Tag Archives: distributional semantics

Dr Kris Heylen at the Humanities Research Institute, Sheffield

Learning with Leuven: Kris Heylen’s visit to the HRI

In 2016, Dr Kris Heylen (KU Leuven) spent a week in Sheffield as a HRI Visiting Fellow, demonstrating techniques for studying change in “lexical concepts” and encouraging the Linguistic DNA team to articulate the distinctive features of the “discursive concept”.

Earlier this month, the Linguistic DNA project hosted Dr Kris Heylen of KU Leuven as a visiting fellow (funded by the HRI Visiting European Fellow scheme). Kris is a member of the Quantitative Lexicology and Variational Linguistics (QLVL) research group at KU Leuven, which has conducted unique research into the significance of how words cooccur across different ‘windows’ of text (reported by Seth in an earlier blogpost). Within his role, Kris has had a particular focus on the value of visualisation as a means to explore cooccurrence data and it was this expertise from which the Linguistic DNA project wished to learn.

Kris and his colleagues have worked extensively on how concepts are expressed in language, with case studies in both Dutch and English, drawing on data from the 1990s and 2000s. This approach is broadly sympathetic to our work in Linguistic DNA, though we take an interest in a higher level of conceptual manifestation (“discursive concepts”), whereas the Leuven team are interested in so-called “lexical concepts”.

In an open lecture on Tracking Conceptual Change, Kris gave two examples of how the Leuven techniques (under the umbrella of “distributional semantics”) can be applied to show variation in language use, according to context (e.g. types of newspaper) and over time. A first case study explored the notion of a ‘person with an immigration background’ looking at how this was expressed in high and low brow Dutch-language newspapers in the period from 1999 to 2005. The investigation began with the word allochtoon, and identified (through vector analysis) migrant as the nearest synonym in use. Querying the newspaper data across time exposed the seasonality of media discourse about immigration (high in spring and autumn, low during parliamentary breaks or holidays). It was also possible to document a decrease in ‘market share’ of allochtoon compared with migrant, and—using hierarchical cluster analysis—to show how each term was distributed across different areas of discourse (comparing discussion of legal and labour-market issues, for example). A second comparison examined adjectives of ‘positive evaluation’, using the Corpus of Historical American English (COHA, 1860-present). Organising each year’s data as a scatter plot in semantic space, the path of an adjective could be traced in relation to others—moving closer to or apart from similar words. The path of terrific from ‘frightening’ to ‘great’ provided a vivid example of change through the 1950s and 1960s.

During his visit, Kris explored some of the first outputs from the Linguistic DNA processor, material printed in the British Isles (or in English) in two years, 1649 and 1699, transcribed for the Text Creation Partnership, and further processed with the MorphAdorner tool developed by Martin Mueller and Philip Burns at NorthWestern. Having run this through additional processes developed at Leuven, Kris led a workshop for Sheffield postgraduate and early career researchers and members of the LDNA team in which we learned different techniques for visualising the distribution of heretics and schismatics in the seventeenth-century.

The lecture audience and workshop participants were drawn from fields including English Literature, History, Computer Science, East Asian Studies, and the School of Languages and Cultures. Prompted partly by the distribution of the Linguistic DNA team (located in Sussex and Glasgow as well as Sheffield), both lecture and workshop were livestreamed over the internet, extending our audiences to Birmingham, Bradford, and Cambridge. We’re exceedingly grateful for the technical support that made this possible.

Time was also set aside to discuss the potential for future collaboration with Kris and others at Leuven, including participation of the QLVL team in LDNA’s next methodological workshop (University of Sussex, September 2016) and other opportunities to build on our complementary fields of expertise.


Dr Kris Heylen: Tracking Conceptual Change

In February 2016, Linguistic DNA hosted Dr Kris Heylen as an HRI Visiting Fellow, strengthening our links with KU Leuven’s Quantitative Lexicology and Variational Linguistics research group. This post outlines the scheduled public events.

