o gospel_n so_o clerelye_o dywlgate_v and_o the_o king_n make_v soche_n constytucyon_n for_o the_o scryptur_n mayntenaunce_n be_v not_o the_o peple_n of_o this_o realm_n wonderfullye_o abuse_v by_o soche_n mastery_n worker_n as_o my_o lord_n be_v what_o you_o think_v of_o it_o in_o en_fw-fr glande_n i_o can_v not_o tell_v but_o i_o wot_v all_o christendom_n besides_o wonder_v of_o it_o the_o other_o king_n thus_o do_v one_o thing_n and_o the_o bysshoppe_n a_o other_o if_o they_o dare_v be_v so_o bold_a open_o and_o under_o the_o king_n nose_n i_o doubt_v not_o butt_n hey_o be_v bold_a enough_o a_o broad_a and_o far_o of_o and_o their_o preste_n lack_v no_o good_a counsel_n there_o unto_o in_o their_o convocacyon_n and_o seane_n in_o deed_n this_o far_o pass_v the_o calk_v of_o doctor_n cronke_v horn_n with_o his_o secret_a revelacyon_n and_o bocking_a also_o the_o pratye_n practyse_v of_o doctor_n bock_v and_o the_o holy_a maid_n of_o kente_n if_o all_o thing_n be_v considere_v now_o follow_v the_o text_n in_o his_o course_n the_o man_n of_o sin_n ¶_o 1_n and_o utter_o to_o detest_v abhor_v 2_o and_o avoid_v all_o 3_z and_o all_o manner_n of_o heresye_n error_n and_o enough_o tie_v opynyon_n 4_z with_o the_o favourer_n mainteyner_n defender_n or_o any_o of_o they_o during_o my_o life_n his_o dysclose_v o●_n f_o a_o far_a other_o sort_n be_v christ_n in_o take_v of_o sinner_n to_o repentance_n than_o be_v my_o good_a lord_n of_o london_n for_o he_o compel_v none_o of_o they_o to_o do_v soche_n lord_n open_a
charytable_a to_o cleave_v to_o chryste_n gospel_n and_o to_o shurne_v superfluous_a argument_n and_o not_o to_o deceyve_v the_o world_n with_o hypo_n cresye_n suffer_v all_o abhomynacyon_n un_fw-mi der_fw-mi the_o shadow_n of_o outward_a holiness_n to_o have_v there_o free_a course_n but_o my_o lord_n will_v none_o of_o that_o 2_o the_o compendyouse_a treatyse_n of_o god_n provydence_n which_o that_o most_o notable_a clar_n ke_v huldricus_n zuinglius_fw-la write_v at_o the_o instannt_n dei_fw-la request_n of_o the_o right_a worshipful_a lor_fw-mi de_fw-fr phylypp_n the_o landgrave_n of_o hesse_n only_o comprehend_v the_o matter_n here_o folowyn_n ge_fw-mi that_o god_n necessarylye_o dyspose_v all_o creature_n accord_v to_o his_o inscrutable_a wysdome_n that_o the_o provydence_n of_o god_n work_v be_v his_o perpetual_a and_o unchangeable_a admynystracyon_n of_o all_o thige_n that_o the_o right_a consider_v acyon_n of_o the_o creature_n byne_v it_o a_o plain_a way_n to_o deduce_v we_o into_o knowledge_n thereof_o that_o man_n be_v not_o only_o a_o terrestryall_n but_o a_o celestyall_a creature_n also_o what_o the_o law_n of_o god_n be_v and_o unto_o what_o end_n it_o be_v give_v unto_o man_n that_o the_o eternal_a wysdome_n of_o god_n know_v manny_n condemn_v dyverse_a fall_n afore_o hand_n coude_fw-fr in_o no_o case_n err_v overshote_v her_o compass_n nor_o yet_o be_v deceyve_v neither_o in_o create_v nor_o yet_o in_o geve_v the_o law_n that_o god_n eleccyon_n or_o predestynacyon_n as_o the_o doctor_n do_v call_v it_o take_v ground_n of_o his_o goodness_n and_o wysdome_n and_o be_v immutable_a and_o that_o his_o eternal_a decree_n or_o set_v purpose_n be_v always_o as_o he_o be_v unchangeable_a strong_a and_o sure_a with_o soche_n other_o like_a and_o outrespect_n all_o these_o have_v my_o lord_n of_o his_o pontyfycall_a dyscressyon_n condemn_v here_o for_o heresy_n with_o all_o that_o be_v speak_v of_o afore_o wherein_o i_o stand_v i_o moche_v doubt_n whether_o he_o have_v condemn_v his_o prince_n for_o a_o heretyque_a or_o no._n i_o will_v not_o say_v that_o my_o lord_n be_v a_o assehead_n without_o true_a knowledge_n nor_o yet_o ●_o a_o beast_n without_o godly_a judgement_n yet_o here_o i_o dyverse_a learned_a man_n so_o daily_o report_v he_o for_o condempn_v this_o book_n and_o soche_v other_o one_o thing_n i_o will_v desire_v the_o dylygent_a reader_n to_o mark_v here_o which_o i_o have_v oft_o rehearse_v a_o fore_n in_o the_o first_o of_o my_o lord_n declaracyon_n be_v neither_o god_n nor_o christ_n once_o name_v neither_o condemn_v yet_o in_o this_o latter_a fytt_n till_o we_o come_v to_o the_o rehearsal_n of_o heretyque_n book_n and_o that_o do_v ●he_n all_o of_o spite_n but_o bless_v be_v that_o lord_n that_o he_o will_v be_v find_v there_o yet_o i_o think_v so_o moche_v all_o this_o time_n that_o come_v we_o once_o among_o they_o we_o coude_fw-fr not_o be_v long_o with_o out_o he_o in_o the_o very_a tyttle_n of_o their_o book_n do_v he_o apere_fw-la much_o more_o in_o the_o process_n bishop_n within_o where_o as_o in_o the_o whole_a matter_n of_o a_o holy_a spiritual_a gloryouse_a glytter_a prelate_n he_o can_v not_o once_o be_v scene_n true_a be_v that_o lord_n of_o his_o word_n and_o just_a of_o his_o promise_n that_o he_o will_v be_v with_o the_o poor_a contemn_a dyscyple_n to_o the_o end_n of_o the_o world_n 3_o next_o follow_v 4._o dyverse_a book_n of_o faith_n one_o tyttle_a call_v all_o catechysme_n or_o instytucyon_n of_o the_o true_a christian_a relygyon_n who_o my_o lord_n holy_a fatherhode_n in_o the_o zele_n of_o a_o contrary_n or_o popyshe_a relygy_n on_o condempn_v here_o for_o heresy_n the_o first_o be_v the_o catechysme_n of_o phylypp_n melanchton_n first_o who_o manifold_a erudycyon_n the_o best_a learn_v of_o chrystendome_n great_o commend_v this_o treatyse_n of_o he_o be_v a_o only_o chrysten_v instytucyon_n for_o the_o bryng_a up_o of_o you_o the_o teaching_n they_o the_o commandment_n of_o god_n the_o artycle_n of_o the_o chrysten_v faith_n the_o lord_n prayer_n and_o the_o right_a use_n of_o the_o sacrament_n i_o wonder_v what_o my_o lord_n i_o an_v to_o condemn_v these_o