Selected quad for the lemma: authority_n

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authority_n church_n pope_n power_n 9,049 5 5.1690 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A90222 Observations upon the Provinces United. And on the state of France. Written by Sr Thomas Overbury.; Sir Thomas Overbury his observations in his travailes upon the state of the Xvii. Provinces as they stood anno Dom. 1609. Overbury, Thomas, Sir, 1581-1613.; Pass, Simon van de, 1595?-1647, engraver. 1650 (1650) Wing O609; Thomason E1317_4; ESTC R203062 13,450 85

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flat_a and_o betwixt_o meadow_n and_o marsh_n thence_o it_o begin_v to_o rise_v and_o become_v champion_n and_o consequent_o the_o people_n be_v more_o quick_a and_o spiritful_a as_o the_o brabanter_n fleming_n and_o wallon_n the_o most_o remarkable_a place_n in_o that_o side_n be_v antwerp_n which_o rise_v upon_o the_o fall_n or_o bruges_n equal_o strong_a and_o beautiful_a remain_v yet_o so_o upon_o the_o strength_n of_o its_o former_a greatness_n twice_o spoil_v by_o the_o spaniard_n and_o the_o like_v attempt_v by_o the_o french_a the_o citadel_n be_v build_v there_o by_o the_o duke_n of_o alva_n but_o renew_v by_o the_o prince_n of_o parma_n after_o his_o 18_o month_n besiege_v it_o the_o town_n accept_v a_o castle_n rather_o than_o a_o garrison_n to_o mingle_v among_o they_o there_o be_v yet_o in_o the_o town_n of_o citizen_n 30000_o fight_v man_n 600_o of_o which_o keep_v watch_n nightly_a but_o they_o allow_v neither_o canon_n upon_o the_o rampire_n nor_o magazine_n of_o powder_n in_o the_o castle_n be_v 200_o piece_n of_o ordnance_n and_o common_o seven_o or_o eight_o hundred_o soldier_n flanders_n be_v the_o best_a of_o the_o seventeen_o province_n but_o the_o havens_n thereof_o be_v naught_o observation_n on_o the_o state_n of_o france_z have_v see_v the_o form_n of_o a_o commonwealth_n and_o a_o province_n with_o the_o different_a effect_n of_o war_n in_o they_o i_o enter_v france_n flourish_v with_o peace_n and_o of_o monarchy_n the_o most_o absolute_a because_o the_o king_n there_o not_o only_o make_v peace_n and_o war_n call_n and_o dissolve_v parliament_n pardon_v naturalize_v innoble_v name_n the_o value_n of_o money_n press_v to_o the_o war_n but_o even_o make_v law_n and_o impose_v tax_n at_o his_o pleasure_n and_o all_o this_o he_o do_v alone_o for_o as_o for_o that_o form_n that_o his_o edict_n must_v be_v authorize_v by_o the_o next_o court_n of_o parliament_n that_o be_v the_o next_o court_n of_o sovereign_a justice_n first_o the_o precedent_n thereof_o be_v to_o be_v choose_v by_o he_o and_o to_o be_v put_v out_o by_o he_o and_o second_o when_o they_o concur_v not_o with_o the_o king_n he_o pass_v any_o thing_n without_o they_o as_o he_o do_v the_o last_o edict_n for_o the_o protestant_n and_o for_o the_o assembly_n of_o the_o three_o estate_n it_o be_v grow_v now_o almost_o as_o extraordinary_a as_o a_o general_a council_n with_o the_o loss_n of_o which_o their_o liberty_n fall_v and_o when_o occasion_n urge_v it_o be_v possible_a for_o the_o king_n to_o procure_v that_o all_o those_o that_o shall_v be_v send_v thither_o shall_v be_v his_o instrument_n for_o the_o duke_n of_o guise_n effect_v as_o much_o at_o the_o assembly_n of_o bloys_n the_o occasion_n that_o first_o procure_v the_o king_n that_o supremacy_n that_o his_o edict_n shall_v be_v law_n be_v the_o last_o invasion_n of_o the_o english_a for_o at_o that_o time_n they_o possess_v two_o part_n of_o france_n the_o three_o estate_n can_v not_o assemble_v whereupon_o they_o do_v then_o grant_v that_o power_n unto_o charles_n the_o seven_o during_o the_o war._n and_o that_o which_o make_v it_o easy_a for_o lewis_n the_o eleven_o and_o his_o successor_n to_o continue_v the_o same_o the_o occasion_n cease_v be_v that_o the_o clergy_n and_o gentry_n do_v not_o run_v the_o same_o fortune_n with_o the_o people_n there_o as_o in_o england_n for_o most_o of_o the_o tax_n fall_v only_o upon_o the_o people_n the_o clergy_n and_o gentrey_n be_v forbear_v be_v easy_o induce_v to_o leave_v they_o to_o the_o king_n mercy_n but_o the_o king_n have_v get_v strength_n upon_o the_o peasant_n have_v be_v since_o the_o bold_a to_o invade_v part_n of_o both_o their_o liberty_n for_o the_o succession_n of_o this_o monarchy_n it_o have_v subsist_v without_o intermission_n these_o 1200_o year_n under_o three_o race_n of_o king_n no_o nation_n have_v heretofore_o do_v great_a thing_n abroad_o in_o palestine_n and_o egypt_n beside_o all_o part_n of_o europe_n but_o for_o these_o last_o forty_o year_n they_o have_v only_o make_v sally_n into_o italy_n and_o often_o suffer_v at_o home_n three_o