Next week, the Linguistic DNA project welcomes visiting scholar–and HRI Visiting European FellowDr Kris Heylen of KU Leuven.  

About Kris:

Kris is a researcher based in KU Leuven’s Quantitative Lexicology and Variational Linguistics research group. His research focuses on the statistical modelling of lexical semantics and lexical variation, and more specifically the introduction of distributional semantic models into lexicological research. Next to his fundamental research on lexical semantics, he has also a strong interest in exploring the use of quantitative, corpus-based methods in applied linguistic research with projects in legal translation, vocabulary learning and medical terminology.

During his stay in Sheffield, Kris will be working alongside the Linguistic DNA team, playing with some of our data, and sharing his experience of visualizing semantic change across time, as well as talking about future research collaborations with others on campus. There will be several opportunities for others to meet with Kris and hear about his work, including a lecture and workshop (details below). Both events are free to attend.

Lecture: 3 March

On Thursday 3rd March at 5pm, Kris will give an open lecture entitled:

Tracking Conceptual Change:
A Visualization of Diachronic Distributional Semantics

ABSTRACT (Kris writes):

In this talk, I will present an overview of statistical and corpus-based studies of lexical variation and semantic change, carried out at the research group Quantitative Lexicology and Variational Linguistics (QLVL) in recent years. As a starting point, I’ll take the framework developed in Geeraerts et. al. (1994) to describe the interaction between concepts’ variable lexical expression (onomasiology) and lexemes’ variable meaning (semasiology). Next, I will discuss how we adapted distributional semantic models, as originally developed in computational linguistics (see Turney and Pantel 2010 for an overview), to the linguistic analysis of lexical variation and change.

With two case studies, one on the concept of immigrant in Dutch and one on positive evaluative adjectives in English  (great, superb, terrific, etc.), I’ll illustrate how we have used visualisation techniques to investigate diachronic change in both the construal and the lexical expression of concepts.

All are welcome to attend this guest lecture which takes place at the Humanities Research Institute (34 Gell Street).  It is also possible to come for dinner after the lecture, though places may be limited and those interested are asked to get in touch with Linguistic DNA beforehand (by Tuesday 1st February).


Workshop: 7 March

On Monday 7th March, Kris will run an open workshop on visualizing language, sharing his own experiments with Linguistic DNA data. Participation is open to students and staff, but numbers are limited and advance registration is required. To find out more, please email Linguistic DNA (deadline: 4pm, Friday 4th March). Those at the University of Sheffield can reserve a place at the workshop using Doodle Poll.

Anyone who would like the opportunity to meet with Kris to discuss research collaborations should get in touch with him via Linguistic DNA as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made.

A Theoretical Background to Distributional Methods (pt. 2 of 2)


In the previous post, I presented the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of distributional methods in corpus semantics. In this post, I touch on the practical background that has shaped these methods.

Means of analysis

The emergence of contemporary distributional methods occurs alongside the emergence of Statistical Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the 1990s. Statistical NLP relies on probabilistic methods to represent language, annotate terms in texts, or perform a number of additional tasks such as topic identification or information retrieval. By analysing what actually happens in huge numbers of texts, statistical NLP researchers not only describe naturally occurring language, but also model it and make predictions about it. Corpus semantics is crucially linked to that intellectual development in applied science; specifically, contemporary work with proximity measures and distributional methods in corpus semantics often employs the same computational tools and techniques employed in statistical NLP. The tools are shared, and the underlying stance is shared that a statistical and probabilistic account of language is meaningful. Arguably, other fields in the social sciences (such as psychology), and in the life sciences (such as evolutionary biology), have also been shaped by the rise in statistical and probabilistic methods of representation. Such methods represent an epistemology (and perhaps a discourse) that affects the types of knowledge that are sought and the types of observations that are made in a field.