for_o heresye_n 4_o the_o second_o be_v the_o catechysme_n of_o second_o vrbanus_n regius_n a_o man_n also_o chrystenlye_a learn_v and_o of_o a_o sincere_a lyve_v this_o work_n contain_v the_o necessary_a pryncyple_n of_o the_o chrysten_v relygyon_n afore_o rehearse_v who_o knowledge_n be_v life_n and_o who_o ignorance_n be_v dampnacyon_n this_o coude_fw-fr not_o my_o lord_n reprehend_v have_v he_o not_o a_o eye_n give_v to_o wyckednesse_n 5_o of_o balthasar_n hiebmeir_n pacimontanus_fw-la iij._n be_v the_o three_o catechysme_n who_o in_o deed_n i_o know_v not_o but_o by_o name_n as_o i_o have_v read_v it_o in_o other_o mennys_n writynge_v but_o i_o conceyve_v here_o the_o better_a o_o pynyon_n of_o he_o for_o that_o my_o lord_n have_v condemn_v he_o among_o these_o man_n who_o doctrine_n i_o know_v to_o be_v pure_a and_o perfyght_a 6_o erasmus_n sarcerius_n anemontanus_n forth_o who_o name_n be_v also_o notable_a and_o his_o learning_a famous_a make_v the_o fort_n catechysme_n who_o he_o elegantlye_o dyffyne_v to_o be_v a_o in_o stytncyon_n or_o teaching_n by_o mouth_n comprehend_n the_o necessary_a point_n of_o the_o christian_a faith_n and_o relygyon_n nothing_o be_v more_o beautiful_a in_o a_o christian_a man_n than_o pure_o to_o worshypp_n god_n and_o right_a godliness_n lie_n to_o exercise_v the_o wurke_n of_o faith_n which_o these_o book_n thorough_o teach_v rather_o be_v soch_v man_n worthy_a thanks_n than_o rebuke_n for_o so_o regard_v the_o christian_a common_a welthe_n if_o bysshoppe_n not_o do_v soche_n thing_n be_v as_o they_o schuld_v be_v regard_v the_o peple_n helthe_n but_o soche_n be_v evermore_o the_o unworthye_a way_n of_o this_o world_n malygnelye_o to_o blame_v man_n ne_o for_o there_o well_o do_v and_o flatterynglye_o to_o hold_v the_o other_o sort_n up_o in_o all_o kynde_n of_o wyckydnesse_n as_o my_o lord_n do_v here_o full_o 23_o fatherlye_v which_o will_v neither_o enter_v into_o the_o kingdom_n of_o god_n his_o self_n nor_o yet_o suffer_v any_o other_o that_o will_v gladlye_a do_v it_o the_o man_n of_o sin_n 1_z d_z vestmore_o upon_o the_o concylyacyon_n of_o father_n 2_o the_o book_n of_o the_o counterfeit_v bysshopp_n 3_o the_o confessyon_n in_o englyshe_a with_o the_o apologye_n postylle_n upon_o the_o epystle_n and_o gospel_n his_o dysclose_v still_o be_v my_o lord_n busy_a with_o this_o bag_n or_o satchel_n declare_v the_o content_n thereof_o to_o the_o great_a confusyon_n of_o tolwyn_n still_o i_o have_v almost_o say_v of_o himself_o but_o that_o i_o stop_v it_o in_o tyme._n for_o bysshoppes_n can_v ta_fw-la 〈…〉_o no_o scathe_n here_o but_o what_o be_v towards_o they_o in_o the_o next_o world_n that_o be_v in_o the_o rightful_a judge_n hand_n more_o of_o these_o erronyouse_a book_n must_v be_v condemn_v yet_o no_o remedy_n specyallye_o one_o westmore_o upon_o the_o concylyacyon_n of_o father_n my_o lord_n by_o man_n all_o lykelyhode_n be_v here_o i_o some_o great_a agonye_n or_o hot_a passion_n of_o prelacye_n forgetting_a the_o right_a tyttle_a of_o this_o book_n in_o deed_n he_o that_o make_v it_o be_v call_v bartholomeus_n westhemerus_n which_o be_v yet_o a_o man_n of_o great_a lytterature_n and_o judgement_n the_o tyttle_a scripturae_fw-la of_o his_o book_n be_v the_o concylyacyon_n of_o the_o holy_a scryptur_n and_o most_o ancient_a father_n and_o not_o westmore_o upon_o the_o concylyacyon_n of_o father_n he_o compile_v the_o self_n treaty_n se_fw-mi and_o not_o write_v upon_o it_o as_o man_n do_v that_o gloze_v a_o text_n my_o lord_n therefore_o be_v ignorant_a lord_n of_o the_o true_a tyttle_a schuld_v seem_v to_o be_v ignorant_a also_o in_o the_o content_n of_o that_o book_n and_o so_o to_o condemn_v he_o wote_v not_o what_o but_o by_o his_o absolute_a power_n he_o may_v do_v soche_n act_n and_o condemn_v chryst_n to_o if_o he_o come_v in_o his_o way_n in_o so_o hasty_a a_o over_o sight_n in_o this_o book_n as_o in_o a_o clear_a mirror_n may_v man_n behold_v wherein_o the_o holy_a volume_n doctor_n counsel_n canon_n rome_n bysshop_n constytucyon_n custom_n and_o cronycle_n dyffer_v as_o concerning_a christian_a relygyon_n from_o the_o sacred_a scripture_n of_o both_o testament_n and_o this_o be_v a_o matter_n necessary_a to_o be_v know_v of_o all_o man_n that_o covet_v to_o walk_v ryghtlye_o rather_o than_o to_o be_v condemn_v without_o look_v on_o if_o we_o have_v either_o conscyence_n wytt_n or_o grace_n but_o all_o 6._o my_o lord_n labour_n be_v to_o make_v his_o ghostlye_o child_n to_o grope_v still_o in_o the_o dark_a till_o they_o drop_n into_o the_o dytche_n for_o all_o 2_o i_o moche_v blame_v not_o my_o lord_n for_o be_v offend_v with_o the_o book_n of_o the_o counterfeit_n bysshopp_n part_o for_o that_o
death_n truth_n it_o be_v that_o before_o the_o fall_n of_o adam_n manny_n will_v be_v free_a sens_n have_v it_o not_o be_v thing_n free_a but_o in_o bodylye_a thing_n as_o to_o eat_v drink_n and_o sleep_v or_o to_o do_v all_o manner_n of_o wyckednesse_n now_o be_v we_o not_o able_a of_o that_o will_v once_o to_o think_v a_o good_a thought_n all_o be_v now_o sin_n in_o we_o that_o be_v not_o of_o faith_n 4._o neither_o of_o the_o will_n of_o the_o flesh_n nor_o yet_o of_o manny_n will_v become_v we_o now_o god_n child_n but_o of_o a_o only_o believe_v in_o his_o name_n and_o that_o be_v his_o gift_n also_o stoycke_n and_o epycure_n may_v that_o fire_n will_v make_v we_o but_o no_o true_a child_n of_o god_n it_o fare_v 2._o by_o the_o bragger_n of_o this_o fire_n will_v as_o by_o he_o which_o boast_v that_o sumtyme_o he_o have_v a_o fair_a house_n where_o as_o now_o be_v neither_o rose_n nor_o wall_n a_o tyttle_a it_o have_v that_o soche_n a_o thing_n there_o