The difference between the old and new covenant stated and explained with an exposition of the covenant of grace in the principal concernments of it / by Samuel Petto ...
Petto, Samuel, 1624?-1711.
Wing P1896; ESTC R31110
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Annotations upon the remaining historicall part of the Old Testament. The second part. to wit, the books of Joshua, Judges, the two books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, and the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther : wherein first, all such passages in the text are explained as were thought likely to be questioned by any reader of ordinary capacity : secondly, in many clauses those things are discovered which are needfull and usefull to be known ... and thirdly, many places that mights at first seem to contradict one another are reconciled ... / by Arthur Jackson.
Jackson, Arthur, 1593?-1666.
Wing J65; ESTC R25554
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A continuation of the exposition of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews viz, on the sixth, seventh, eight, ninth, and tenth chapters : wherein together with the explication of the text and context, the priesthood of Christ ... are declared, explained and confirmed : as also, the pleas of the Jews for the continuance and perpetuity of their legal worship, with the doctrine of the principal writers of the Socinians about these things, are examined and disproved / by J. Owen ...
Owen, John, 1616-1683.
Wing O729; ESTC R21737
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The history of the Old Testament methodiz'd according to the order and series of time wherein the several things therein mentioned were transacted ... to which is annex'd a Short history of the Jewish affairs from the end of the Old Testament to the birth of our Saviour : and a map also added of Canaan and the adjacent countries ... / by Samuel Cradock ...
Cradock, Samuel, 1621?-1706.
Wing C6750; ESTC R11566
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Balletts and madrigals to fiue voyces with one to 6. voyces: newly published by Thomas Weelkes.
Weelkes, Thomas, 1575 (ca.)-1623.
STC 25204; ESTC S103041
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Hexapla in Genesin & Exodum: that is, a sixfold commentary upon the two first bookes of Moses, being Genesis and Exodus Wherein these translations are compared together: 1. The Chalde. 2. The Septuagint. 3. The vulgar Latine. 4. Pagnine. 5. Montanus. 6. Iunius. 7. Vatablus. 8. The great English Bible. 9. The Geneva edition. And 10. The Hebrew originall. Together with a sixfold vse of every chapter, shewing 1. The method or argument: 2. The divers readings: 3. The explanation of difficult questions and doubtfull places: 4. The places of doctrine: 5. Places of confutation: 6. Morall observations. In which worke, about three thousand theologicall questions are discussed: above forty authors old and new abridged: and together comprised whatsoever worthy of note, either Mercerus out of the Rabbines, Pererius out of the fathers, or Marloran out of the new writers, have in their learned commentaries collected. By Andrew Willet, minister of the gospell of Iesus Christ.
Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621.; Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. Hexapla in Genesin. aut; Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. Hexapla in Exodum. aut
STC 25685; ESTC S114193
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A compleat history and mystery of the Old and New Testament logically discust and theologically improved : in four volumes ... the like undertaking (in such a manner and method) being never by any author attempted before : yet this is now approved and commended by grave divines, &c. / by Christopher Ness ...
Ness, Christopher, 1621-1705.
Wing N449; ESTC R40047
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