Other links: Psycholinguistics and Discourse Analysis

The theoretical perspectives outlined above also link corpus semantics, proximity measures, and distributional methods to a larger theoretical framework that includes psycholinguistics and discourse analysis. Frequency of words in use, and frequency of co-occurrence in use, are hypothesised as crucial in human learning and processing of lexical semantics. In very general terms, if we hear or read a word frequently, we’re likely to learn that word more readily and once we’ve learned it, we’re likely to mentally process it more quickly. As noted above, corpora contain valuable frequency data for words in use in specific contexts. Today, corpora are often used as a counterpoint or complement to psycholinguistic research, and many researchers have attempted to model psycholinguistic processes using computational processes including distributional semantics.

There has been a tremendous rise recently in discourse analysis using corpora, and its roots go back at least as far as Sinclair and Stubbs. Discourse analysis itself emerges largely from continental philosophical traditions, particularly Foucault’s definition of discourses as ‘practices which systematically form the objects of which they speak’. These practices are often linguistic, and are studied via linguistic acts, language in use in particular contexts. Such research connects the ontology of language as use with the ontology of meaning as encompassing all of the real-world contexts, topics, etc., that surround a term or a set of terms in use. Corpora allow researchers to ask: ‘Given that speakers or writers are discussing a given term, what other terms do the speakers or writers also discuss, and how do such discussions (as practices or acts) define the objects of which they speak?’

In conclusion

In order to make sense of proximity measures and distributional methods, it is important to grasp the underlying practicalities outlined above, and the broader theoretical framework to which these methods relate (discussed in a previous post). The idea that a word is known by the company it keeps is by no means an a priori fact, but is premised on a framework of linguistics that developed during the 20th century in relation to concurrent developments in philosophy, technology, and the sciences in general.

A theoretical background to distributional methods (pt. 1 of 2)


When discussing proximity data and distributional methods in corpus semantics, it is common for linguists to refer to Firth’s famous “dictum”, ‘you shall know a word by the company it keeps!’ In this post, I look a bit more closely at the theoretical traditions from which this approach to semantics in contexts of use has arisen, and the theoretical links between this approach and other current work in linguistics. (For a synopsis of proximity data and distributional methods, see previous posts here, here, and here.)

Language as Use

Proximity data and distributional evidence can only be observed in records of language use, like corpora. The idea of investigating language in use reflects an ontology of language—the idea that language is language in use. If that basic definition is accepted, then the linguist’s job is to investigate language in use, and corpora constitute an excellent source of concrete evidence for language in use in specific contexts. This prospect is central to perhaps the greatest rift in 20th century linguistics: between, on the one hand, generative linguists who argued against evidence of use (as a distraction from the mental system of language), and, on the other hand, most other linguists, including those in pragmatics, sociolinguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, and corpus linguistics, who see language in use as the central object of study.

Dirk Geeraerts, in Theories of Lexical Semantics, provides a useful, concise summary of the theoretical background to distributional semantics using corpora. Explicitly, a valuation of language in use can be traced through the work of linguistic anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowsky, who argued in the 1930s that language should only be investigated, and could only be understood, in contexts of use. Malinowsky was an influence on Firth, who in turn influenced the next generation of British corpus linguists, including Michael Halliday and John Sinclair. Firth himself was already arguing in the 1930s that ‘the complete meaning of a word is always contextual, and no study of meaning apart from context can be taken seriously’. Just a bit later, Wittgenstein famously asserted in Philosophical Investigations that linguistic meaning is inseparable from use, an assertion quoted by Firth, and echoed by the the philosopher of language John Austin, who was seminal in the development of linguistic pragmatics. Austin approached language as speech acts, instances of use in complex, real-world contexts, that could only be understood as such. The focus on language in use can subsequently be seen throughout later 20th-century developments in the fields of pragmatics and corpus research, as well as in sociolinguistics. Thus, some of the early theoretical work that facilitated the rise of corpus linguistics, and distributional methods, can first be seen in the spheres of philosophy and even anthropology.