be_v but_o it_o be_v nothing_o less_o in_o effect_n fain_o will_v your_o school_n doctor_n with_o their_o unsaverye_n sophystrye_n make_v sum_n manychee_n what_o of_o it_o if_o they_o coudebr_v it_o so_o to_o pass_v sometime_o with_o the_o pelagyane_v you_o garnyshe_v it_o with_o the_o excellent_a gift_n of_o nature_n and_o when_o that_o will_v not_o serve_v with_o the_o subtle_a manychee_n you_o prevent_v it_o with_o a_o grace_n lest_o the_o first_o entrance_n of_o sin_n schuld_v be_v impute_v unto_o it_o besides_o that_o you_o borowe_n of_o the_o jovynyanyste_n jacobytanes_n anabaptiste_n priscyllyanyste_n predestynate_n and_o other_o heretyques_n more_o fynallye_o with_o the_o anabaptyste_n you_o grant_v it_o in_o owr_a power_n to_o fulfil_v the_o commandment_n of_o god_n thus_o be_v you_o all_o one_o in_o opinion_n with_o heretyque_n old_a and_o new_a and_o yet_o you_o pretend_v to_o be_v condempner_n of_o they_o if_o god_n be_v the_o worker_n of_o all_o good_a thing_n as_o he_o report_v himself_o 9_o in_o esaye_n if_o he_o work_v all_o in_o all_o accord_v to_o his_o own_o pleasure_n if_o all_o goodness_n come_v from_o the_o father_n of_o light_n if_o we_o can_v not_o speak_v a_o right_a but_o in_o his_o spirit_n if_o none_o can_v come_v to_o the_o father_n but_o by_o christ_n if_o we_o be_v save_v only_o by_o the_o eleccyon_n of_o his_o grace_n what_o can_v owr_v free_a will_v do_v can_v we_o meryte_v grace_n with_o sin_n or_o deserve_v to_o be_v ryghtouse_v by_o folye_a o_o blind_a beast_n themselves_o block_n head_n and_o hypocrite_n learn_v once_o to_o be_v wise_a and_o godly_a and_o to_o refer_v more_o unto_o god_n and_o less_o to_o yourselves_o 6_z you_o say_v if_o we_o allow_v not_o this_o freedom_n in_o manny_n will_v we_o make_v god_n the_o author_n of_o sin_n your_o argument_n be_v as_o pelagius_fw-la you_o be_v unlern_v fantastycall_a and_o doltyshe_a this_o wise_a reason_n of_o yowr_n come_v first_o from_o pelagius_n the_o first_o fynder_n out_o and_o mayntener_n of_o your_o free_a will_n as_o wytness_v saint_n austin_n i_o hypognostico_n 'loo_o say_v finem_fw-la he_o to_o the_o pelagyane_n because_o your_o best_a be_v love_n or_o free_a will_n who_o you_o have_v so_o moche_v commend_v have_v conceyve_v lewdness_n engender_v sin_n and_o bring_v forth_o death_n you_o constytute_v god_n the_o author_n of_o sin_n you_o call_v both_o he_o and_o his_o apostle_n a_o tempter_n of_o ●_o ill_a man_n because_o after_o your_o opynion_n he_o have_v create_v the_o thing_n that_o provoke_v they_o to_o evyll_n and_o so_o cause_v they_o to_o perish_v but_o saint_n james_n clear_v this_o sa_v that_o man_n be_v tempt_v draw_v and_o allure_v of_o his_o own_o concupiscence_n which_o be_v now_o handefast_a to_o your_o fire_n will_n the_o gentyle_n say_v chrisostome_n undyscretelye_o note_v joannem_fw-la christ_n a_o destroyer_n of_o the_o peple_n for_o that_o he_o call_v they_o with_o so_o moche_n gentylnesse_n and_o not_o bring_v they_o in_o by_o compulsyon_n what_o be_v these_o else_o but_o the_o fruit_n of_o mennys_n wysdome_n and_o blasphemouse_n fantasye_n the_o scripture_n say_v that_o god_n command_v semei_n to_o curse_n david_n he_o reserve_v 3_o the_o wicked_a unto_o a_o evyll_n day_n he_o make_v the_o waster_n to_o destroy_v he_o promise_v to_o be_v a_o lyenge_a spirit_n in_o the_o mouth_n of_o all_o false_a prophet_n he_o have_v give_v man_n up_o to_o their_o heart_n desire_n to_o work_v uncomlye_o thing_n good_a and_o ill_a life_n and_o death_n come_v all_o of_o the_o lord_n be_v there_o any_o plague_n say_v amos_n or_o my_o shappe_n in_o a_o cyte_n that_o be_v not_o of_o the_o lordesdo_v with_o soche_v other_o more_o and_o schall_n we_o say_v for_o these_o that_o he_o be_v the_o author_n of_o sin_n no_o god_n 19_o be_v not_o in_o case_n as_o be_v man_n that_o he_o can_v lie_v or_o do_v any_o other_o wyckednesse_n that_o be_v sin_n ne_o in_o man_n be_v eternal_a ryghtousnesse_n in_o scent_n he_o as_o wytness_v all_o the_o sentencyoner_n in_o amane_a i_o maruele_n therefore_o what_o my_o lord_n will_v stand_v to_o when_o neither_o the_o scripture_n nor_o yet_o his_o own_o doctor_n can_v serve_v he_o lete_n never_o the_o pot_n earth_n in_o the_o hand_n of_o the_o potter_n reason_n what_o vessel_n he_o will_v 38._o make_v he_o lest_o he_o be_v break_v in_o his_o anger_n for_o searching_n so_o high_a thing_n he_o that_o meken_v himself_o schall_n find_v grace_n sure_o we_o be_v that_o none_o can_v perish_v which_o faith_n ful_o obey_v his_o calling_n for_o he_o be_v of_o infinite_a mercy_n if_o any_o be_v lose_v for_o not_o obey_v enge_n it_o the_o fault_n be_v they_o and_o not_o he_o the_o man_n of_o sin_n ¶_o 1_n and_o more_o over_o ageyn_v good_a work_n 2_o specyallye_n 3_o fastinge_a prayer_n alm_n deed_n 4_z ageyn_v auricular_a confessyon_n 5_o ageyn_v the_o vow_n of_o chastyte_n 6_o and_o for_o the_o marriage_n ofpreste_n his_o dysclose_v deed_n not_o i_o tell_v you_o afore_o we_o schuld_v not_o liar_n need_v to_o seek_v far_o to_o prove_v you_o a_o liar_n for_o your_o own_o confessyon_n will_v do_v it_o you_o say_v these_o book_n be_v ageyn_v good_a work_n and_o you_o declare_v here_o what_o good_a work_n you_o mean_v specyal_o fast_a you_o say_v prayer_n and_o alm_n deed_n i_o maruelé_fw-fr you_o be_v not_o ashamed_a to_o be_v so_o double_a of_o your_o word_n a_o fore_n you_o say_v there_o be_v in_o the_o 8_o satchel_n a_o book_n of_o prayer_n make_v by_o luther_n and_o here_o now_o you_o say_v they_o be_v ageyn_v prayer_n of_o prayer_n and_o ageinst_a prayer_n be_v not_o all_o one_o by_o any_o godly_a manny_n judgement_n but_o first_o lete_fw-la we_o go_v to_o good_a work_n if_o it_o be_v a_o good_a