hundred_o year_n the_o english_a afflict_a they_o make_v two_o firm_a invasion_n upon_o they_o and_o take_v their_o king_n prisoner_n the_o second_o greatness_n of_o christendom_n next_o the_o emperor_n be_v then_o in_o competition_n betwixt_o we_o and_o they_o and_o to_o secure_v themselves_o against_o we_o rather_o than_o the_o house_n of_o austria_n as_o it_o then_o stand_v they_o choose_v to_o marry_v the_o heir_n of_o bretaigne_n before_o that_o of_o burgundy_n and_o for_o this_o last_o hundred_o year_n the_o spaniard_n undertake_v they_o have_v eat_v they_o out_o of_o all_o but_o france_n and_o endanger_v that_o too_o but_o for_o this_o present_a france_n have_v never_o as_o france_n a_o more_o entire_a greatness_n though_o it_o have_v often_o be_v rich_o for_o since_o the_o war_n the_o king_n be_v only_o get_v aforehand_o the_o country_n be_v but_o yet_o in_o recover_v the_o war_n have_v last_v by_o space_n 32_o year_n and_o so_o general_o that_o no_o man_n but_o have_v a_o enemy_n within_o three_o mile_n and_o so_o the_o country_n become_v frontier_n all_o over_o now_o that_o which_o have_v make_v they_o at_o this_o time_n so_o large_o great_a at_o home_n be_v their_o adopt_v into_o themselves_o the_o lesser_a adjoin_a nation_n without_o destruction_n or_o leave_v any_o mark_n of_o strangeness_n upon_o they_o as_o the_o breton_n gascoignes_n provincall_n and_o other_o which_o be_v not_o french_a towards_o the_o which_o union_n their_o nature_n which_o be_v easy_a and_o harbourous_a to_o stranger_n have_v do_v more_o than_o any_o law_n can_v have_v effect_v but_o with_o long_a time_n the_o king_n as_o i_o say_v enjoy_v what_o lewis_n the_o eleven_o do_v gain_v have_v the_o entire_a sovereignty_n in_o himself_o because_o he_o can_v make_v the_o parliament_n do_v what_o he_o please_v or_o else_o do_v what_o he_o please_v without_o they_o for_o the_o other_o three_o estate_n the_o church_n be_v there_o very_o rich_a be_v estimate_v to_o enjoy_v the_o three_o part_n of_o the_o revenue_n of_o france_n but_o otherwise_o nothing_o so_o potent_a as_o elsewhere_o partly_o because_o the_o inquisition_n be_v not_o admit_v in_o france_n but_o principal_o because_o the_o pope_n ordinary_a power_n be_v much_o restrain_v there_o by_o the_o liberty_n which_o the_o french_a church_n claim_v which_o liberty_n do_v not_o so_o much_o enfranchize_v the_o church_n itself_o as_o confer_v the_o authority_n the_o pope_n lose_v upon_o the_o king_n as_o first_o fruit_n and_o the_o dispose_n of_o all_o spiritual_a preferment_n and_o by_o reason_n of_o this_o neutrality_n of_o authority_n the_o church_n man_n suffer_v more_o there_o then_o either_o in_o england_n where_o they_o whole_o depend_v upon_o the_o king_n or_o in_o spain_n and_o italy_n where_o they_o whole_o subsist_v by_o the_o pope_n because_o the_o pope_n be_v not_o able_a total_o to_o support_v they_o and_o the_o king_n take_v occasion_n ever_o to_o suppress_v they_o as_o be_v not_o entire_o his_o subject_n and_o to_o he_o they_o pay_v yearly_a both_o the_o ten_o of_o all_o their_o tithe_n and_o of_o all_o their_o temporal_a land_n the_o gentry_n be_v the_o only_a entire_a body_n there_o which_o participate_v with_o the_o prerogative_n of_o the_o crown_n for_o from_o it_o they_o receive_v privilege_n above_o all_o other_o man_n and_o a_o kind_n of_o limit_a regality_n upon_o their_o tenant_n beside_o real_a supply_n to_o their_o estate_n by_o government_n and_o pension_n and_o freedom_n from_o tally_n upon_o their_o own_o land_n that_o be_v upon_o their_o domain_n and_o whatsoever_o else_o they_o manure_v by_o their_o servant_n but_o so_o much_o as_o they_o let_v to_o tenant_n be_v present_o tallie-able_a which_o cause_v proportionable_a abatement_n in_o the_o rent_n and_o in_o recompense_n of_o this_o they_o owe_v the_o king_n the_o ban_n and_o the_o arriereban_n that_o be_v to_o serve_v he_o and_o his_o lieutenant_n 3_o month_n within_o the_o land_n at_o their_o own_o charge_n and_o as_o in_o war_n they_o undergo_v the_o great_a part_n of_o the_o danger_n then_o be_v their_o power_n peremptory_a above_o the_o rest_n whereas_o in_o time_n of_o peace_n the_o king_n be_v ready_a to_o support_v inferior_a person_n against_o they_o and_o be_v glad_a to_o see_v they_o to_o waste_v one_o another_o by_o contention_n in_o law_n for_o fear_v they_o grow_v rich_a because_o he_o foresee_v that_o as_o the_o nobility_n only_o can_v do_v he_o service_n so_o they_o only_o misapply_v can_v do_v he_o harm_v the_o ancient_a gentry_n of_o france_n be_v most_o of_o it_o consume_v in_o the_o war_n of_o godfrey_n of_o boulogne_n and_o some_o in_o those_o of_o saint_n lewis_n because_o upon_o their_o set_n out_o they_o pawn_v all_o their_o