Meaning as Contingent, Meaning as Encyclopedic

In order to argue that lexical co-occurrence in use is a source of information about meaning, we must also accept a particular definition of meaning. Traditionally, it was argued that there is a neat distinction between constant meaning and contingent meaning. Constant meaning was viewed as the meaning related to the word itself, while contingent meaning was viewed as not related to the word itself, but instead related to broader contexts of use, including the surrounding words, the medium of communication, real-world knowledge, connotations, implications, and so on. Contingent meaning was by definition contributed by context; context is exactly what is examined in proximity measures and distributional methods. So distributional methods are today generally employed to investigate semantics, but they are in fact used to investigate an element of meaning that was often not traditionally considered the central element of semantics, but instead a peripheral element.

In relation to this emphasis on contingent meaning, corpus linguistics has developed alongside the theory of encyclopedic semantics. In encyclopedic semantics, it is argued that there is any dividing line between constant and contingent meaning is arbitrary. Thus, corpus semanticists who use proximity measures and distributional approaches do not often argue that they are investigating contingent meaning. Instead, they may argue that they are investigating semantics, and that semantics in its contemporary (encyclopedic) sense is a much broader thing than in its more traditional sense.

Distributional methods therefore represent not only an ontology of language as use, but also an ontology of semantics as including what was traditionally known as contingent meaning.

To be continued…

Having discussed the theoretical and philosophical underpinnings of distributional methods here, I will go on to discuss the practical background of these methods in the next blog post.

Distributional Semantics II: What does distribution tell us about semantic relations?

Distributional Semantics II: What does distribution tell us about semantic relations?

In a previous post, I outlined a range of meanings that have been discussed in conjunction with distributional analysis. The Linguistic DNA team is assessing what exactly it can determine about semantics based on distributional analysis: from encyclopaedic meaning to specific semantic relations. In my opinion, the idea that distributional data indicates ‘semantics’ has generally been a relatively vague one: what exactly about ‘semantics’ is indicated? In this post, I’d like to clarify what distribution can tell us about semantic relations in particular, including synonymy, hyponymy, and co-hyponymy.

In the Natural Language Processing (NLP) sphere, numerous studies have tested the effectiveness of distributional data in identifying semantic relations. Turney and Pantel (2010) provide a useful survey of such studies, many of which involve machine learning, and computer performance on synonymy tests including those found on English language exams. Examples of success on synonymy tests have employed windows of anything from +/-4 words up to +/-150 words, but such studies tend not to test various approaches against each other, and they rarely dissect the notion of synonymy, much less co-hyponymy or other semantic relations.

Only a few studies have tested distributional methods as indicators of specific semantic relations. The Quantitative Lexicology and Variational Linguistics (QLVL) team at KU Leuven has addressed this problem in several papers. For example, Peirsman et al. (2007) looked at evidence for synonymy, hyponymy, and co-hyponymy in proximity data for Dutch. (A hyponym is a word whose meaning is a member of a larger category – for example, a crow and a robin are both types of bird, so crow and robin are both hyponyms of bird, and crow and robin are co-hyponyms of each other, but they are not synonyms of each other). Peirsman et al. looked at raw proximity measures as well as proximity measures that incorporate syntactic dependency information. Their findings demonstrate that in Dutch, synonymy and hyponymy are more readily indicated by proximity analyses that include syntactic dependency. On the other hand, they show that co-hyponymy is most effectively evidenced by raw proximity measures that do not include syntactic information. This finding is a startling result, with fascinating implications for linguistic theory. Why should ignoring syntactic information provide better measures of co-hyponymy? Might English be similar? How about Early Modern English?