work_n to_o abhor_v unfaythfulnesse_n to_o detest_v idol_n to_o book_n shurne_v hypocresye_n to_o repent_v wyckednesse_n to_o resort_v to_o christ_n to_o seek_v his_o glory_n alone_o to_o obey_v christian_a rewler_n of_o lone_a to_o live_v after_o god_n commandment_n to_o pray_v without_o superstition_n to_o bring_v up_o you_o the_o in_o vertu_fw-fr with_o soche_n other_o like_a than_o be_v you_o a_o most_o wicked_a blasphemer_n for_o all_o commend_v they_o be_v in_o these_o book_n most_o ernestlye_o desire_v marry_o in_o deed_n the_o good_a work_n that_o may_v make_v to_o the_o fylling_n of_o your_o spiritual_a purse_n be_v not_o there_o great_o care_v for_o and_o that_o be_v the_o cause_n of_o your_o great_a anger_n 2_o as_o moche_n care_v you_o for_o true_a fast_a 2_o which_o be_v to_o cease_v from_o sin_n and_o to_o do_v the_o work_n of_o mercy_n as_o do_v the_o devyll_n of_o hell_n when_o delyver_v you_o the_o oppress_v when_o dysolue_v you_o ungolye_a promise_n when_o hunger_n you_o for_o the_o right_a ousnesse_n of_o god_n abstynence_n from_o meat_n make_v we_o not_o god_n servant_n for_o than_o be_v the_o devyll_n most_o holy_a which_o never_o eat_v nor_o drynk_v the_o fast_a that_o you_o 18._o call_v upon_o do_v christ_n name_n hypocresye_n and_o saint_n paul_n the_o doctrine_n of_o devyls_n montanus_n a_o perverse_a heretyque_a be_v the_o first_o that_o make_v the_o law_n of_o compulsyon_n in_o fast_a who_o you_o still_o occupy_v to_o this_o present_a day_n ageyn_v who_o at_o the_o same_o time_n write_v melciades_n appolonius_fw-la and_o serapion_n with_o other_o notable_a father_n and_o therefore_o you_o have_v need_n to_o condemn_v their_o book_n also_o the_o cause_n now_o why_o you_o take_v soche_n peyne_v in_o this_o matter_n be_v to_o hold_v up_o if_o it_o may_v be_v your_o lend_v make_v by_o pope_n the_o roma_fw-la olespherꝰ_n your_o embr_a day_n ordain_v of_o pope_n calixtusthe_n first_o your_o friday_n fast_o conferm_v by_o pope_n lo_o the_o fort_n as_o wytness_v master_n eckius_fw-la
and_o arch_n bysshopp_n of_o canturburye_n bring_v it_o in_o by_o a_o synod_n hold_v at_o london_n in_o the_o year_n after_o christ_n natyvyte_o m._n c_o ix_o which_o anselme_n bid_v long_o contend_v afore_o with_o king_n wyllyan_n rufus_fw-la and_o king_n henrye_n the_o first_o for_o the_o commodytee_n of_o antichryste_n gloryouse_a kingdom_n and_o have_v than_o gote_v the_o vyctorye_n of_o they_o in_o deed_n yet_o malmesbury●_n wash_v at_o that_o time_n so_o accumber_v with_o so_o domyte_v that_o he_o be_v everye_o sondaye_n compel_v open_o to_o excommunycate_v they_o after_o this_o keep_v the_o preste_n concubyne_v otherwise_o call_v whore_n for_o that_o be_v more_o holy_a than_o marriage_n the_o space_n of_o more_o than_o xu_o year_n till_o loanne_n the_o cremona_n a_o holy_a legate_n from_o the_o pope_n right_a side_n come_v in_o a_o great_a heat_n from_o rome_n and_o take_v that_o from_o they_o also_o hy_z a_o other_o counsel_n hold_v at_o paul_n his_o self_n take_v with_o a_o whore_n the_o night_n follow_v to_o begin_v the_o relygyon_n with_o see_v how_o busy_a 7._o they_o be_v yet_o with_o all_o devylyshe_a devyse_n possible_a to_o hold_v up_o this_o wyckednesse_n still_o which_o be_v begin_v with_o soche_n mischief_n and_o have_v continue_v with_o fylthynesse_n unspekeable_a the_o multytude_n of_o preste_n say_v oseas_n the_o prophet_n be_v like_o bysshoppe_n a_o heap_n of_o thief_n murderer_n bloudthurstye_a ravenour_n for_o they_o have_v wrought_v ab_fw-la homynacyon_n in_o the_o desire_n of_o unclenlye_a lust_n say_v heremye_n they_o be_v become_v altogether_o like_o rank_n stone_v horse_n neyenge_a 5._o everye_o where_n after_o their_o neyber_n wife_n they_o go_v about_o say_v the_o lord_n with_o there_o own_o inu●●yons_n but_o i_o see_v they_o well_o enough_o they_o make_v the_o king_n and_o prince_n to_o have_v delight_n in_o their_o wyckednesse_n and_o lie_n 29_o all_o these_o burn_n in_o advouterye_n as_o it_o be_v a_o oven_n that_o the_o baker_n heat_v when_o he_o have_v leave_v knede_a i_o will_v vysyte_n all_o those_o say_v the_o lord_n also_o by_o sophonias_n the_o prophet_n which_o wear_v strange_a clothing_n 5._o and_o tread_v over_o the_o threshold_n so_o proudelye_o which_o fyllther_n lord_n house_n with_o roborye_n and_o falshede_v but_o now_o they_o have_v plough_v wyckednesse_n they_o schall_n sure_o reap_v sin_n and_o eat_v the_o fruit_n of_o lie_n wherein_o the_o mother_n schall_n perish_v with_o her_o child_n and_o the_o branch_n with_o their_o stock_n because_o they_o be_v not_o the_o lord_n ¶_o the_o man_n of_o sin_n ¶_o 1_o ageyn_v the_o rite_n and_o ceremony_n of_o the_o church_n 2_o compare_v the_o manner_n of_o wed_v 3_o and_o maryenge_a of_o vyrgyn_n unto_o the_o beastlye_o fashyon_n of_o a_o sawte_n bitch_n 4_z ageyn_v mennys_n law_n 5_o and_o tradycyon_n ¶_o his_o dysclose_v still_o be_v my_o lord_n repair_v his_o break_a 4._o pytte_n to_o hold_v in_o the_o filthy_a water_n if_o it_o may_v be_v in_o no_o wise_n can_v he_o away_o with_o the_o wholesome_a water_n that_o refresh_v to_o life_n everla_a all_o his_o neyber_n will_v he_o have_v of_o the_o same_o diet_n that_o he_o be_v of_o so_o charytable_a be_v he_o make_v this_o good_a provysyon_n for_o they_o he_o thynk_v destruccyon_n god_n to_o lack_v wit_n and_o his_o son_n dyscressyon_n and_o therefore_o he_o will_v none_o of_o there_o rewle_v there_o be_v a_o other_o way_n which_o please_v he_o moche_v better_o and_o that_o he_o will_v have_v observe_v in_o his_o dyocese_n so_o long_o as_o he_o be_v lord_n ordynarye_a of_o londom_n 5._o the_o law_n dabble_v rite_n and_o ceremony_n of_o his_o mother_n the_o holy_a