I think it is important to note that in Peirsman et al. (ibid.), 6.3% of words that share similar distributional characteristics with a given word, or node, are synonyms with that node, and 4.0% are hyponyms of that node. Put differently, about 94% of words identified by distributional analysis aren’t synonyms, and round 70% of the words elicited in these measures are not semantically related to the node at all. Experienced corpus semanticists will not be surprised by this. But what happens to the majority of words, which aren’t related in any clear way? A computer algorithm will output all significant co-occurrences. Often, the co-occurrences that are not intuitively meaningful are quietly ignored by the researcher. It seems to me that if we are going to ignore such outputs, we must do so explicitly and with complete transparency. But this raises bigger questions: If we trust our methods, why should we ignore counterintuitive outputs? Or are these methods valuable simply as reproducible heuristics? I would argue that we should be transparent about our perspective on our own methods.

Also from QLVL, Heylen et al. (2008a) tests which types of syntactic dependency relations are most effective at indicating synonymy in Dutch nouns, and finds that Subject and Object relations most consistently indicate synonymy, but that adjective modification can give the best (though less consistent) indication of synonymy. In fact, adjective modification can be even better than a combined method using adjective modification and Subject/Object relations. Again, the findings are startling, and fascinating—why would the consideration of Subject/Object relations actually hinder the effective use of adjective modification as evidence of synonymy? The answer is not entirely clear. In a comparable study, Van der Plas and Bouma (2005) found Direct Object relations and adjective modification to be the most effective relations in identifying synonymy in Dutch. Unlike Heylen et al.’s (2008a) findings, Van der Plas and Bouma (2005) found that combining dependency relations improved synonym identification.

Is proximity data more effective in determining the semantics of highly frequent words? Heylen et al. (2008b) showed that in Dutch, high frequency nouns are more likely to collocate within +/-3 words with nouns that have a close semantic similarity, in particular synonyms and hyponyms. Low frequency nouns are less likely to do so. In addition, in Dutch, syntactic information is the best route to identifying synonymy and hyponymy overall, but raw proximity information is in fact slightly better at retrieving synonyms for medium-frequency nouns. This finding, then, elaborates on the finding in Peirsman et al. (2007; above).

How about word class? Peirsman et al. (2008) suggest, among other things, that in Dutch, a window of +/-2 words best identifies semantic similarity for nouns, while +/-4 to 7 words is most effective for verbs.

For Linguistic DNA, it is important to know exactly what we can and can’t expect to determine based on distributional analysis. We plan to employ distributional analysis using a range of proximity windows as well as syntactic information. The team will continue to report on this question as we move forward.

*Castle Arenberg, in the photo above, is part of KU Leuven, home of QLVL and many of the studies cited in this post. (Credit: Juhanson. Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.)


Heylen, Kris; Peirsman, Yves; Geeraerts, Dirk. 2008a. Automatic synonymy extraction: A Comparison of Syntactic Context Models. In Verberne, Suzan; van Halteren, Hans; Coppen, Peter-Arno (eds), Computational linguistics in the Netherlands 2007. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 101-16.

Heylen, Kris; Peirsman, Yves; Geeraerts, Dirk; Speelman, Dirk. 2008b. Modelling word similarity: An evaluation of automatic synonymy extraction algorithms. In: Calzolari, Nicoletta; Choukri, Khalid; Maegaard, Bente; Mariani, Joseph; Odjik, Jan; Piperidis, Stelios; Tapias, Daniel (eds), Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation. Marrakech: European Language Resources Association, 3243-49.

Peirsman, Yves; Heylen, Kris; Speelman, Dirk. 2007. Finding semantically related words in Dutch. Co-occurrences versus syntactic contexts. In Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Contextual Information in Semantic Space Models: Beyond Words and Documents, 9-16.

Peirsman, Yves; Heylen, Kris; Geeraerts, Dirk. 2008. Size matters: tight and loose context definitions in English word space models. In Proceedings of the ESSLLI Workshop on Distributional Lexical Semantics, 34-41.

Turney, Peter D. and Patrick Pantel. 2010. From Frequency to Meaning: Vector Space Models of Semantics. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 37, 141-188.

van der Plas, Lonneke and Gosse Bouma. 2005. Syntactic Contexts for finding Semantically Similar Words. In Proceedings of CLIN 04.