church_n of_o rome_n which_o bring_v he_o up_o of_o a_o whelp_n and_o give_v he_o the_o sweet_a suck_n from_o her_o pap_n profyht_n schall_n not_o drop_n away_o so_o long_o as_o he_o may_v uphold_v they_o a_o sort_n of_o noughtye_a heretyque_n have_v write_v ageyn_v they_o now_o of_o late_a but_o it_o make_v no_o matter_n say_v owr_n ser_n johan_o for_o my_o lord_n have_v condemn_v all_o their_o book_n in_o a_o satchel_n i_o maruele_n what_o my_o lord_n mean_v by_o all_o this_o ruffeling_n about_o matter_n of_o no_o weight_n nor_o yet_o godliness_n in_o all_o the_o new_a testament_n be_v no_o mencyon_n make_v of_o these_o two_o word_n ceremony_n and_o rite_n in_o the_o latin_a neither_o i_o the_o gospel_n nor_o yet_o in_o the_o epystle_n neither_o in_o the_o act_n nor_o yet_o i_o the_o apocalyps_n i_o will_v fain_o know_v than_o what_o we_o have_v to_o do_v with_o they_o like_o wise_a in_o the_o scripture_n psalm_n and_o prophet_n we_o rede_v not_o of_o they_o by_o those_o two_o term_n save_v once_o in_o ezechiel_n and_o that_o be_v but_o a_o rehearsal_n of_o thing_n do_v in_o fygure_n in_o moses_n u_o book_n and_o in_o other_o hystoryall_n treatyse_n be_v they_o oft_o speak_v of_o in_o deed_n and_o there_o be_v they_o to_o 9_o we_o but_o shadow_n of_o good_a thing_n to_o come_v which_o we_o be_v at_o a_o point_n with_o have_v christ_n pnsent_n yet_o rite_n be_v there_o more_o reprehend_v than_o praise_v as_o the_o very_a superstycyouse_a custom_n of_o the_o pagans_n 10._o but_o what_o do_v my_o lord_n mean_a if_o he_o schuld_v go_v to_o the_o best_a of_o they_o will_v he_o make_v we_o jews_n ageyne_n will_v he_o make_v we_o bond_n servant_n and_o christ_n have_v 5._o make_v we_o free_a child_n saint_n paul_n say_v if_o we_o clog_n owr_a self_n ageyne_v with_o that_o yoke_n we_o fall_v from_o grace_n we_o go_v quite_o from_o christ_n and_o his_o death_n schall_n profyght_v we_o nothing_o therefore_o there_o you_o offer_v 2._o we_o wrong_n your_o own_o law_n and_o doctryne_n besides_o the_o scpiture_n grant_v abrogacyon_n of_o the_o law_n ceremonyall_n if_o you_o bring_v we_o in_o any_o rite_n therefore_o take_v of_o the_o heythen_a custom_n as_o be_v your_o saint_n holiday_n your_o processyon_n your_o letanye_n your_o dyryge_n your_o sense_v of_o altar_n ceremony_n your_o kneling_n to_o image_n your_o calling_n upon_o dead_a man_n your_o kiss_v of_o relic_n your_o conjure_a of_o spretes_n your_o consecracyon_n vow_n and_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n with_o soche_n other_o you_o do_v we_o great_a injury_n also_o non_fw-fr that_o set_v hand_n to_o the_o plough_n say_v christ_n and_o look_v ageyn_a back_o ysfytt_n for_o the_o kingdom_n of_o 4._o god_n you_o know_v loathe_v wife_n for_o do_v soche_o a_o feat_n be_v turn_v into_o a_o salt_n stone_n christ_n have_v say_v also_o in_o johan_n that_o the_o true_a worshypper_n schuld_v worshypp_v god_n only_o in_o spirit_n and_o in_o veryte_n than_o be_v they_o the_o false_a woshypper_n which_o worshypp_n worshypper_n in_o outward_a thing_n specyallye_o the_o outward_a thing_n self_n as_o for_o baptym_n and_o the_o supper_n of_o the_o lord_n be_v christ_n holy_a supper_n instytucyon_n and_o non_fw-la of_o your_o popyshe_a ceremony_n happy_a it_o be_v that_o you_o can_v not_o accuse_v these_o beretyque_a book_n for_o speak_v ageyn_v the_o right_a use_n of_o they_o because_o of_o the_o trust_n that_o the_o jew_n have_v in_o the_o command_v lord_n ceremony_n god_n detest_v they_o here._n 7._o esa_n 1._o psal_n 50._o amos._n 5._o zach_n 7._o and_o mychee_n 6._o much_o more_o the_o wanton_a rite_n of_o your_o pnscripcyon_n the_o ceremony_n of_o cristen_v man_n if_o you_o will_v have_v they_o so_o call_v be_v now_o spunall_n offerynge_v of_o the_o hart_n 1._o spirit_n cor_fw-la 10._o eph._n 5._o col._n 3._o for_o the_o true_a christian_a church_n be_v all_o from_o within_o ps_n 44._o the_o outward_a be_v all_o for_o the_o benyvolence_n aid_n comfort_n and_o other_o needs_o concern_v owr_a neyber_n tobi._n 4._o malach._n 2._o rom._n 13._o eph._n 4._o eccle_n ▪_o ●_o esa_n 28._o math._n 7._o 1._o joan_n 3._o and_o conscience_n though_o we_o grant_v unto_o those_o that_o be_v honest_a and_o semelye_a for_o a_o outward_a comeliness_n in_o thing_n necessary_a yet_o ought_v they_o not_o to_o bind_v owr_a conscyence_n or_o be_v any_o part_n of_o owr_a iustyfycacyon_n neither_o may_v they_o be_v superstycyouse_a or_o in_o any_o point_n ageyn_v christ_n doctrine_n but_o so_o other_o be_v owr_a christian_a relygyon_n as_o you_o call_v it_o and_o as_o i_o will_v it_o be_v clog_v with_o your_o heythnysh_v rite_n that_o neither_o jew_n nor_o saracene_n arabyane_n nor_o turk_n wylcome_a unto_o owr_a faith_n think_v there_o own_o rite_n much_o better_o as_o they_o may_v well_o enough_o to_z whom'ye_o will_n hame_z we_o refer_v the_o clause_n that_o here_o follow_v that_o be_v bonner_n to_o say_v compare_v the_o manner_n of_o wed_v to_o the_o beastlye_o fashyon_n of_o a_o sawte_a bitch_n we_o can_v not_o will_v tell_v you_o have_v put_v it_o here_o so_o dyffuselye_o as_o well_o may_v it_o extend_v to_o
his_o master_n with_o judas_n and_o the_o other_o by_v the_o holyeghost_n with_o simon_n magus_n and_o to_o maintain_v this_o rewle_fw-mi must_v tithe_n and_o offerynge_n with_o other_o devocyon_n and_o duty_n be_v pay_v the_o whole_a account_n thereof_o than_o make_v in_o confessyon_n i_o coude_fw-fr write_v many_o 14._o thing_n concern_v there_o crafty_a cloyninge_v and_o pyllage_n of_o the_o poor_a labour_a man_n and_o woman_n servant_n and_o prentese_n to_o be_v catching_n yet_o of_o sumwhat_o but_o for_o this_o time_n i_o lete_fw-la it_o pass_v this_o your_o easter_n how_o cell_n be_v first_o instytute_n by_o pope_n re_fw-la zepherinus_n and_o after_o conferm_v by_o a_o popyshe_a decretal_a call_v omnis_fw-la utriusque_fw-la sexus_fw-la the_o communyon_n of_o christ_n be_v free_a to_o his_o peple_n and_o bind_v to_o no_o day_n but_o all_o day_n at_o their_o pleasure_n bind_v unto_o it_o for_o they_o be_v now_o no_o servant_n to_o the_o day_n but_o the_o day_n unto_o they_o for_o the_o lord_n create_v not_o man_n to_o serve_v the_o day_n but_o the_o 2._o day_n to_o serve_v man_n how_o happen_v it_o say_v saint_n paul_n that_o you_o turn_v ageyn_a to_o the_o weak_a and_o beggerlye_v tradycyon_n the_o syer_v a_o fresh_a to_o be_v in_o bondage_n you_o observe_v day_n and_o month_n time_n and_o year_n i_o be_o in_o fear_n of_o you_o lest_o my_o labour_n be_v in_o vain_a among_o you_o kynde_n 3_o in_o the_o end_n of_o this_o artycle_n you_o condemn_v these_o book_n for_o admytting_a both_o kynde_n in_o the_o eucharystye_n unto_o the_o lay_n peple_n as_o you_o name_v they_o though_o they_o be_v unto_o christ_n more_o holy_a than_o you_o which_o have_v the_o pope_n unccyon_n whether_o you_o be_v the_o heretyque_n or_o they_o that_o make_v the_o book_n lete_fw-la christ_n be_v judge_v he_o ernestlye_o command_v 22._o his_o dyscyple_n to_o drink_v of_o it_o all_o and_o they_o drink_v of_o it_o all_o say_v mark_n you_o say_v hand_n of_o in_o peyne_n of_o burn_v or_o else_o hang_a because_o eckius_fw-la drunken_a dyvynyte_n have_v so_o teach_v you_o paraventure_o you_o will_v say_v with_o he_o that_o the_o hieronimus_fw-la body_n be_v not_o without_o the_o blood_n christ_n know_v that_o also_o so_o well_o as_o you_o yet_o mynystre_v he_o the_o chalyce_n as_o you_o call_v it_o saint_n paul_n in_o like_a case_n write_v a_o law_n of_o christian_a lyve_v unto_o the_o corintheane_n which_o be_v lay_v man_n and_o no_o preste_n commend_v both_o kynde_n unto_o they_o like_a as_o he_o have_v of_o the_o lord_n receyve_v and_o you_o make_v law_n of_o death_n for_o it_o in_o the_o wicked_a counsel_n of_o constaunce_n be_v it_o alij_fw-la first_o inhybytt_n in_o the_o xiij_o sytting_a by_o pope_n johan_n the_o xxiij_o which_o be_v there_o depose_v for_o poison_v his_o predecessor_n alexander_n by_o the_o false_a work_n of_o mar_n silius_fw-la de_fw-la parma_fw-la a_o phesycyane_n where_o as_o the_o holy_a man_n of_o god_n joannes_n huss_v and_o hieronimus_fw-la de_fw-la praga_fw-la for_o withstand_v basiliensis_fw-la it_o be_v do_v to_o most_o cruel_a death_n in_o the_o year_n of_o ower_n lord_n m_o cccc_fw-la xv_o yet_o be_v it_o xxiij_o year_n after_o grant_v ageyne_n unto_o the_o boheme_n in_o the_o general_a counsel_n of_o basyll_n after_o many_o great_a dysputacyon_n and_o therefore_o it_o be_v a_o sore_a matter_n to_o put_v man_n to_o death_n for_o but_o that_o you_o must_v follow_v the_o step_n of_o your_o father_n 11._o to_o be_v partyner_n with_o they_o in_o that_o plague_n both_o must_v you_o be_v thief_n and_o murderer_n depryve_v the_o peple_n as_o well_o of_o helthe_n as_o of_o life_n 4_o and_o where_o as_o you_o seek_v to_o maintain_v the_o invocacyon_n of_o saint_n condempn_v these_o book_n for_o speak_v ageyn_v it_o you_o she_o we_o your_o self_n a_o more_o folyshe_a heretyque_a obstynate_n idolator_n and_o papy_v than_o any_o that_o i_o can_v hear_v of_o else_o though_o master_n eckius_fw-la be_v a_o very_a obstynate_a adversarye_n to_o christ_n and_o his_o word_n and_o a_o unshamefast_a captain_n of_o antichristes_fw-fr war_n yet_o be_v he_o not_o so_o folyshe_a ā_o idolator_n as_o to_o allow_v saint_n invocacyon_n to_o the_o saint_n though_o he_o allow_v they_o both_o veneracyon_n and_o prayer_n therefore_o you_o be_v like_a in_o this_o to_o stand_v foal_n alone_o without_o the_o help_n of_o his_o doctrine_n or_o yet_o of_o any_o other_o unless_o you_o seek_v to_o the_o old_a quirister_n of_o baal_n or_o the_o chapleyne_n 4._o of_o bell_n the_o old_a god_n of_o babylon_n that_o dead_a eat_v up_o all_o the_o sacryfyce_n as_o yower_n generation_n do_v still_o what_o i_o schuld_v write_v of_o this_o i_o can_v not_o tell_v it_o be_v so_o folyshe_a save_v that_o i_o remember_v eight_o year_n ago_o i_o be_v afore_o edward_n lee_n the_o archebysshopp_n of_o york_n whereas_o i_o york_n be_v examine_v upon_o the_o artycle_n of_o honour_a and_o prayenge_a to_o saint_n divide_v into_o xvij_o artycle_n in_o the_o time_n of_o that_o examynacyon_n be_v there_o a_o old_a doctor_n which_o great_o lament_v as_o my_o lord_n do_v here_o that_o he_o may_v no_o longar_n make_v invocacyon_n to_o saint_n and_o think_v himself_o half_o lose_v for_o it_o good_a doctor_n downes_n stand_v by_o and_o smil_v at_o his_o folyshnesse_n unto_o who_o the_o archebysshop_n say_v these_o word_n speak_v not_o say_v he_o of_o invocacyon_n concern_v saint_n for_o that_o respect_v a_o peculyar_n worshypp_v only_o due_a unto_o god_n and_o with_o that_o the_o man_n be_v pacyfy_v and_o argue_v no_o far_o so_o that_o i_o can_v se_fw-la non_fw-la agre_fw-la with_o my_o lord_n here_o in_o this_o opynyon_n unless_o they_o be_v blind_a dastard_n and_o asseheade_n as_o this_o old_a dotting_a foal_n be_v this_o be_v yet_o sumwhat_o worse_o saint_n than_o be_v the_o pope_n doctrine_n for_o though_o pope_n sergius_n give_v they_o shrine_n theodatus_fw-la church_n felix_n holy_a day_n gregory_n veneracyon_n honorius_n prayenge_a to_o leo_fw-la hympnes_n and_o psalmodye_n johan_n vij_o pyctur_n constantyne_n image_n and_o tabernacle_n nauclerus_a putting_a they_o in_o the_o mass_n theodorus_n wax_n stephanus_n sense_v and_o alexander_n holy_a water_n yet_o wa_o there_o non_fw-la of_o they_o all_o that_o ever_o give_v they_o