Distributional Semantics I: What might distribution tell us about word meaning?


Distributional Semantics I: What might distribution tell us about word meaning?

In a previous post, I asked ‘What is the link between corpus data showing lexical usage, on the one hand, and lexical semantics or concepts, on the other?’ In this post, I’d like to forward that discussion by addressing one component of it: how we observe lexical semantics (or word meaning) via distributional data in texts. That is, how do we know what we know about semantics from distributional data?

Linguists use proximity data from corpora to analyse everything from social implications of discourse, to politeness in pragmatics, to synonymy and hyponymy. Such data is also used by researchers in statistical natural language processing (NLP) for information retrieval, topic identification, and machine learning, among other things. Different researchers tend to use such data towards different ends: for some NLP researchers, it is enough to engineer a tool that produces satisfactory outputs, regardless of its implications for linguistic theory. For sociolinguists and discourse analysts, the process is often one of identifying social or behavioural trends as represented in language use (cf. Baker et al. 2013, Baker 2006). Despite the popularity of studies into meaning and corpora, the question of precisely what sorts of meaning can or can’t be indicated by such data remains remarkably under-discussed.

So, what aspects of meaning, and of word meaning in particular, might be indicated by proximity data?

Many introductory books on corpus semantics would seem to suggest that if you want to know what kinds of word meaning can be indicated by proximity data and distributional patterns, examining a list of co-occurring words, or words that occur in similar contexts, is a good start. Often, the next step (according to the same books) is to look closely at the words in context, and then to perform a statistical analysis on the set of co-occurrences. The problem arises in the last step. All too often, the results are interpreted impressionistically: which significant co-occurrences are readily interpretable in relation to your research questions? You may see some fascinating and impressive things, or you may not, and it’s too easy to disregard outputs that don’t seem relevant on the surface.

An operation like that described above lacks rigour in multiple ways. To disregard outputs that aren’t obviously relevant is to ignore what is likely to be some of the most valuable information in any corpus study (or in any scientific experiment). In addition, the method skips the important step of accounting for the precise elements of meaning in question, and how (or indeed whether) those elements might be observed in the outputs.

In Early Modern English, an analysis of proximity data might (hypothetically) show a significant similarity between the terms abode and residence. Such pairs are straightforward and exciting: we can readily see that we have automatically identified near-synonyms.

Often, researchers are looking to identify synonymy. But that’s not all: researchers might also be after hyponymy, co-hyponymy, antonymy, meronymy, auto-hyponymy, polysemy, or conceptual or discursive relations). In addition, as Geeraerts (2010: 178) points out, we might want to find out specific details about what a noun referent looks like, for example. Can we retrieve any of that information (reliably or consistently) from distributional data, i.e. from co-occurrences in texts?

Examples like abode and residence aren’t the norm. We also see examples like build and residence. What is the meaning relation here? Action and undergoer? A conceptual field related to building residences? Something else entirely?

And what about other pairs of terms with no clear semantic relation whatsoever? Do we disregard them? Impressionistically, it’s easy to pick out the instances of synonymy, or even relationships like Action/Undergoer or Agent/Patient, and to ignore the huge number of semantically unrelated collocates (or collocates with less obvious relations). But that’s not a terribly rigorous method.

By definition, we know that in proximity data, we are observing words that co-occur. Which leaves us to test what kinds of semantic relations are actually indicated, quantitatively, by co-occurrence. This moves us from the vague statement that words are known by the company they keep, towards a scientific account of the relationship between co-occurrence and semantic relations. In the next post (coming soon), I report on exactly that.


Baker, P. (2006) Using Corpora in Discourse Analysis. London: Continuum.

Baker, P. Gabrielatos, C. and McEnery. T. (2013) Discourse Analysis and Media Attitudes: The Representation of Islam in the British Press. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Geeraerts, Dirk. 2010. Theories of Lexical Semantics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.