honour_n under_o the_o tyttle_a of_o invocacyon_n that_o be_v the_o only_o new_a year_n gift_n of_o my_o lord_n of_o londom_n here_o borrow_v altogether_o of_o the_o old_a idolatour_n and_o as_o moche_v worshyppy_n elucidarino_fw-it he_o worthy_a to_o have_v for_o it_o as_o have_v herostratus_n which_o burn_v the_o great_a temple_n of_o diana_n at_o ephesus_n only_o be_v speak_v of_o neither_o grant_v the_o scripture_n saint_n honour_v nor_o yet_o their_o prayenge_a to_o neither_o be_v they_o allow_v there_o for_o intercessor_n medyatour_n nor_o advocate_n in_o the_o primatyne_a medyatour_n church_n be_v they_o have_v in_o memory_n only_o for_o imytacyon_n of_o their_o godly_a work_n but_o yet_o of_o none_o other_o than_o christ_n have_v command_v for_o saint_n paul_n his_o self_n will_v none_o otherwise_o be_v follow_v of_o other_o than_o he_o have_v follow_v christ_n afore_o 3._o 5_z yet_o be_v not_o the_o rage_a fury_n of_o my_o lord_n pacyfy_v for_o these_o book_n but_o needs_o they_o must_v be_v condemn_v for_o have_a anticrist_n matter_n ageyn_v mass_n matin_n and_o evensonge_n though_o they_o be_v only_o office_n of_o antichriste_n relygyon_n yea_o rather_o superstycyon_n what_o your_o mass_n be_v we_o have_v part_o declare_v afore_o as_o occasyon_n have_v be_v offer_v us._n if_o everye_o pope_n schuld_v have_v home_o ageyne_v the_o fed_a he_o have_v put_v unto_o it_o it_o creacyon_n schuld_v be_v a_o very_a naked_a monster_n not_o all_o unlyke_a unto_o isopes_n choughe_n who_o we_o common_o call_v jacke_n daw_n yet_o must_v it_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n satisfactorye_n for_o the_o quick_o and_o the_o dead_a to_o the_o great_a derogacyon_n and_o blasphemye_n of_o that_o only_o sacrifice_v of_o ow●_n 3._o redemption_n which_o christ_n once_o make_v for_o all_o these_o beastlye_o bellygoddes_n have_v not_o be_v ashamed_a in_o their_o scolastycall_a learn_v or_o devylishe_a divynite_a '_o to_o say_v that_o the_o mass_n of_o the_o work_n self_n delyver_v from_o mass_n actual_a sin_n optayn_v remyssion_n grant_v deseruinge_v geve_v meryte_n minyster_v grace_n and_o discharge_v both_o the_o gyltynesse_n and_o peyne_v due_a thereunto_o where_o as_o christ_n death_n be_v nomore_o but_o a_o dyscharge_n for_o oryginall_a sin_n only_o yea_o it_o be_v not_o long_o a_o go_v sens_fw-fr stokyslaye_n and_o other_o besides_o mynistre_v the_o same_o for_o a_o christian_a doctrine_n blasphemer_n at_o paul_n cross_n standyshe_v that_o blasphe_n mouse_n idyote_n maynteyninge_v the_o same_o self_n lowsye_a lewd_a learning_a be_v not_o abash_v to_o compare_v the_o precyouse_a blood_n of_o christ_n
welthe_n 69._o a_o widow_n alm_n in_o newgate_n 41._o a_o wylye_a practyse_n of_o bysshoppe_n 24._o a._n 30_o b._n 31._o a_o 40._o b_o wycleve_n a_o man_n of_o moche_n godliness_n 2._o b._n 37._o b_o 89._o b_o william_n tolwyn_n cruel_o handle_v 3_o a._n 39_o b_z 44._o b_o william_n thorpe_n uninst_a examinacyon_n 47._o b._n 89._o a_o william_n warhan_n with_o his_o chastyte_n 68_o b_o wynchester_n a_o tyrannouse_a papyst_n 57_o b_z 69._o a_o 73._o b_o winchester_n keep_v his_o chaste_a vow_n 69_o a_o wynchester_n with_o his_o xxi_o year_n 36._o b._n in_o mark_fw-mi a_o 69._o a_o 73._o b_o wynchestre_n have_v break_v his_o vow_n 73._o a_o 74._o a_o wynchestre_n clowt_v break_v hole_n 98._o b._n vynchestres_fw-mi canon_n law_n with_o eckius_n dyvynyte_n 75._o a_o wytness_n or_o false_a accuser_n 15._o b_z 26._o a_o womam_fw-la prophecyenge_a of_o anti_fw-la 76._o a_o worship_n how_o it_o ought_v to_o be_v use_v 14._o a_o worshypper_n true_a and_o false_a 78._o a_o 81._o b_o y_o year_n of_o regn_v under_o anti_fw-la 14._o a_o year_n xxi_o of_o wynchestre_n 36._o b_o in_o mark_fw-mi 69._o a_o 73._o b_z idle_a ceremony_n of_o the_o pope_n 18._o a_o 21._o a_o 30._o a_o 82._o a_o 93._o ●_o ydell_n stoclye_a of_o popyshe_a pnste_n 54._o b_z 82._o b_z ydolatrie_n never_o rebuke_v of_o bishop_n 94._o a_o idol_n worshyp_a maynteyn_v 43._o b_z 94._o a_o ydol_n be_v become_v captain_n over_o all_o 94._o a_o image_n worshyppinge_v command_v of_o bysshoppe_n 15._o b_o image_n of_o both_o church_n a_o book_n 8._o a_o 40_o a_o image_n of_o the_o beast_n worship_v 12._o b_z 40_o a_o yoke_n lay_v upon_o prayer_n 65._o a_o 88_o a_o yoke_n intolerable_a of_o the_o antichriste_n 74_o a_o yoke_n of_o popyshe_a ceremony_n 78._o a_o 81._o b_z 82._o a_o 97._o b_o z_o zele_n of_o the_o author_n ageist_n papi_v 5._o b_z 9_o a_o 97_o a_o zuinglin_n write_v of_o god_n provydence_n 50._o a_o finis_fw-la job._n 4._o 2._o pet._n 2._o judae_fw-la 1._o genes_n 6._o apoc._n 2._o job._n 2._o apoc._n 20._o judae_fw-la 1._o math._n 7._o 2._o pet._n 2._o apoc._n 9_o math._n 7._o prove_v 26_o psal_n 143._o sap._n 17._o 1._o thes_n 5._o 1._o joan._n 4._o apoca._n 9_o god_n be_v not_o herein_o name_v once_o but_o to_o condemp_v nation_n antichrist_n be_v not_o all_o out_o of_o en_fw-fr glande_n thomas_n waldenus_fw-la i_fw-it fasciculo_fw-la heresium_fw-la gala._n 1._o 1._o cor._n 16._o acto_fw-la 15._o math._n 15._o gala._n 4._o esa_n 1._o dani._n 14._o amos._n 5._o no_o sin_n ponishe_v the_o papist_n with_o soche_n extremyte_v enemy_n to_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n sabellicus_fw-la platina_n et_fw-fr joan_n nauclerus_a act._n 4._o marc._n 8._o joan._n 1._o luce._n 12._o math._n 10._o apoc._n 3._o 1._o tim._n 5._o eusebius_n cesariensis_fw-la et_fw-la epiphanius_n augustinus_n super_fw-la psal_n 118._o antonius_n averarius_fw-la sermo_fw-la 34_o like_a conneyaunce_n nowin_n england_n antonius_n averarius_fw-la sermo_fw-la 42_o idem_fw-la in_o lib._n de_fw-fr virtutibus_fw-la sermo_fw-la ne_fw-la 18._o eusebius_n cesariensis_fw-la canon_n concile_v niceni_fw-la &_o platina_fw-la apoc._n 3_o luce._n 12._o mat._n 10._o marc._n 8._o luce._n 9_o mat._n 25._o joan._n 12._o esa_n 30._o os●e_n 7._o abdye_n 1._o here._n 1._o luce._n 1._o marc._n 6._o math._n 14._o joan._n 8._o joan._n 15._o eccle._n 4._o sap._n 3._o 2._o tim._n 2._o hierom._n in_o quadam_fw-la homelia_fw-la 1._o cor._n 15._o gala._n 1_o joan._n 8._o ephe._n 4._o ceremony_n be_v the_o cause_n and_o ground_n of_o superstytion_n never_o be_v the_o devyll_n with_o out_o his_o craft_n they_o do_v but_o dally_v and_o mock_v with_o the_o king_n wharton_z a_o greatup_a holder_n of_o trayterose_n preste_n 1._o thes_n 4._o mat._n 3._o heir_n 50._o 3._o reg._n 18._o hebr._n 11._o apoc._n 19_o exod._n 2._o ephc._n 6._o hebr._n 4._o apoca._n 1_o moche_n confession_n but_o no_o true_a amendment_n of_o life_n no_o repentance_n in_o theridamas_n benedicite_fw-la rekenynge_n 1._o joan._n 4._o math._n 7._o jude._n 1._o apoc._n 18._o suffer_v must_v he_o that_o will_v live_v in_o christ_n psal_n 115._o credidi_fw-la propter_fw-la quam_fw-la locutus_fw-la sum_fw-la &_o c_o calicem_fw-la sa_fw-fr lutaris_fw-la et_fw-la c_o preciosa_fw-la in_o conspectu_fw-la 3._o reg._n 19_o 2._o the._n 2._o daniel_n 11_o apoc._n 13._o the_o pope_n church_n be_v the_o devyls_n jake_n nahun_n 3._o esa_n 47._o apoc._n 17._o ezech._n 16_o adversary_n to_o god_n heavenlye_a purpose_n soche_n enemy_n find_v the_o verity_n always_o they_o self_n do_v man_n seek_v and_o not_o jesus_n christ_n the_o worldly_a judge_n ment_fw-la off_o diverse_a man_n daniel_n 8._o heir_n 17._o psal_n 145._o 2._o thes_n 2._o esa_n 11._o esa_n 27._o psal_n 1._o apoc._n 21._o psal_n 71._o esa_n 61._o heir_n 50_o psal_n 117._o apoc._n 6._o 2._o joan._n 5._o apoc._n 11._o gal._n 4._o lucae_n 3._o apoc._n 11._o apoc._n 22._o ephe._n 5._o 1._o cor._n 6._o the_o man_n of_o sin_n ephe._n 6._o 2._o thes_n 2._o dani._n 12._o psal_n 115._o psal_n 61._o eccle._n 12._o psalm_n 38_o 1._o cor._n 3._o psal_n 13._o joan._n 1._o gal._n 4._o psal_n 3._o joan._n 1._o gala._n 4._o the_o cause_n why_o this_o book_n be_v thus_o intytele_v all_o schall_n to_o hell_n that_o be_v not_o of_o god_n word_n what_o church_n christ_n look_v to_o receyve_v mat._n 16._o 1._o cor._n 3._o not_o off_o christ_n but_o of_o antichrist_n be_v these_o esa_n 1._o math._n 9_o marci_n 12._o osee_n 6._o zach_n 7._o herem_n 2._o math._n 25._o esa_n 58._o ezech._n 18._o 1._o cor._n 11._o god_n and_o the_o devyll_n be_v not_o like_a the_o old_a name_n of_o true_a christiane_n the_o old_a reward_n of_o god_n true_a servant_n luce._n 21._o mat._n 16._o joan._n 12._o actu_fw-la 5._o math._n 10._o the_o church_n of_o england_n hold_v fast_o the_o pope_n leavynge_n judge_n what_o that_o church_n be_v by_o this_o spin_a all_o fruit_n what_o man_n may_v report_v of_o their_o new_a reformacyon_n esa_n 56._o daniel_n 8._o 3._o joan._n 1._o not_o christ_n have_v they_o seek_v but_o themselves_o they_o eatche_v home_n agyeyn_fw-mi the_fw-mi pope_n they_o seek_v to_o restore_v hin_a ageyne_n all_o one_o be_v the_o devyll_n with_o his_o devylyshnesse_n of_o soche_n idle_a vanitee_n come_v very_a idel_n fruit_n psal_n 1._o sapi._fw-la 6._o roma_fw-it 13._o 3._o reg_fw-la 10._o 2._o pet._n 3._o heir_n 22._o apoc._n 20._o 1._o cor._n 3._o judic._n 16._o psal_n 143._o eccle._n 47._o 1._o para._n 22_o 3._o reg._n 6._o 3._o reg_fw-la 22._o 2._o para._n 18_o king_n henrye_n the._n 8._o compare_v unto_o josaphat_n 3._o reg_fw-la 19_o 4._o reg_fw-la 10._o eccl._n 49._o 4._o reg_fw-la 23._o 2._o par._n 34._o eccle._n 49._o 2._o cor_fw-la 13._o joan._n 1._o lucae_n 3._o math._n 28._o marci_n 6._o roma_fw-it 1._o 1._o pet._n 4._o prover._n 9_o ●_o cor._n 2._o apoc._n 9_o math._n 12._o 2._o thes_n 2._o 2._o thes_n 2._o esa_n 11._o gala._n 5._o apoc._n 13._o marci_n 3._o joan._n 19_o a_o right_a descripcy_n on_o of_o boner_n out_o of_o the_o apoc_n the_o work_n of_o a_o right_a antichrist_n dirt_n dawber_n of_o ●roken_a babylon_n the_o promoter_n of_o idolatry_n boners_n declaracyon_n be_v a_o massage_n from_o satan_n a_o new_a professyon_n to_o antichrist_n eccle._n 15._o herem_n 2._o 1._o joan._n 4._o 1._o thes_n 5._o joan._n 5._o pro._n 30._o esa_n 52._o osee_n 10._o math._n 7._o jewyshe_a rite_n not_o yet_o abolysh_v colo._n 2._o lucae_n 17._o gala._n 4._o the_o papist_n look_v for_o christ_n with_o the_o jew_n and_o hypocrite_n 1._o cor._n 6._o joan._n ●_o joan._n 15._o 1._o cor._n 3._o hebr._n 5._o antichrist_n look_v still_o to_o regne_fw-la i_fw-it the_o conscience_n all_o this_o be_v still_o to_o ma_fw-fr ynteyne_v there_o vain_a glory_n the_o captyvyte_n of_o conscience_n pass_v all_o other_o ezech._n 13._o lucae_n 16._o sopho._n 3._o prove_v 11._o psal_n 37._o math._n 19_o lucae_n 18._o colo._n 2._o prover._n 1._o esa_n 3._o sap_n 13._o eccle._n 29._o rom._n 8._o 1._o tim._n 4._o pro._n 16._o 2._o tim._n 4._o 2._o pet._n 2._o subject_n be_v mennebecome_v unto_o idol_n dani._n 14_o zacha._n 11._o ezech._n 34_o osee_n 11._o sopho._n 1._o math._n 23._o apoc._n 13._o 1._o cor._n 6._o ephe._n 5._o apo._n 21._o lucae_n 23._o joan._n 7._o act._n 24._o here._n 3._o apo._n 17._o math._n 10._o joan._n 15._o marci_n 13._o mathr_n 5._o joan._n 13._o lucae_n 6._o 1._o cor._n 6._o joan._n 15._o math._n 5._o lucae_n 6._o esa_n 61._o 1._o pet._n 3._o luce._n 13._o math._n 19_o gal._n 6._o calepin_n ▪_o 9_o perottus_fw-la et_fw-la ●re●to_fw-la nus_fw-la all_o super_fw-la stycyouse_a beleve_v add_v mytt_n the_o papist_n never_o repent_v they_o the●_n mischief_n act._n 7._o apoc._n 2._o math._n 23._o 1._o thes_n 2._o rom._n 16._o act._n 17._o joan._n 16._o act._n 9_o phil._n 2._o lucae_n 21._o joan._n 15._o 1._o